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The Key to Happiness "HUGS!"

By Charles Beach

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Some people are not very good at accepting your "HUGS." They have, because of conditioning, programmed themselves to stay clear of this form of affection. For many, to be even touched by another, is something they do not like. We live in a society that has been taught to keep their distance. Touching, Hugging, any kind of sharing with another is seen as an invasion to one's privacy.

This makes me wonder what has happened to our society. I know numerous Europeans, who do not feel the way we do here in the States. These people in general, show more warmth and affection than most Americans do. I have a few European friends both Men and women who hug me. I am inclined to hug them back. Praise God I see the truth now. I have discovered that this kind of basic warmth causes me to feel closer to both sexes than I would otherwise. I am more open in conversations, anything that might be seen as personal.

My best friend is from Italy. I have known Franco for years, and I always look forward to spending time with him. His wit and his humor always help make my day. Franco's serious side is also quite refreshing. He tells things like they are. He does not try to sugar coat anything just to make me or anyone else happy. The bottom line is, he is for real.

Let me get back to the subject of Hugs. I am a 66 year old male. I have been an avid hugger all my life. I have learned a few valuable lessons on my road to enlightenment. (Not all people are comfortable with people like me, giving them hugs.) They pull away and give me looks like, who the hell do you think you are. I have found that if the time allows, I can ask them if they are comfortable hugging. If they respond yes, I will give them one. The other person always has that option. I always honor their personal feelings. You should too.

I have found another way to offer people HUGS, that in most cases are never rejected. Listen up: The next time you are around someone you know casually or not at all, do the following. Take their hand in yours as you would normally do when being introduced to a stranger. But, instead of just shaking hands, do the following. (With your other hand, place it on top of the hand you are holding. This act alone denotes added affection. By the way, while holding the persons hand, look directly into their Eyes. This is a form of HUG, believe it or not.) The reaction you might receive could be anything from surprise to APPRECIATION. Concern yourself not at all as to the persons actions. Just know in your own mind and heart, you have helped another human being to have a better day. This is a great way to help anyone improve their lives.

As you hold another persons hand (in both of yours,) think in your mind of the blessings you want to share with them. Love, peace, happiness, etc. Then release their hand and smile at them warmly with honest feelings of intent. This has great power for change. You have in your own way, made the day for this person. Meeting someone for the first time offers us the chance to make a profound difference in their lives. All that is needed is to follow the directions as listed above.

Your efforts in helping to improve another persons life, will bring benefits beyond description. This is one way for us Light workers to bring "GOD's" Love and Light back into the world. You and I possess tremendous power to bring forth positive change. Will you join me in making a real difference?

Hugging Someone At The Wrong

Time Cost me A Good Job

Because of my inclination to Hug everyone, I lost a good job years ago. This was my first ministerial assignment with Unity. Imagine, I spent two years in ministerial school preparing myself for the ministry. I graduated and was given a new assignment. I was sent to an established Unity church. My feelings of Love for God and his children had never been more pronounced than right then at that moment. I just knew I would be successful and the people who believed in me back at school would be proud. Then reality set in.

In a short time after starting my new work, I was called on the carpet by my superior and read the riot act. He had received complaints that I was to friendly with members of the congregation. Different people had observed me HUGGING women who had children in our Sunday school. They felt this form of action, did not look good to others. Mainly themselves. One woman who was a big supporter, threatened to leave the church unless something was done about the situation. I was told in no uncertain terms, either quit this hugging or be terminated from your position. Initially I got very upset, and then decided to try my best to back off. Old habits die hard as everyone knows. So needles to say, I made the same mistake showing honest effection to a few ladies and was again called on the carpet. This time I was relieved of my duties. I was bitter and hurt. I felt I had been used by the establishment.

It took me a couple years to realize that it was indeed my fault I lost my job. I had used no "DECERNMENT " whatsoever with my actions. Once I realized this, I vowed to never make this mistake again. For the next twenty plus years I did not show any effection to anyone. Big Mistake!!! I went from one extreme to another. During those years I was one miserable human being. When we deny that special something within us that is truth, we actually die a little with each passing day.

(One additional recommendation, if you are inclined to share yourself with anothers, do it as advised above. You never want to make another feel uncomfortable. The reason for hugging someone is to make them feel better. I have given you the tools, its now up to you to use them as your inner guidance directs.)

The Past Is Dead, Bury it!!!!

"Read the following carefully!!!! Most people we meet, are living in the past. By doing this, they are unable to see any need to make changes in their lives. They are satisfied with the statis quo. Even though they are not really satisfied, they have resolved themselves into believing that they have nothing else available. They have accepted their fate as their just due. they do not believe anything in life will ever improve. They have given up all HOPE."

"These are the kinds of people, that we as Light workers need to help the most. The report you have just completed, is one way to make a real difference in someone else's life. We can bring others warmth and effection they are sadly lacking. As we give of ourselves in this manner, we will be amazed at the transformation we see because of our efforts."

My name is Charles Beach. I spent many years in the ministry. I have expertise in counseling others with their life GOALS. Recently I have started putting together numerous special reports, designed to help anyone lead a more satisfying, productive life. Like my friend Franco, I tell it as it is. I refuse to play games and sugar coat the truth. I challenge you to share yourself with me. Allow me the chance to get to know you better. Take a chance my friend, share yourself with me. Let's establish a relationship that will be mutually beneficial. I am always available through my email address as listed below.

You are Loved and Appreciated dear friend.


P.S. This report can be shared with anyone whom you feel might benefit. All I ask is that you leave the information as is. Other reports will be forthcoming. They will all be designed to help improve one's life.
