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What If You Were To Discover That To find God You Must Go Within ?And Not Up ?

Posted By: donQuixote102

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make things better on Earth, and that this change must first take place in how you view God’s Reality?

4. What if it were true, as Moses discovered on that holy mountain before going off to free the Children of Israel from Pharaoh, that the name of God really is I AM That I AM?

5. And what if you were intentionally kept from learning how to properly use the Great Creative Word of Life "I AM" so that you would remain forever in darkness?

6. What if you could understand that when you say, “I AM…”, you are, in fact, saying, “God in me is…”?

7. Don’t you think that you would then be more careful in what words you say that follow, “I AM”?

8. What if you were to understand that Jesus is not Christian but Gnostic, and that He taught that God is in you?

9. What if you were to discover that what Jesus said is true, that not only is God’s Kingdom within you, but that our beloved Father Mother God sits on Their throne there, which means that you ARE that Father Mother God?

10. What if you could finally understand that God has individualized Himself Herself for you and is anchored within your very heart?

11. What if you could understand that this Divine Reality within you, this very God which you are, is never hurt, ashamed or insulted, which means that you should shed your prideful selfishness, your ego?

12. What if the early church fathers, as a way to gain power over the people, began to teach that God is somewhere else?

13. What if, because of persecution, mystics of all religions have kept the Gnostic understandings alive and well, that to find God you must go within and not up?

14. What if, when Jesus taught that we are Children of God, His intention was that we should grow up and BE God?

15. What if you were to discover that Jesus’ primary purpose was to demonstrate and teach not only the Path of Personal Christhood, but also the permanent reunion with God known as the Ascension in the Light?

16. What if the teaching of the vicarious atonement was perpetrated as a crutch to keep you from your own personal Christhood?

17. What if our present church leaders still do not have a full understanding of just Who and where God is?

18. Don’t you think then that their fear of losing you as their follower because of these ancient teachings would cause them to denounce everything that is contrary to their popular understandings?

19. What if the belief that you are indeed God would allow you to truly love yourself, your God, and your neighbor more profoundly?

20. Don’t you think that as this belief spreads over the Earth that life hereon will change for the better?

21. What if it could be shown that Jesus actually understood and taught the concepts of karma and re-embodiment?

22. What if a complete understanding of the concepts of free will, karma, and reincarnation explains that God is not responsible for the sorry state of affairs on planet Earth?

23. What if you could have in your life whatever you choose, by your free will, including the Mind, the Feeling, and the Love of God, and all you had to do was ask -- and keep asking?

24. What if you were to truly believe and live what Paul taught, that you reap what you sow, and he wasn’t talking about farming?

25. Don’t you think that with this understanding of karma you might become more careful in what you think, and say, and do?

26. What if fully understanding these ideas would mean that you would never again blame God for any seeming injustice or catastrophe?

27. What if you were to finally understand that the concepts of free will, karma, and reincarnation show the depth of God’s Love and His great Mercy to His Children?

28. What if you were to learn that there is a vast spiritual hierarchy of Light on Earth sometimes referred to as the Company of Heaven, or the Ascended Host of Light, and that Jesus was neither the first nor the last to ascend into Heaven?

29. What if you were to learn that God has assigned two other forms of life to this schoolroom to assist us in our return to God?

30. What if you were to find that, not only are there God’s angels here, but also there are the invisible Elemental Beings of the fire, air, water and earth, available to help us?

31. What if there was a way out of certain of your karmic entanglements with the use of a tool which God had revealed to mankind over seventy-five years ago?

32. What if you learned that this tool was intentionally kept from you?

33. What if this tool, which has been taught by the Ascended Hosts of Light to Their disciples, the mystics, for eons, has been intentionally marginalized and denigrated by the sinister force to keep you from more quickly finding your way back to God?

34. What if the use of this tool these last seventy years or so could have dramatically altered the way we live on Earth today?

35. What if this spiritual tool, which is activated by a simple invocation or call to God, can actually change you and your life from the inside out?

36. What if this tool can actually change your future because you have decided in the present to transmute your past momentums?

37. Won’t you then please use this aspect of the Holy Spirit known as the Violet Transmuting Flame to return Heaven back to Earth as it once was?