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Drunvalo Says Dec. 21, 2012 is really Dec. 21, 2003 (Helen Engel)

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listening to. But what's clear is that, if it is accurate to readjust the Gregorian calendar downward by nine years (and I think it is), then the time we are now living through is no ordinary moment in history.

One last point. Sometimes people think that when December 21, 2012, is reached, the world will end or abruptively change forever. But I have spoken with the Mayan elder and shaman/priest Hunbatz Men, and with Don Pablo, who is the Mayan people's elected spokesperson, and they both agree that December 2003 will mark the end of a very long cycle, not the overnight emergence of a new world.

Realistically, it seems probable that the change we're anticipating began about 100 years ago, and that it will continue for some time in the future. In other words, the shift is not going to be an abrupt event.

The Harmonic Concordance and Lightness of Heart

I have been following the Hopi and Mayan predictions and studying ancient Egyptian knowledge for most of my life. And I feel that the time has now come to talk about why Lightness of Heart is essential for moving into the higher worlds. Let me relate this understanding in as few words as possible.

Like the worldwide shift itself, Lightness of Heart is not something that happens abruptly or automatically. It is achieved only over a long period of time and many, many lifetimes. But if you are ready, you will understand what I am saying, and the change will begin within you. If it does not, there is nothing to do but continue working toward this goal.

When we enter into the higher dimensions - the "Fifth Sun" of the Mayans or the "Fifth World" of the Native Americans - the thoughts, feelings, emotions words, and actions that radiate outward from us become powerful waveforms that manifest directly as the outer reality. We will create our reality directly by who we are.

If we radiate fear, then we will create a reality of fear. If we radiate love, then we will create a reality of love.

And if this is true, then it becomes obvious why our inner state of consciousness is immensely important to our experience in these higher worlds.

Lightness of Heart is a state of being that is achieved by non-attachment. And that is achieved by an inner realization that all of Creation is whole, complete, and perfect, just exactly as it is in this moment. There is nothing to do and nowhere to go!

Another way of saying it is this: When one knows that God is present at each moment of life, and that God is whole, complete, and perfect, then, and only then, can this state of non-attachment be realized.

Once this state of non-attachment is realized, Lightness of Heart follows automatically. And when we have reached Lightness of Heart, we have nothing more to gain or lose in life. In this state, we are one with God, and our lives become part of the Sea of Lives that is the matrix of Creation.

You can do this. Let go of the stress. Let go of the worry. Realize that God lives within you and all around you. And know that whatever you emit from the inside of your being will become the external world you live in and experience.

After November 8 - 9, 2003, I believe this fact of life is going to become more and more obvious. Let this New World begin with you.

In love and service,


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