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Turtle Woman´s Auto Writings

Turtle Woman

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m to know the difference". There is that which is up to human kind, there is that which is up to the Creator. This is a Creator thing. So roll with it. And roll softly.

Much sudden change is going on with many. People think they are set, only to find out that a shift happened right under their feet. Lots of movement going on. Lots of relocation. Many relocations are a spur of the moment decision out of the clear blue sky and 180 degrees from where one was the very moment before. It´s like being Cascius Clay before he became Mohammed Ali... float like a butterfly, but try not to sting like a bee. Shift, shift shift. Attitudes are shifting too. Nothing is written in stone at this time. Live in the Now... nano second by nano second. That is all there is. Be on your toes so that you can lightly dance in the direction you need to move as the time requires.

Some have made grave mistakes and are trying to back peddle now. What is unselfishly in your best interest Now? Leave the "should´s" behind. Many have been struggling through this period of new adjustment for all. Some are falling by the wayside. It has not been an easy time for anyone. All are having to work through things. Questioning is good. Checking is good. What is of the Light will hold together in the long run if the foundation is good.

Don´t let the testing, the circumstances change your course. You are still in the fallible human form and the 3D world is not a perfect place. Go easy on yourself, as other´s may judge you harshly. It´s okay. It is due to the time. As I-Ching says, times of difficulty are times of growth. Look at the benefit of what you are getting out of your challenging times. Then look at how much less your challenges are than the majority of the world, and you will realize just how truly light your load is in comparison.

Some are worried because they have been sporadic lately, or have been blocked in some manner in their connection to Self and Source, or the mediations have not been regular. It can become a habit letting things interfere with your spiritual practice. The full moon is on the Solstice and the Moon is closer to the earth than it has been in decades... a lot of powerful energy. Manifest the seeds of beauty you have already planted at the height of the Light, the longest day, when both the Sun and the

Moon are at their highest benefit as the sign of "home" moves into the cosmos.

Resisting change is what manifests the struggle in life and makes things difficult. Life flows when the resistance to change is dropped. It is the. Mind working in fear that does not want to change. The only thing that is consistent in this world is that everything will continue to change; otherwise stagnation sets in and that which is stagnate turns dark with rot.

Change makes one reach out and grow dynamically, yet a balance is still needed to prevent change from becoming chaos. Balance can be held in the mist of change as long as resistance does not block the flow of what needs to transpire.

There is no new info under the Sun. Everything that is out there has been said over and over again. The misinformation is still being thrown around and cloaked with just enough of the Truth that it looks juicy. The dark ones are miffed that they have not been more successful in their dark agenda.

Their games are not as effective as they thought they would be. All their players are in place, yet they have not been able to achieve what they intended. They will soon have a tantrum over this and throw their weight around again, trying to create more fear, more "lack", and more confusion.

More is never enough. The dark ones must force their issues. They must have control over others. There are more plans in the works to "scare" the masses. Don´t buy into it. They will try more physical and financial terror tactics. Literally don´t buy into it.

Pare down to the essentials now. You have everything you need, and probably more. Try stepping off the treadmill of consumerism, and work within the a new frame of mind... doing, living, holding only that which you truly need in your day to day life. Free everything from your Self and see what is left. Life is the sweet center, the heart of the watermelon when you do, simple and fulfilling in deeper ways. Slow down and drop all that makes your life hectic. . . the slower river runs deeper and more true.

Learn to say No to that which makes needy demands on you. There are no “should´s” that are required of you. Do not let the outside world feed off of you, and walk away from the energy vampires who only take and do not complete the circle of energy that must be exchanged to have a healthy relationship. The changes will be much easier to adjust to as the energy shifts move up if you simply drop the "should´s", spoken or simply implied, that you allow others to place on you.

Free yourself from what ever is creating a chain for you. The only true obligation you have is to the quality of your personal soul growth. Let the rest fall away as it may. Times are hard enough without trying to meet other´s expectations, which may or may not be to your ultimate benefit.

That which truly belongs to you can never be truly lost... and that which never belonged to you can not be held on to, no matter how tight you may grip it.

Life is change, Creation is change, growth is change. Flow with it. You have the choice to make change in balance or in chaos. Make your decisions in calm and choose to operate out of soul balanced choices. Too many are floundering in adrenaline generated crisis or perceived fear which creates internal, imbalanced chaos. There is a difference between going with the movement of necessary change and spinning out of control in a knee jerk, tilt-a-whirl reaction. Stop. Center yourself. Stop flailing out. It is not others" causing problems in your life so much as you not using your Knowing and working from the limited perspective of yourself instead of with the broad knowledge of your Self.

Contacts from the friends above are getting stronger and more obvious. They are beginning to boldly show themselves or let themselves be known to those who have previously not been aware of them. Some of the soundly asleep have started to wake up. Important questions are beginning to be asked by those who were previously totally unaware. The awakening finally begins. Look upwards into the sky and see. Spend some time each week watching the night sky, away from light pollution. Let our friends above know you are there and waiting.

Those who have strongly stood by the dark power houses are beginning to see what they have truly supported. As they awaken, they are starting to see the dark agenda they have contributed to and dislike what they see. There is a shift happening within their ranks now as they begin to realize they have been blind to the manipulations of the dark ones. They are not comfortable now with all they are begining to see in Truth. There will be a call from within their own ranks for the accounting of dubious actions. It will start slow but build momentum. The buck will finally have to stop where it belongs.

Those who have been asleep and are now awakening are not liking what they see. Many will experience shame in what they have previously supported. The realization of what they have contributed to the power of the dark ones will cause a serious backlash on those who have duped so many for so long.

The extremes in polarity have reached the maximum. There is little, on every level and every aspect of life on planet earth, that can be stretched much further in opposite directions. The breaking point is hanging in midair.

There is a feeling of suspension, the calm before the storm, before things start to snap in rapid succession. Soon. The release of so many opposites at once will be shocking. There will be a domino effect as bubbles start to burst every where... environment, politics, economic, all of it. Many will be stunned at first, followed by reactionary impulses. Know who your allies are, make your contingency plans now. You may need to seek refuge. Or you may be the refuge that other´s need to seek.

The use of the Violet Ray, the "invisible" ray, is very important now in conjunction with the Golden Light of Christ. Use both powers of the Light, with the Violet surrounding the Golden Light. The dark ones are attracted to the Golden Light, and it makes you a beacon in the darkness. Those of dark intent can not, however, see the Creator´s Violet Ray; it is too high a vibration for them. In that sense, using the Violet Ray as a "cloak" around the Golden Light can "hide" you from those of dark intent who seek to do you harm.

If the dark ones can not persuade you to join them through their smooth deceptions, and they are unsuccessful in conquering you through fear, then the only other way they can remove you as an obstacle to the success of their dark agenda is to harm you in whatever manner they can. So many Lightworkers innocently and naively can not imagine why anyone would want to do them harm. They do not take in consideration that the powers of darkness think and operate in the exact opposite manner to them, and that harm is the ultimate tool the dark ones always use to achieve their goals. Use the Violet Ray for your protection in conjunction with the Golden Light as we enter the final stages of this shift up with the Mother Earth and All of Creation.

Look to the Skies. Our friends are there and making themselves known.

We are the Vanguard, the Tribe of 12 x 12. And our time is Now.

Staying in the Golden Light of Christ,

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma
