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Mother's Voice EarthHeart Spirit Newsletter May 16, 2004

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discover and appreciate, we simply have not had the eyes pointed in the right direction. Now that we have learned more, we can look in the direction and focus our attention on the amazing gifts we are given.

I am just arriving at that place where I have learned to relax, trust that all has its own perfect timing, and take better care of me and my joy. As egotistical as it sounds, it still makes me giggle with humor that I always thought I had to control things most things- in my life, to stay ahead in my planning and make certain that I followed that plan so "things" would get done. Then I would worry myself because there were so many things that just had to get done.

I can shake my head now at that thinking, but it was very real and stressful when I lived it. Now I know that I am safe and cared for, that all that must be done will be, if not by me then someone else, and that is fine. I know there is time for everything including rest, meditation, quiet for my mind, work, quiet for my soul, playing and having fun, humor, and abundance of every kind. It just comes through no stressful effort; it just comes. What infinite joy that is.

I also know that this is the time when we must live Who We Truly Are and not concern ourselves with what might happen if we do. We must walk our talk, be ourselves, all of our Divine Glory as sons and daughters of the Source Creator without fear, for we are safe, loved, cherished and have all of our needs met instantly. It is up to us and our thinking to create whatever we want.

Isn't that amazing? I feel I must strike others as somewhat childish because I am in a constant state of wonder.

I must also share with you that I have learned to not only allow and accept, but to love and rejoice over those things that I think or feel that are not so wonderful. When I react badly to others or what they have said, when I find myself thinking that someone is doing something "wrong", or when I become frustrated or short. I have learned to love who I am in total. I accept who I truly am, not some image that is perceived as perfect. We know that even the Christ and the Angels showed anger. Why is it we cannot accept that we are of the very same material and not everything we do or think or feel is some sterling magnificence? We do not always find that middle ground of balance between the light and dark. That's OK. We still retain our beauty, our love, our glorious and Divine natures.

How many times must we hear that, "All is as it should be!" before it finally sinks into our heads that all we need do is sit back and enjoy the journey? It's a wondrous journey and we are in the stream with so many other beautiful creations of Our Divine Source to enjoy. Take the moments, the now, of your life to savor the sweetness, the miracles, the wonder and joy that surrounds us. We are blessed beyond measure, of that I am certain.

In love unconditional, Mikala
