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The Art Of "Giving"

By Charles Beach

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As far as handouts are concerned, from street people as an example, I do give a dollar or more when spirit prompts. This I feel, is probably what most others do.

A Masters Advice

In the mid to late seventies, I was privileged to meet a Master teacher and benefit from his wisdom. This man was a no nonsense type of person. His advice was designed to help others live a fuller richer life in the here and the "NOW."

One night a group of us gathered together to hear master Luke's wisdom. This night he welcomed questions. One member asked the following question? "How do I handle people who ask for financial help?" The master said, "We have the duty to help a brother or a sister in need. The way we help, determines the value of this help." I recommend handling it this way.

Master Luke said, "Do not ever loan anyone money. To loan someone, denotes an obligation the other party has towards you. Borrowing money is also a two edged sword. This is the reason why the vast majority of the population is having the problems they have. There are times when we have no choice but to borrow. But there are far to many times when this is done out of "GREED." the sickness of "MORE" give me more, has created the destruction of many people. Do not fall into this trap."

"Let me now explain what I think you really meant with your question. You want to know when its alright to give money to someone in need. Do this anytime you are led. Inner guidance will direct you. When you feel right about it, by all means give freely without any thought of return. If you give thinking you are wasting time and money, be assured you are. "SELFISHNESS" has been the downfall of many a man. Anything you do, if done out of selfishness will always backfire and cause additional problems in your life."

"Giving with the right "ATTITUDE" is the key here. Let me use an example: Let's say you meet someone who asks for your help, (Financially speaking.) Your quick response might be to move on and ignore this request. But is this the right thing to do. I say no!!! Instead, look the person in the "EYE" and allow your inner guidance to direct your actions. If you feel strongly that this is a waste of your time, move on without comment."

"If the person asking for help is a street person, you might respond as most others and think this character got himself into this mess, Let him/her get themselves out. What have you done? You have simply "JUDGED" them unworthy of your assistance. Is this really the right thing to do? Think about it friend, have you not gotten yourself in financial difficulties and hoped that someone would come to your rescue. I have! Most other people I know, have experienced this at one time or another. A street person has just gone off the deep end. They have lost all "HOPE" for anything better in life."

Hurricane Unites The People!!

The tragedy that has occurred with Katrina, has indeed been one of the worst experiences we as the American people have ever encountered. With all the destruction, there are already reports coming through of heroic deeds that have brought tears to our eyes. It is amazing what kind of spirit is shown when mankind is given half a chance. Talk about Giving, this represents the ultimate form.

Mankind will get through these trying times and come out on the other side stronger than before. The Light of Love has gained unbelievable strength, that guarantees the overcoming of all "DARK" energies. The bottom line is, we the people of the United States have taken a major step in wiping clean the dark forces and taking back our beautiful country.

Alert! Alert!

A report just came through from Dennis Kucinich. This beautiful soul, has expressed his concerns regarding Katrina. He is slapping the Government right in the kisser for their failure to handle this hurricane properly. This report will be sent everyone as soon as possible. Read it and determine for yourself, if the Government is doing all they can to help.

Let me Continue On with Luke's Teachings

"Everyone has problems. Many of which, can not be fixed as easily as those you have encountered. By not "JUDGING" another, you have done them the greatest service possible. "LOVE" them and "WISH" them the best in their lives. If a small deed like giving them some money can help, by all means do so. But give to another without concern for yourself. You are performing a Godly service that our father/mother God demands from his children."

Take this one step further. Follow my directions when "GIVING." "You have just met a street person who asks you for a handout. Look him/her right in the Eye and ask them what they need. Their response could be anywhere from $.25 to $1.00. Ask them what they need the money for. They will tell you something like, I am hungry. That is alright. This is a honest request. Whatever you do, do not Judge this person, thinking that the money will be waisted on booze or drugs. What you are trying to accomplish here is a simple giving exercise. The next step is important, follow the directions carefully."

"SMILE" at them and dig into your pocket for the money. Let's assume you decide to give them a dollar. As you are handing them the money, make the following request. Tell the person you are giving them this money with no stipulations. Let them know they are free to use it as they see fit. Say to them, do me one favor. This is the most important point to emphasize. Say to them with all the sincerity you can muster,



"The above mentioned can be used with a friend or loved one you decide to help. Just make sure you tell them this is not a loan, this is my "GIFT" to you. Then tell them what I advised above. I will guarantee you one thing, you will be left with the "FEELINGS" that you have done the fathers work. This in itself, is the greatest reward you can ever receive."

Your Authors Experience

I gave to a friend sometime back $20.00. I used the technique I recommend, and forgot the incident. Sometime later, this friend approached me and told me what had happened to him. He had followed my lead and helped out another friend. His friend was so moved by his kindness, that he assured Dave that he would continue the process. Imagine starting with just one person and seeing what happens with potentially hundreds even thousands of others in time.

This is a great way to share God's wealth with the world. We live in amazing times, times when miracles are happening constantly.

Let me finish this report by giving the technique once again.

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Smile at the recipient as you dig into your pocket for the money. Also, don't forget to look them squarely in the eye. Let's assume you decide to give them a dollar. As you are handing them the money, make the following request. Tell the person you are giving them this money with no stipulations. Let them know they are free to use it as they see fit. Say to them, do me one favor. This is the most important point to emphasize. "SAY" to them with all the sincerity you can muster, WHAT I DO FOR YOU, IS MY PLEASURE. I JUST ASK THAT YOU DO THE SAME THING FOR SOMEONE ELSE.

Give to another as freely as you have received.

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I have formulated a report in the past called "HUGGING." The information I shared in the report, directly related to the materials you have just read. Many people were exposed to the hugging report, and I received letters of appreciation saying, this info has really opened my eyes. The Giving report, combined with the Hugging report, possess tremendous power for the upliftment of mankind.

One last request!! I would really appreciate your comments and observations regarding this report. Pro or con. Contact me at:
