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Your Word is... ..Well, Er.. You!

David Icke

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We are led to believe that we are victims of circumstance beyond our control and that poor old me is suffering because of what someone else did or didn't do. If only he, she, they, had not acted as they did we would not be in this mess. How could they? How beastly they are.

But however tempting it may be to apportion and externalise blame for our plight, I wonder if it is really justified. After all, the best way to make people powerless is to convince them they are powerless and the most effective way to do that is to sell them the belief that circumstances outside their control are dictating their life experience.

Once we accept that belief we are lambs in the wolf pound because to accept that we have no control is to experience no control. What we believe we perceive and what we perceive we experience.

Let us look at things from a different angle. A few 'what ifs':

What if we are unconsciously attracting into our lives all the people, places and experiences that we think are randomly controlling and influencing our daily experience?

What if we had the power, once this understanding became conscious, to change the people, places and experiences that we don't like?

What if no-one controlled our lives, except ourselves?

That understanding would bring an end to the powerless existence of the vast majority who think that some unseen force or 'god' is handing out 'good luck' and 'bad luck' and thus deciding their fate. Is it any wonder that those who wish to manipulate humanity are desperate for us not to see where the power really lies - with ourselves?

'Believe you have no power and you will believe in me ...'

This is how I see it, and of course make of this what you will:

Everything is vibrating energy in different forms be it a human body, flower, rain shower, location or experience. And like-vibration attracts like-vibration through what I have called 'vibrational magnetism'.

I should stress that I am not talking about two people having a like-vibration in their entirety, like energetic twins. Within the human field are endless sub-fields which express different elements of our 'whole'. Most of these are hidden from the conscious mind.

We may consciously know that we are frightened or flying or spiders, but there will be endless other underlying fears or traits held in the subconscious that we are not aware of and all of these come into the energetic vibrational mix. Each one has the potential to 'lock in' magnetically to their vibrational 'role-mate' and attract an aircraft, spider or whatever.

I would say that there are four major ways that we create our daily lives. We attract the people, places and experiences that mirror our own vibrational fields because:

1.  We need to put ourselves in our own face so we can remove the fears and perceptions that are holding us in limitation and mental and emotional servitude.

2.  We carry pre-programmed vibrational patterns so we attract the people and experiences that will lead us along our pre-chosen path - say, as an example, uncovering the force that manipulates this 'world'.

3.  We allow manipulated beliefs to infiltrate our sense of reality and thus attract the same experienced reality. This is how we are manipulated into victim mode and the mind-prisons of religion, politics, race, and so on, by accepting the implantation of belief.

4.  What we give out in how we act we get back in consequences for those actions - cause and effect.

Together, this vibrational cocktail manifests as what we call our 'life'. So while it seems much easier just to blame everyone and everything else for what is happening to us, the truth is, I would suggest, that the 'culprit', though that is not the right term, is staring back at us in the bathroom mirror.

'So it was you all along ...'

To acknowledge this is to consciously take control of our lives by realising that if we change what we are putting out (a vibrational version of our inner self) we will change what we are pulling in (daily experience).

This is the revelation that the global manipulators are so desperate to keep from us, for it is the key to the door marked 'infinite possibility'.

Everything is vibrating energy that we decode into holographic 'physical' reality and to understand the nature of experience we need to keep that constantly in mind. You may see a 'car', but what it is beyond the decoded hologram is vibrating energy, the same with your partner, mother, father, boss, iPod or coffee table.

And energy not only attracts energy of sympathetic vibration, it affects energy in the same way that radio stations closely matched on the dial interfere with each other. This explains so many 'coincidences' that we put down to bad luck.

When I was a teenager and in my early 20s I was going through some serious emotional challenges (so what's new?) and I had a series of cars in this period that all suffered from the same problem - overheating.

Was it simply some staggering coincidence that four cars of different makes and different ages all had knackered radiators and cooling systems? No, no. My overheating emotional (vibrational) field had affected its 'role-mate', the vibrational field known as the cooling system. My overheating had been transferred to the vehicles which were, on an energy level, just an extension of me while I was driving them.

A few years ago a friend called to say she was in a real bad emotional state and she was driving up to see me and a few others that she knew. Half an hour later came another call - she was stuck on the motorway because her car had ... overheated.

'Just when I'm really ticked off this has to happen.'

I have never been keen on authority, but there was a time in the 1980s when I became especially antagonistic, not in a way that was outwardly expressed, but within myself. I would see people in uniform, like traffic cops, and my skin would bristle. In this same period I was constantly stopped by the police in my car for vehicle checks or document checks to the point where I had to go to the same police station three times in two weeks to show them my driving documents that I wasn't carrying when the police stopped me.

What was it about me? I thought. Why didn't they stop the guy behind or the woman in front? Vibrational attraction, that's why. When I relaxed my inner-state, my 'attitude', the police left me alone and I have never been stopped since.

How many times when we are in a rush to get somewhere do we hit a traffic hold up? How many times does the learner driver on his first lesson pull out in front of us or some other delay happen when we are chasing the clock? None of this is just bad luck, it is vibrational attraction - fear of being late, anxiety about not being on time, once again attracts its 'role-mate' ... people and events that make us late.

'Just my luck.'

When we relax and accept that what is, is, and we'll get there when we get there, we tend to sail through to the destination because our inner blocks are not creating outer ones. We flow, so the journey flows, because the journey is an energetic extension of us.

Someone who sees themselves as 'little me' will have a life in which nothing exciting happens because in their reality this only happens to other people - so it does. Their energy field is not in a vibrational state that syncs magnetically with anything exiting because it is the vibrational equivalent of a yawn.

A friend often complains that the weather is always windy and the sea rough whenever she has to travel by boat. What is her greatest fear? Travelling on boats in rough seas. I was sitting in a pub with another friend this week who can't stand spiders. What happened? Two spiders crawled on the table.

We need to attract and face what we fear because fear equals limitation and we are infinite consciousness - all possibility. How can we fully express that if we are limited in any way?

It is the same with people we attract. You don't like someone you are with? So what is it about you, or what you need to observe or learn, that made you attract them and not someone you would like to be with?

When we acknowledge what that is, the vibrational field that did the attracting is transformed by the realisation and you cease to attract that sort of person - energy field. How many times do we attract into our lives the same kind of people over and over? This is how and why.

There is the documented story of the man in Hawaii who cleared almost an entire psychiatric ward full of violent patients after he realised that they were all a reflection of something in him. The ward was eventually closed due to lack of patients and yet he had not directly treated anyone. He merely went through their files and worked on those expressions of him that the patients were reflecting. When he healed himself he healed them because one was a projection of the other.

So are the Illuminati who seek to control - limit - human understanding a reflection of something in the human collective mind? Oh yes. Whatever it is, a sense of limitation, a fear of being controlled, or a combination of many things, they could not exist in our experience if we didn't create or attract them or if they did not attract us.

I may be in a minority of one on this, but I say there are no actual laws of physics - only a collective sense of limitation that manifests as apparent laws of physics. If experienced reality is created by perception of reality then a belief in limitation must manifest 'laws' of limitation, otherwise that belief could not be experienced.

For example, if you believe that if you walk through fire you will burn your feet you will burn your feet in line with the 'laws of physics'. But if you open your consciousness to a greater understanding - if you release some sense of limitation - then the same 'laws of physics' do not apply and you can do a fire-walk without getting burned.

Laws of physics are merely a mirror of our sense of limitation. If we believe in the illusion of limitation we have to manifest the illusion of limitation - laws that say 'can't be done'. When our sense of limitation disappears, so do they, as with fire-walking.

Why do some people get killed in freak accidents in apparently safe and protected situations and others 'miraculously' survive an explosion that kills everyone else. It is to do with the law of attraction within the human energy field that comprises of multi-vibrational patterns connected to belief, fear and life-path - most of them buried in the subconscious.

I should add some provisos to all this in that there are some things that won't change if you have planned to experience them. This is where I differ fundamentally from the documentary called The Secret which deals with the law of magnetic attraction.

If you have a pre-arranged life path that includes experiencing poverty for whatever reason you are not going to be rich until that cycle has worked through no matter how many pictures of dollar bills or Ferraris that you pin to the wall to aid your visualisation of abundance.

I guess the best advice is that line about changing what you can and accepting what you can't and having the wisdom to know the difference. Or even better there are the words that were given to me through a psychic lady nearly 20 years ago:

'True love does not always give the receiver what it would like to receive, but it will always give that which is best for it. So welcome everything you receive whether you like it or not. Ponder on anything you do not like and see if you can see why it was necessary. Acceptance will then be very much easier.'

So, in summary: whatever the cause of a manifestation in our lives, be it fear, belief, cause-and-effect or pre-planned experience, there is only one place to look to find the reason and the answer. Now, where did I put that mirror?