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Friends of Ashtar: The Dolphins!

By Eberhard Forster - Translated by Volkmar Eckard

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p>The Channeling of the dolphins:

"This is a channeling of the dolphines of the earth and the dolphines of other planets, where they also live on. This is a non-linear channeling, because the dolphines do not speak the language of the humans on earth neither the languages of humans of other planets. Therefore this channeling is very difficult and up to now unique on earth in this kind. We thank Eberhard very much for this very difficult project.


The Life of the dolphines is different than the lifes of the humans. Dolphines are living beings like You and like all on earth with intelligence and with a very high feeling of the own value, like it is with You humans of the earth. They are inferior to You in very less degree, than You may think. Because we dolphines are beings with a soul, which is very similar to Yours and there are many dolphins, which already have been incarnated as humans, like several beings of Your world, we mean several humans aready have discerned or intuitively know. Therefore You should not look at us as just animals, as You often do. But animals also are beings with a soul and therefore we feel ourselves as animals, or better to say, we feel ourselves very close connected to the animals. You should do this either, because You too are something like animals in the eyes of some other planetary beings, because You have not yet developed the whole comprehensive spiritual skills of Your souls, like we ourselves have already, and therefore You are standing more close to the animals than a number of highly developed humans on other planets. Therefore You should not make such a big difference between animals and humans and You should look at us dolphins as beings of high value, which represent the intermediate limb between animals and humans, this is, what we think. Because we are the same souls like You, as such we like to be respected.


We are very high developed beings or humans of the oceans, like Eberhard wrote in one of hit internet-sides. And we also read You internet out of the conscious awareness of other humans, and so we also know the very good internet-side of Eberhard, refferring to us dolphins [was compelled to be shut down recently] which has pervaded us with much joy. But this side too, only explains a part of us, and also is not enough adequate significant, like nothing is in Your world. Because of that we are very happy, that now we can explaine something and more about us. And that makes us happy, that Eberhard is so well succeeding in doing this nonlinear channelings, like You humans of the earth are saying. We like to tell You, that we are setting great hope into You, that You change Your behaviour against us in future, in the close future we mean and we hope, that You treat us dolphines better and respect us, much better we mean. Because we become affronted and harmed by You very massively, as example at Your fishing, where we often get into the nets and die a miserable dead, when we cannot get air to breathe, stay under water and die so miserably and peg out in a horrible way, like You say. That we are telling You with great sadness and we also are aware on Eberhard's great sadness and shock on this words. We like to tell You, that we want bring You back to sanity, with Your kind of aktivity, by disappearing from the earth, if You are not precipitating great changes very very quick.


Eberhard already got familiar with us in the astral world and on a planet in the system Alpha Pictoris, like You name it, meant in the astral dimension when he made a spiritual visit there, and he had tried to communicate with us under very big difficulties. You will also be able to do this on earth, if You have become telepatic and come out on the sea with boats or dive down to us into the ocean. Then You may contact us in a telepatic way and share with us. That would make joy to everyone of us. But there are bad beings among us too, which have suffered very massively under Your treatments, and which have lost again their heart centre, that we too have, and the most of us already have activated long long ago. Therefore You should not necessarily expect love from all of us dolphines. But You will be able to understand this and we hope that these deplorable creatures can be touched by us and healed, through Your activating of heart, which we have learned with much joy, and which's love-rays we already got aware of. But this is a very much more difficult procedure, than it is with You, and we must hope on Your help and the help of other civilizations in the universe in future.


Because we also like to become part of the Galactic Federation as beings of entire value, like You are, and we barely are behind You in spiritual capacity and we hope, that we all will find together and together struggle more strongly for world improvements, what we do in this contact presently.


We read in the thoughts of Eberhard, how difficult this way will be to achieve, because Eberhard too is astonished about this our wish, and yet is thinking like a not high enlightened human, in spite of loving us, and very much struggles to care for us. But we will watch the effects of these channelings in the heart of You humans. Therefore we like to tell You something very beautiful, what is the wish of Eberhard, zu move You humans into Your heart. And that is a very good idey of him. Because we all are very emotive beings or humans, and we like to tell You that we send greetings to all of You, who like to develop good relations with us like Eberhard, and look on us like beings or humans with entire value, and like to wish You health, fortune and well being. We all have pledged to leave this earth, if You dont get back into sanity, and treat us good and much better, and if You not see us as beings with full entire value.


That is, what we liked to tell You. You have not left much time yet. Much less then Eberhard is thinking just now. But after You have achieved Your heart activation in the near times of future, when it is achieved around the earth, You will have left enough time to change Your behaviour und to think about it totally new. And in this we hope, that You will incorporate a totally new relation with us. And Eberhard too thinks, this would be very good, and this is a big joy to us all. We are wishing You a good Start into the new age of the mankind, and we wish to be thereby, to participate and share in these new time, together with You all."


This channeling of the dolphines has been channeled by Eberhard Förster through nonlinear language of thought and is dedicated to all humans on the earth. It may be distributed freely, without changes, and may be published, and should be brought to knowledge to all people, which activities could have influence on the well being of the dolphines. I am saying thanks to Ariella and Matian out of the spiritual hierarchies of the earth, and also to all dolphines involved in this channeling.

Eberhard Förster

------end of translation of Volkmar Eckardt------


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For every beauty there is an eye somewhere to see it.

For every truth there is an ear somewhere to hear it.

For every love there is a heart somewhere to receive it.
