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The Rat Master

By Rod Remelin

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become a daily ritual of self medication, becoming evermore numb, so as to ease the shame for having taken part in and assisting the currently countless forms and devices of fraud.

In the course of what constitutes daily activities and the affairs of the many, there is a restless feeling of bothersome urges, plaguing the mind with this uncertainty and that one, only to start the entire process over again upon rising the next day; I suspect it has been so for eons of time, this time and place no different from any others.

Layer upon layer of seeming endless labyrinths have been designed and built for man, to keep him as a rat in a maze, so that whatever course he might finish, another awaits , somehow different , needing to be negotiating all over again. One might ponder that for this to have been the case for so long that mankind would have eventually awoken, thereby able to see clearly such mindless and pointless running here and there about himself, as a result electing to redirect his attention and efforts in taking control of his direction. For scant few this has happened but for the many, still desperate to finish the maze, there is no indication of any other thoughts but those requiring the working out of which turn to make, the end being it's own reward and backtracking the punishment.

The God of this world is the Rat Master, having passed himself off as all knowing, seeing and infinitely concerned with the health of your soul, he has managed over the course of time, to convince the many, that the maze is their only place for refuge, and that to think other, relegates one to the outback of the uncertain and unknown.

Rod Remelin
