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The Art of Appreciation

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, or some good deed, or some good individual. It is as ancient as the Creator Frequency. The Creator expressed appreciation for all that came into Being. The companionship and sense of joy this Great Cause felt when It was no longer alone is represented in minuscule form by humans who show appreciation for the wondrous gifts that appear within the life stream.

Appreciation walks hand in hand with love, honor, gratitude, delight. It is composed of these separate qualities and, like them, must be expressed. When you appreciate life, you appreciate God’s role in creating circumstances that make you feel good.

When you appreciate all that you receive – the good because it feels good, the bad because you learn something about your self, and the ugly because you are “not that,” you call Great Beings of Light into service, for these are as drawn to the energy of appreciation as a moth to the flame.

Appreciation allows you to express yourself wordlessly and in joy. Appreciation raises you up, like a lighthouse beckoning the ship to shore. There is no lack in appreciation, for appreciation flows thru enlightenment. By this we mean, it is an enlightened soul that appreciates All That Is.

The dark forces do not appreciate – not themselves, not their servants, and certainly not their God. In fact, the most telling vibration separating the Appreciator from the Gross is the fact that the Appreciator expands and enhances life experience thru the attractive properties contained within that which appreciates Life’s many glorious and uplifting gifts.

We encourage you to appreciate your selves and each other. When you appreciate your experience you raise yourselves above the temptations that readily assail when you are flat, or non-engaged.

Gentleness, kindness, consideration, helpfulness, and love are very powerful energies. While some may mistake them for not having the power and force exhibited by anger, frustration, rage, and violence – in a strange and wondrous way these quieter, less volatile vibrations last longer, flow deeper, and ALWAYS win the day.

Patience, though we have not listed it among the above “great vibrations” is the greatest of them all. Can you imagine for one moment the great patience that has been exhibited for billions of years by the Creative Frequencies who look eagerly for signs of life that can be expanded, enhanced, raised up? Can you imagine what patience exists in First Cause, who permits all, knows all, loves all, and waits . . . and waits . . . and waits for you to turn away from the husks of outer reality to the great vistas within?

“Wait on the LORD: be of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the LORD. ” Notice the need for courage in order for patience to express. Far from being a wishy-washy attribute of Deity, patience is one of the great attributes. A favorite saying from Edgar Cayce is “In patience possess ye your soul.”

Indeed! It is so!

To quote yet another favorite “Let go and let God.” As you turn away from human expression and invoke God expression in your world, you recognize the need for Appreciation, Patience, Strength, Courage, and Allowing.

As you set aside your need to interfere with what is planned for, hoped for, called for, you wake up one morning and lo! It is there – usually in a far more complete and perfect form than you imagined.

Appreciate your Self! This act alone brings gifts of love, life and wealth into your daily experience.

As the Abraham Collective might say “Inhabit the positive and experience the positive in your reality.

Appreciate yourselves.”