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Patrick Fitzgerald Is Not Santa Claus

Candace Frieze

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e indeed Masters yourself, and have you made some mistakes on this planet. This planet is the "Harvard" of our Universe, and it is necessary to make mistakes on this place, for the learning to come from it. You have mastered easier planets. This is a grade upwards, a huge challenge. I came from a "cushy" 8D planet, Myrua. My six trips on Earth have been for learning the experience of "uncushyness."

That somehow being a Master means one has reached perfection, is nonsense, for there is no such thing as complete perfection. There is only the perfection that is constantly in place, the place that all are, who are working on Ascension. One is in the perfect place for them at the time. The Master accepts the idea that all is as it should be at any one point, event those points which seem so very imperfect. However, this acceptance does not mean that one quits trying to make improvements, or drops out, because to do so would put the breaks on one's continuing Ascension. It would be to become stagnant.

Yesterday, those of you who watched Patrick Fitzgerald in his conference, saw a Master in action, in front of a strange and different group of journalists than we normally see. The persons were not different, but the attitude was. There has been much Internet blitz recently, suggesting from 21 to 28 indictments coming. Exactly one indictment was posted by Patrick at this time. Some of you are very pleased with this, seeing the house of cards starting to fall, and it is.

Others were confused somewhat, not necessarily aware of the blitz above, but expecting Karl Rove, or maybe Cheney to be indicted, or something more to show that Iraq was well planned by deception. You sought proof of the deception and did not find it, other than Scooter Libby being indicted and resigning for obstruction of justice, perjury, and lying to a Grand Jury. But no knowledge of who really created the crime under investigation for two years. This is the obstruction part, understand.

And still others were totally dismayed, saddened and angered beyond comprehension for a period of time. I have a lot of email today, demanding just what is going on, based on dashed expectations of one sort or another.

And then there are those, either CIA or influenced by the game they play that happily wrote stuff along the lines of "NESARA is down the tubes once again. It never existed. Guess I get back to my booze bottle, glug glug."

First, I will go to my observations of the conference that I watched in its entirety and took a few notes on. Fitzgerald was smooth, composed, and refused to be pushed into anything that would cause harm to the on going investigation. A sly smile frequently throughout was upon his face. He made a bit of fun at the hoopla that has built up about all of this, and Iraq, and stating at one point that the reporters had created all this hoopla, all by themselves. Following him around everywhere, making something big and huge out of every movement, every place he went, everyone he was seen with since coming to Washington, and speculating away. And so did the Internet folks. And we watched the hoopla on TV all this week. And then stuck with his exactly one indictment.

This was a sealed Grand Jury. He gave them many kudos for remaining secret. So where did all the stuff about 21 indictments come from? Well, I do think there are many in the making in progress, but it is not to be told just what is going on. There has to be an element of secrecy, because our BBB&G’s have the best of lawyers out there, who understand how to help them bail out of every situation, and engage in "damage control."

Maybe the Internet hoopla was a planned part of all of this, to draw awareness, but the story of 21 indictments did not come from the Grand Jury, or at least, we truly hope not, because they would have stepped out of their bounds and possibly destroyed everything to be obtained from the process. But from the hoopla, I assume on all bases in the public press, and on the Internet sites that suggested it, that Washington is a bit scared. It showed on Mr. Bush's face when he left for Camp David, for once this guy did not have his chimpanzee smirk upon his face. It was mean looking, more true to his real countenance.

What I observed, in great glee, I might add, was Mr. Fitzgerald setting up a little chaos. There were reporters in that audience, who were expecting him to hang out the top man in the indictments, probably Cheney, and also to confirm the deception behind the Iraq War. And he did neither.

I watched many astonished faces, and listened to many perplexed questions. They had come to expect that Patrick Fitzgerald would be Santa Claus for them! They had come to expect he would do the work, that they should have done starting by the end of the first day of 911. Not the next day, the same day.

They should have reported that this looked like a demolition, especially after Building 7 fell that day. There should have been, "What in the hell is going on here." There should have been the question of just why that building fell, with only a few ordinary fires on it. You can't prepare a building for demolition that rapidly.

There should have been a focus on the people that said there was no American Airlines jet that hit the Second Tower. There should have been an investigation into the firemen and policemen who observed and reported and discussed many strange occurrences of that day, like explosions significantly prior to the fall of the buildings. Later, they should have asked why the debris was so hot, for so long. Dogs got burned and much rescue work was hampered by the heat. Surely the jet fuel had long been consumed.

But they didn't ask that, at least not publicly. Were they scared, yes I suspect so. We some too shocked or too unobservant to look for the many missing details? Yes, that could be so, as most of America remains fooled and not asking to this day. Were some directly working as BBB&G’s to create cover-up? Yes, big time.

Were there many who really need their jobs, and can't afford to come of their box and do the right thing? Yes, and most common. We have a successful matrix on this planet, and every one of you who has written me these many months now, still continue to complain that you are alone and have no one around you that will see the light you wish to shine on them. That would include me. I have made some new friendships, including some in my city, that help me through this issue.

There are reporters out there, who do want the truth of Iraq exposed. They understand this easier than 911. Exposing Iraq, the deception used to go to war will lead back to 911, because 911 was created to get people to accept our country going to war, a massive deception indeed. Face it my friends, America is not ready for NESARA. All of you can probably count on less than one hand the people you encounter every day that have some degree of awareness, or are at least receptive to considering something different.

But back to the reporters, and chaos. I saw angry faces, confused faces. I saw one reporter on CNN a short period later, his face absolutely livid, bright red, intense anger in his eyes. All because Fitzgerald was not Santa Claus. He did not do what they themselves were responsible for doing, a long time ago.

This person I have never been sure about on CNN, whether he plays the games of deception by choice, or by not being able to step into a masters shoes. I think I saw him "real" yesterday. He, like so many others, would rather another do the hard work.

There are many reporters who would like to see truth, but they will not do it, and they are the ones that are going to be pushed, screaming all the way, into doing what they must do, what is their responsibility to the American public. So are the military being pushed to do the right thing also. I think one of Jess Anthony's messages with Monjoronson stated that this will be done under strict Constitutional Laws. I think it was also said through him, that there was a great deal of spiritual pressure being applied to the planet.

Spiritual pressure is not about lighting candles, and going around saying I am a light worker. It is about doing the hard and right, and honest work. It is about courage, and our press is very sadly lacking on that issue. So are our military and our politicians.

We stated in one of the messages that there is a killing spree going on, and that military brass have fought against one another. This is true. The dark have been harming those they are not sure to trust. There are good military, who want to do the right thing, and some battles have occurred, but still the right thing has not been done. All military even at the lowest level, promise to defend our Constitution, and they do not. Either they haven't a clue where they are being lead, or they do, but don't stand up. They get hurt if they do.

And we do need some help from the sky folks that are here. But the help right now, is in the pressure being applied. Pressure to do the right thing. It is a time of great testing for those that we expect to uphold the integrity of our country, mostly the military, the politicians, and the press. They have failed miserably. But the pressure continues, because its graduation time, the grades are being passed out.

This is what is meant by the "adjudication of the age" that we are leaving, spoken of in Urantia, and other sources. This is the judgment, and spiritual pressure is being heavily applied, because if one can't stand up and do the right thing, one does not graduate to 5D, period. This is the waiting, and all of us are having some testing at this time. Spiritual testing. Time to forget the candles, and do the work. Many clerics are soon to be tested also, who lead their flocks into the rapture idea. All of us on the planet will face some final exams over the coming times.

So understand, in your impatience and anger, that all is in perfection of the moment. This must be done. And you know what, some are going to find their feet, and their courage and do the right thing. Patrick Fitzgerald skillfully turned up the heat, put on the screws, and told them, in essence, it is time to stop the hoopla and do the right thing. It is time to stand in their shoes.

He is doing the right thing. He is upholding the laws, many of which are not necessarily the best, often written to benefit the beast. But he will make the beast fall under the burden of its own laws. He is saying, they are not above the law they created. By their laws, so shall they go down. He is keeping the secrecy of investigation that the law requires, the secrecy they wrote into the law to cover their own rears and illegal activities.

This CIA should, at some point, go down the tubes. Much of the covert protected actions of the CIA are for illegal agendas. But by their own standards, so shall they fall. And it is necessary to keep the dark, in the dark. We can't afford to give them clues. Except the hoopla did help accomplish that end. They are scared. They are scared, because Patrick Fitzgerald did not play Santa Claus, and this made some people very angry. And in their anger, they might just step up and do the right thing.

I am seeing this on CNN a bit already, in addition to the display of the angry reporter I noted above. I saw a lady, taking the place of Anderson Cooper last night, actually confront a man, who was saying that Joe Wilson is the one at fault in all of this. It was Joe Wilson, who caused his wife's outing in the first place, by daring to publish an op ed piece in a major newspaper! This is a huge counter game by the BBB&G’s right now. And the same news paper today, continues to give out little hints and a bit of hoopla, but does not stand up and do the right thing. It is doing what little it does, hoping to cover its rear during the coming chaos. I hope Americans will wonder just why the White House needs "Damage Control."

Chaos? Ouch! We are seeing increasing messages from here and there, about the coming chaos. Yes, indeed, wonderful great chaos is coming our way. People will not change unless chaos causes them to do so. They are in general more comfortable leaving a stagnant unchallenging life, awaiting their time for Jesus to take them away to heaven. Chaos is important in the change to a higher vibration. It produces in fact the higher vibration, when all is said and done.

Chaos causes change and growth. One of the reasons we have a drug problem in our youth, is not only from poor conditions. Many are not poor for that matter. It is the lack of challenge, and the lack of wanting to face challenge. It is easier to dope up and drop out. A common problem in stagnant societies everywhere on many planets. It is a sign that something needs to occur, a challenge. Of course, our BBB&G’s take advantage of this, it is profitable to them to do so.

We who call ourselves light workers, masters, whatever the term, doing our ascension thing, are called to the planet to create chaos, as this will bring in the very much desired stage of Light and Life. Be not afraid of it. Courage is a strong mark of Godhood, and you do not ascend without a good dose of it.

Life evolves on a planet out of the courage to do so. Out of the desire to survive in harsh conditions. Planets are still a bit harsh when they are seeded with life. And life itself makes life hard in the journey. Ascension goes on forever. It is never ending. Our planet is not finished yet, by a long shot. This is but one of many ascensions, past and present, future and long delayed.

Welcome what Patrick Fitzgerald did yesterday, because he chose not to be Santa Claus. Earth is in misery, always wants another to save it. We have the rapture theory, we do have Santa Claus every Christmas, another "saving" of a sort, it saves the commercial structure in the USA. It is time, it has been said many a time already, we are the masters, and messiahs we have been waiting for.

It is time to stop whining about the NESARA delays, and see the chaos coming as a gift. Watch your favorite news show, and see the press start to squirm. Watch for squirming everywhere. Bush and Company is finally squirming. Your family and friends will squirm as they confront outmoded and useless belief systems. You will squirm a bit as you step into your own shoes. I have squirmed a bunch myself since starting this particular journey last January. Squirming seems to have been a life long specialty of mine, it has produced my coming out of many boxes.

I spent the last two weeks squirming and shaking my fist at my favorite sky God, who hangs over my house almost every night in the Phoenix. I fussed too about the delays, and I was angry about those around me who still have their heads in the ground. How dearly I want to awaken them, and I will soon, or else it seems. We must face that we will not be able to awaken some. Some are simply very young souls who just aren't ready yet. Others are older souls, not willing to do the right thing. It is the time of judgment, not by a wrathful God, but by a loving Creator of a Universe, who says, Thou shall graduate only when thy has learned the lessons at hand. No silver platters here.

I often ask Christ Michael about something I have learned, about its truth or wanting more detail. Many of my questions are around just how a Universe works, how ascension works, what in the blank is going on. I get some answers, and then he pulls on the reigns, saying, nope, I get to do the struggle. This is what struggle is. It is not meant that you must be in starvation, it is meant that you must strive for yourself to come out of your starvation, which can mean literally the need for food, or the need for knowledge. Incarnation provides the laboratory of learning, and this is such an important teaching. We must experience for our knowledge. This is life, ever ascending.

Christ Michael has striven himself over the long time since he moved into Salvington, the capital of Nebadon 300 billion years ago. Puts a new perspective on "eternity" does it not? And some choose to not take the eternal journey, they find the striving not worth it, they succumb to fear. But to take it, you are not to be given the silver platter, it is usually abused when this happens. Experience says it does not work.

The reporters, in their anger and confusion yesterday, wanted the silver platter. They wanted someone else to do their work. Why did they chose this work, if they did not intend to uphold its holy purpose? The same goes for the military and our politicians. This can and should be holy work, even the military can do holy work, and it fact, now as never before is the time to do it. They must choose a new right thing to do, the old supposed right thing of going along with the system or acting out of fear is no longer the right thing.

We have a Galactic Federation that has still had to make use of military, and politics. Politics should be a holy work. Christ Michael's personal way of working the planet is often through the political process. Reading the Phoenix Journals will show that. He gave daily updates on the political situation around the world.

I want to suggest something today, that all of us ought to consider putting a little spiritual pressure on our press and our politicians. We ought to look at ways, and carry them out to encourage and push them into finding the right thing. We should not be accepting this wrong behavior, this often corrupt behavior. By our acceptance, we become part of the problem.

Some of you have the www. 911 party kit they mailed to you. Maybe a suggestion would be to try to find some local media people, or politicians, and push them to look at the material. Challenge them to do the right thing. I have discovered email does not work, either it goes unanswered, or I get back an answer telling me I am full of shit, excuse the word, but we have all been there in how others look at us. Do consider working with another, Two Or More In My Name. Share the rejection or the acceptance that may follow. Maybe you can awaken one person of importance in your community as things begin to occur.

I think it is getting closer to the time to create more chaos in those around us, and of course be prepared to support them when they do get to look at our whole corrupt system of government, our corrupt military, our corrupt media, and our many other corrupt institutions. Those in various forms of organized religion that expect a rapture or that God will roll up the Universe, may need a great deal of support. The rapture is Santa Claus, taken to extremes.

I think it is time to start turning up the heat in our everyday situations. I turned up the heat this past week again with my medical care, and suggested to a pharmacy person, that perhaps in a couple years this nightmare that is pharmaceutical medicine and control through it might end. She asked whatever for. I gave her a short explanation, and left when she looked pained. But a seed is planted, maybe. Do something as simple as returning bad poorly cooked food at a restaurant. Stand up where ever you can, and attempt to educate people.

It is time to stop pushing the Galactic Federation to be Santa Claus also. They are giving much assistance, and will give much more when the time is ripe for it. They have removed the Anunnaki and others from the planet to prepare our way. It is time now to do our thing and stop wanting Santa Claus to do it. I really hope the Santa Claus idea at Christmas goes away. It does nothing but teach our children that Santa Claus fixes all things. It causes them to believe a fallacy as if it were true. Time to rid the planet of Santa Claus, in all its various forms.

I want to share something that may be new to some reading these messages. Earth is the only planet to ever murder a Bestowal Incarnate Son. And there are something like 5.6 trillion life bearing planets. We are also the only planet to ever experience the Second Coming of the Bestowal Son! This is the first Second Coming ever, in trillions of years. This should put some perspective also on what is occurring before us.

We do have the grandest opportunity to participate in something that has never occurred before, never. Chew on that one, during the coming chaos. The Coming Correcting Time, already in progress. Much of the chaos is going to be political, social, and personal. Not a lot of warring anymore, man must learn to war no more.

But when Christ, and Sananda came the first time, they said they did not come to bring peace, they came to set one against another. By this they did not mean to have everyone calling everyone else an infidel or unbeliever, they meant it was time to step out of the box and do the right thing. We will all be challenged to do this, doing the right thing, as often as we can do so, and constantly upgrading just what the right thing is, exploring new "right things." A master sees a new situation and creates a new "right thing" in response to it.

Our Creator Son explored doing a new "right thing." Returning with many, all of us to a planet in dire need, something a Creator Son has not done before. Something the Avonal Bestowal Sons have not done before. Some believe still he is here only in spirit this time, but yet he is here in body, along with Sananda and many other Masters in this journey, and all of us. Glory be to God. Let us become the Gods we are so capable of becoming, if we would but explore what the new right thing might be.

Recently, I called for volunteers to help in sending out letters announcing the Second Coming to clerics of all sorts. The response was great, over 400 requests to participate! It was funny, one person sent an email, with "I will send A letter," in the subject field. I opened to letter to find they wanted to send a good deal more than one! Some are planning to send a thousand, some to every church in town. Some have resources to do only a few, but all will plant seeds. I would like to ask those that did not desire to participate to reconsider. I would like you to view the letter, posted at xxxxxxxxxxxxx. If you should change your mind, feel free to copy and use it from that site. Suggestions are included.

I don't know how much longer it will take me to answer each email and paste the letter into it. I still have around 150 left to do, so please do not wonder where I am, I am getting there slowly but surely. I did not expect this much response! But I am pleased with it. If you are impatient in waiting for a response you can go to that website for the letter. However, I enjoy thanking each of your personally for assisting me at this spreading a little "Abundant Hope" by participating in the teaching process that the letter is starting for those new to all that is coming. I am determined to put a new face on religion, and end its use to limit people, and keep them in a box.

I continue to write for the website, this message serves a double purpose! I have had to change my perspective a great deal, as this website becomes an extension of myself, and it is hard work, further defining myself and AbundantHope. I am currently working with several involved in my organization, and I can't yet give out their identities until the website opens, always the security issue it seems. Story of planet Earth. I have another message in preparation, springs a bit off of this one. Also, I still plan to do a work with Buddha, Maitreya, and Monjoronson, they all desire to wait until after NESARA starts up here in the USA. Time to leave, before this is totally old news and get it sent. Take care, Candace
