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Welcome to the New Earth Circle (Music : "Prayer of St-Francis" by James Twyman)

(Music : "Prayer of St-Francis" by James Twyman)

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Dear one, you are not here by accident ...

Will you assist us in creating the biggest shift of consciousness our world has ever experienced ... ?

- Patrick Brusselaars -

The New Earth Circle is a wonderful service to humanity and to Mother Earth. The Spiritual Light Realms are calling on all souls to join their energies. Here's how it works : On a planetary level, an intensified, healing Force Field will be generated to assist the Earth and all its inhabitants in the process of inner-healing and elevation to a higher Dimension. Every spiritual soul intuitively knows that we energetically are all connected to one another ('one mind, one heart'). In this CONNECTION lies the seed for transformation of the Heart. If enough people can bundle their heart-energies, the earth will be bathed in a gigantic field of Light. Then, miracles of positive change start happening all over the world ...

Our beautiful planet Earth has a tremendous need for our Love, our Light and Sense of Unity to do her cleansing job and to transform from the inside out. This is the main reason for our existence on Earth and the highest Purpose for which we are prepared ... Every one of us is 'designed' to bring forward unique, healing qualities to create this shift of consciousness.

Still, many beautiful souls on this planet are going through a crisis in these spiritual awakening times. In this process they very often feel 'alone' en deprived of any support (even from 'above'). They struggle day by day, thinking they have to solve their problems 'on their own'. Many light workers know exactly what I mean...

But there's another way of dealing with it. We can SHARE our awakening process with millions of other souls around us. We can be 'plugged in' in a worldwide web (network) of Light and be connected - from heart to heart - to all beings on earth who want the same as we do : manifesting happiness and joy on earth and reinforcing the feeling of UNITY...

The New Earth Circle is a great way to achieve this goal. With the help of a beautiful on-line meditation, a universal 'group-feeling' (all for one, one for all) is generated with an endless potential of healing and transformation. This immense light field of joined hearts will support us as well as the world in many ways and on many levels. We shift from the feeling of isolation to unity and mutual cooperation...

Energy always moves in circles, just like a boomerang-effect. That means that we always receive a multiple equivalent of the energy that we previously transmitted. Being aware of this Universal Principle can change our lives. In that way, our participation in the New Earth Circle does not only affect our environment and other human beings, but also our own life and individual growth. Knowing that thousands of souls and other light beings are supporting us with their energies, we can gently let go in the absolute trust that all is unfolding on the right time and the right place ... We can leave behind the spiritual 'struggle' and step into the FLOW OF LIFE. That's what the New Earth Circle is all about. Together we co-create a 'Synchronized Energy-Field' where everything fits into the Big Picture, falls into place harmoniously and we no longer feel the need to fight for the wonderful things of Life. Actually it is the REMEMBRANCE of who we really are...

In the past there has been many important experiments of group-meditation (James Twyman, transcendental mediation, Peace Prayer, ...) The unique of the New Earth Circle is that it particularly runs through the World Wide Web (Internet). The online-meditation is designed to link up with thousands of souls all over the world on a daily basis. We hope of course that the number of participants wil grow each day. To let that happen, much more people have to know about this service, so they can REGISTER their names to participate . Therefore we hope you will pass the Circle on to others (click here) so the Forcefield of Light can become stronger and stronger... The Energy that will be manifested is always more than the addition sum of all the parts. With every new-comer who joins the Circle, the Light Energy is growing EXPONENTIALLY. To give you an idea :

1 person creates a particular energy field

2 persons create an energy field X 4

10 persons create an energy field X 100

100 persons create an energy field X 10.000

1000 persons create an energy field X 1.000.000

5.000 persons create an energy field X 25.000.000


Imagine what would be the effect if more than ten thousands of people worldwide are connecting their heart-energies to one another and beaming out unconditional love to the world. No one knows... but there is one thing you can know for sure : Mother Earth would be bathing in a giant pool of Light with all its positive consequences. In the book "Tomorrow's God", Neale Donald Walsch reveals the fact that only 4 or 5 % of humanity has to be awakened to reach the critical mass that has the ability to create a quantum-leap in global consciousness. Other teachings state that if - for example - 100 people are joining together to focus their healing energies, this would have a transformational effect on 100² (=10.000) people. To have this kind of impact on the entire world (over 6 billion souls), we would only need + 80.000 people ! We can do this together, with the help of INTERNET ! Therefore, please tell it to all your spiritual friends or the members of your spiritual community. Let them know that we are supporting them in a great way ! Give the New Earth Circle WINGS, so it can fly over the world and do its job in assisting Mother Earth to release the heavy energies of struggle, surviving and pain. The Earth has been suffering enough. She is now ready for a new 'multidimensional' experience. She is ready to become a brilliant star in the Universe ... Are you too ... ?

The New Earth Circle has first launched in the dutch-speaking countries (Belgium, Netherlands, ...) on the 3th of July 2005. Since the 12th of july 2005 the website is also available in the English language.The meditation is even available in 5 different languages. The New Earth Circle has no political or religious affiliations. It's just the creation of a deep longing of all the awakening souls around the world, who feel the 'breath' of a New Earth and want to participate in generating a WAVE of peace, deep under-standing and universal Consciousness all over the world. Everyone - young and old - can join us, without condition ...


* Every day of the week the participants of the New Earth Circle focus their energies (by prayers or invocations...) on one of the 7 items, related to the New Earth, that needs specific healing or transformation. These are the 7 items related to the 7 days in a week.

Sunday ?The UNITY between all people and nations. / worldpeace & harmony on a planetary level ;

Monday ?Special attention to all the CHILDREN of the world (especially the Indigo's, crystals, ...) to support them to be in harmony and to manifest their energies for the New Earth ;

Tuesday ?The PURIFICATION of the Earth and the recovery of nature (vegetation, animal kingdom, minerals...)

Wednesday ?ABUNDANCE for everyone / the elimination of planetary scarcity & restoring the plan of Abundance

Thursday ?Loving attention for all the souls who are leaving the Earth plane and make their TRANSITION to the great beyond. Let's shine a light on them so they find inner peace and continue their evolutionary journey into the Light ... ;

Friday ?CO-OPERATION with your GUIDING ANGEL to feel his/her Love for you and to receive a message or inspiration.

Saturday ?Sending Light and loving intentions to all POLITICAL OFFICIALS and LEADERS of the government to inspire them to make decisions for the highest good and well-being of all world citizens.

* In order to connect as much as possible human beings on a global scale there are 4 possible times of attunement :

10.00 U (10:00 AM)

16.00 U (04:00 PM)

22.00 U (10:00 PM)

04.00 U (04:00 AM)

Attention : This is the timezone for NEW YORK. To know the exact time for your own timezone, please CLICK HERE

* All the Light energies of the participants who joined the Circle on a specific time will be automatically accumulated by the Light Forces and used in a way that is perfect appropriate to what the Earth needs right now. You can trust that !


The worldwide connection with the other participants happens with the help of seven on-line meditations. (It is also possible to do the meditations off-line)These 7 New Earth meditations are JAVA-applications. You need a JAVA-plugin to play the meditations on-line. If you don't have JAVA installed on your computer, you can download it for free on this page. It only takes a few minutes, it's worth it !

( PS. Although the meditations are designed to play online - while you sit in front of your PC -, there's always the possibility to join OFF-LINE. For that purpose you can print the text of the meditation. This can be very interesting in all cases you are not able to use a computer (on a holiday, or in the middle of nature ...

* To join, you can register your name and make an energetic connection with the Healing Force Field of the New Earth Circle. You also connect to the hearts of all the participants...

Come let us tell it with the Wind

that we are all brothers

that there is no need to make things so complicated.

Come, let us dance in the rain,

let us reconcile ourselves with innocence

so that we may feel that

we are all traveling companions,

that common destiny awaits us

that we must go beyond that which keep us apart.

Download here on PDF

'The Lightworker Series'

Messages for the New Earth from Jeshua channeled by Pamela Rose Kribbe (76 pages)

Source :

Let our Love shine a Light

in every corner of the World
