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The Light Of God

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say the Light of God and religious text books throughout the ages have been describing the Light of God as omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent. The Light of God is that wakefulness of consciousness, consciousness fully awake in itself. That is Transcendental Consciousness.

Experience of that we have been teaching for fifty years in the world. Through Transcendental Meditation the mind, roaming about in fluctuation, gets to finer fluctuations, finer fluctuations, finer fluctuations, finest fluctuation and no fluctuation - pure Light of God.

We can talk about it in terms of a flame: the light of the flame and the radiance of the flame, as the rays of light. So the flame itself we can think in terms of the Light of God and the radiance, the radiance will be through different senses - through the eyes one sees, through the ears one hears, through the sense of touch one touches, like that, five senses of perception.

So these are the rays. But when it is on its own, shining on its own, that is the Light of God, the flame. Rays are the rays of the Light of God throughout the creation, that is consciousness or intelligence.

So it is the total value and it is the partial radiance from there. The Light of God is intelligence. It is the intelligence that sees through the eyes, that hears through the ears, that tastes through the tongue - intelligence. And intelligence in itself is the light of life, the Light of God, the light of Natural Law. We call it Natural Law, because everything is set. When something is to be heard, it will be through the ears. It is a set, so it is a law. You see through the eyes, you hear through the ears - it comes within the range of law.

This is how Natural Law makes the intelligence behave through the senses. The light of God is not an imaginary thing. Everything else is imaginary, but that is the basic thing - the light of God, intelligence...

Now it depends upon how much awake is intelligence, whether it is 100% awake or 80% awake or 20% awake. How much drowsy a man is. We can talk in terms of drowsiness or in terms of wakefulness.

Transcendental Consciousness is fully awake intelligence. And when intelligence is fully awake, then perception is totally possible and action is totally possible in the direction of intention. Whatever you want will happen - Natural Law brings it out.

It is just the same way as the flame. If the flame is more lit up, if the flame is more awake, then the radiance is more thorough, more strong, the light will go further and further. One would see things more clearly.

Transcendental Consciousness is that value which we say, Natural Law or Light of God or selfreferral Unified Field - whatever. In whatever way we describe it, so many languages in the world, all expressions have their value in the expression of intelligence.

So we want everyone to be fully intelligent. For that one has to practise morning and evening Transcendental Meditation. And with practice one becomes perfect. Perfect in this case means, making use of the Light of God, that means all possibilities become easy for him. That is our program...
