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Message from the Star Elders

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r future. Over the last few weeks another vision came and though it didn't seem to have any relation to the others, a series of visions lit up like a string of lights.

In Mexico many years back, I woke up with the story of why the Maya and other South American civilizations were conquered so easily. I was told why Columbus, Montago, Pissaro, Cortez and all the other conquerors were able to take down entire empires with so few men, horses and weapons. Let's face it, how many men and horses could they cram on one of those little ships anyway and not to mention that they were in weakened states of health when they arrived.

We know what the history books say, but this is what the Star Elders share about this time and what it means to us today. "In time and space there are time openings - sort of time rips, or time viruses. Sometimes Earth passes through one, or a series of these openings. When we enter into one of these rare places it is possible for lower dimensions to enter higher ones without doing the necessary preparation or spiritual work. When this happens it imposes a lower nature on to a higher dimension. In order to balance the situation the higher worlds usually fall, and the lower ones gain more power than they know how to handle. This was the case of the Conquistadors and the Americas.

"This vision was also a warning to us at this important time. It was revealed that we will enter a similar time or space. It is important that we finish our spiritual work and purge our negative egos (outside egos) so as not to damage the next dimension with our lower natures. I was shown that we must enter this next world in a state of surrender and allow the next world to be our teacher. In other words, park your egos at the door folks, after all we do not want to become the next Cortez or Columbus while entering into the next phase of the process."

This explains what I've been teaching for years about the efforts of the darkside to use the portals or windows to the Universe that open during the coming ascension process in order to escape not only into other dimensions, but into the very Matrix of Creation Itself. This war is not solely Mankind vs The New World Order, but Creation vs the darkside in every possible way.

The shift spoken of in the following excerpt is the coming ascension process of much of the 3rd dimension back into the higher states of being into the 5th dimension in particular. We have come to the place we have all been waiting for. We are about to embark on the shift of the ages but much work both individually and planet-wide, still needs to be done. Some of the new symptoms we and other healers have been seeing during this lead-up to the shift include: " deep grief and loss of interest in current goals; " loss of sense of self; " heightened Kundalini energy (particularly among the female population); " panic attacks; "heart palpitations; " experiencing dimensional doorways and doorways to the future either by seeing or hearing them, " weird dreams and old visions being rekindled " feelings of restlessness and with a deep need to do SOMETHING - ANYTHING! " unusual visuals in the inner and outer worlds. " electrical disturbances with computers and any other electronic device "meeting soul mates after long and fruitless searches, and ending dis-harmonic relationships that were out of alignment " feeling like one is going to die, or wants to give up. an increased number of family and friends passing away. [Could it be we are dying to the old ways, the old world, letting go of our attachments to this world so we can move on to the next?]
