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Open Letter to the Conquerers

Anton Miller

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of Darkness. You are all recycled personalities of the generations of the Viper. You have changed your names and changed your costumes over the milleniums, but your thirst for blood and destruction has changed not. You heed not the Laws of the Creation. One grain of sand upon Earth Shan contains more compassion than the entire lot of you ones. Your puppet politician clones, worldwide, are twisted about in tangled strings. You who seek to

conquer pull a string to move the left hand and the right hand moves. You pull a string for the puppet to stand up and the puppet falls down. When you replace the fallen puppet with another clone, the strings come undone. Your puppet show is finished. In your pride and puffed up arrogance of denying and defying the Laws of Creator Source, your actions fall back upon you now, rapidly, in thousand fold measures. The Forces of Light increasingly "check" your moves and will continue to vaporize your weapons of mass destruction. Mother Earth will cleanse deeper than the underground survival cities you have selfishly built for your own Viper elite. You have built to no avail as these places will not withstand the cleansing. You are now the homeless ones and you ones have conquered "nothing". Return to the Light!

In the One Light of Creator Source,
