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Time For Prayers

By Yanna Amrito

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the consciousness of the planet. The Earth herself is dictating this--she is telling us to WAKE UP and stop hurting ourselves and her by not being in our power. She is urging to stand up and say 'NO' to the Slave-drivers and step out of the role of the victim/victimizer archetype. We must step into UNIVERSAL CONSCIOUSNESS NOW! This means MERGING INTO ONE UNIVERSAL COLLECTIVE CONSCIOUSNESS OF LOVE.

Nesara IS about to be announced! That is a given! NESARA is the greatest earthquake that will ever rock this planet---and it will feel pretty intense to those who have stood in the way of a whole world's evolution, for their fortunes and powers are already diminishing by the seconds and about to vanish! Remember: THERE IS MORE OF US THAN THERE ARE OF THEM! WE CAN DO THIS!

WE THE PEOPLE OF LIGHT ARE MORE POWERFUL THAN WE CAN EVEN IMAGINE! Our thoughts and prayers backed by strong EMOTIONs OF INTENTION can change this outcome in one second! Let us come together now---silently, humbly, with TRUE INTENT and link our hearts~minds~souls into one magnificent ball of LOVE so that THE FORCES of LIGHT might be able to do what they must and what is necessary to insure this planets safety and complete transformation.

Like a Bride waiting for the Groom let us have our lamps LIGHTED---and ourselves READY AND STEADY on the mark!!! THE BEST IS YET TO COME! BE=LIVE IT!!!!!!!!!!

Many Blessings and LOVE AND GRATITUDE to you all.


