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Rise Above The Problem

By Mary Ann Detzler

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es. Another law is that it is impossible to heal a problem from the same level as that problem. Physics states when we resist or exert energy against (fight) something; we are met with an equal and opposite amount of force, which will maintain that problem or situation. When we push hard against something, we cement that situation and interrupt the natural progressive flow. We are creating instead a conflict line with equal positive and negative energies.

To dissolve or heal a problem situation, a different energy or higher level of power or consciousness is necessary. My husband often counsels, "Make it okay to have a broken marriage or a lost job." By that he is saying make peace with the problem's existence so you can gather your energy back from fighting the issue and to launch yourself in a new direction. Until you let go of the emotional struggle of the broken marriage or lost job, you have no energy to even believe there can be a new direction, life, relationship or prosperity. We all know and can agree that spiritual energy or our spirit is the highest, most powerful and the fastest working energy, because we are extensions of God/Spirit/Source.

You and I are reflections of the great "I Am that I AM." Since God is Love; our spirits are the most powerful when we are loving. The lowest energy part of us is the physical or material body. This is the slowest and weakest rate of vibration. However, there are 2 or 3 other levels of energy between these extremes. In Venezuela and on their TV, I taught the hierarchy of our beingness or our energy levels and how that works.

Here it is outlined for you.

When we wish to heal or affect the lowest level or physical body (or even our pets, possessions, prosperity), we must utilize at least the next higher level of our vibration, which is the emotional level. Neuroimmunology has proved that our emotions affect our whole body. When we become afraid (an emotion) that someone or something can or will harm us, the blood vessels and muscles constrict, circulation labors, enzymes and hormones are created and released more slowly.

A return to peace, love and joyful emotions rejuvenates the body and returns the physical to a normal healthy flow of all fluids with faster rebuilding and repair toward wholeness. Our emotions are the product of our beliefs and the persistent thoughts we hold in mind. The mental level of beingness is the subsequent higher level of energy. Beliefs are just well established concepts from repeated long-term thoughts often also emotionally charged. Biofeedback is a mental method to teach anyone to control their thought habits and thus the emotional reactions to lessen or eliminate headaches, tension, and addictions and reprogram our mind to healthier thought patterns.

This will affect a person's emotional and physical well being. Therefore, to heal or correct emotional problems, we need to at least use the next higher level - the mental or even the next and highest energy level-our spiritual connection with Source. When we conceive and believe we are spiritual beings - powerful and eternal, we can change any mental problems. We must know we are more than and not identify self with our thoughts/mind, emotions and physical body.

The "I" behind the mind can change the thoughts, which can change the emotions. I can change my physical habits and I can affect/direct the very cells of my body. The highest level of your energy is your spirit always one with the ONE great power. This is your eternal perfect nature. You are an expression of Perfect Love, God energy. There is no time or space in Spirit so this is where "miracles" happen. You can learn to lift your consciousness into the spiritual vibrations forever present as wholeness, peace, and love. To become aware of your ability to command, direct or change any of your energy levels, practice the following healing exercise:

Meditative Thought

I have a body but I am not my body. My body can heal. I have emotions; I am not my emotions. I can choose to be happy. I have thoughts and beliefs, but I am not my thoughts or beliefs. I can think new thoughts and discard old beliefs. I am an eternal spiritual being, the power behind the mind. I am one with creative Spirit. I am one with Divine Love. I Am!

Mary Ann Detzler

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