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Just Libby? There's More To Come

By Gary McDaniel

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hings have to be investigated and he will probably sit another grand jury to continue the investigation.

I feel we need to stay centered and positive and BY ALL MEANS DO NOT DESPAIR CREATING NEGATIVE ENERGY!! We know of a certainty that this dark cabal is coming down and these legal proceedings are intimately involved in bringing this about. All the signs point that this is the beginning of the end.

In my earthbound ego’s perception of this snails pace unfolding of the 3-fold plan of Christ Michael and Creator Source I too grow impatient for things to happen NOW!

Within my Spirit I feel calmness and I know all is well and I am being guided to be patient and to continue to allow things to unfold according to the Divine plan. As I related in my most recent post we are co-creator with Creator Source as manifested through the Magisterial Son Monjoronson. This is a most important concept. I plan to meditate more on this concept in order to allow the Spirit to teach me all the nuances of my being a Magisterial Son of God incarnated in the flesh. I would advise you to do the same.

Keep in mind my dear brother that a maturation process is going on within us that FAR transcends our day to day earthly travails. We MUST trust the process. We have other emotional and mental options of an earthly nature, but they do not lead to transfiguration and ascension of our mortal bodies into the lighted realms and the 5th dimension experience.

I know many lightworkers have labored far longer than I to bring the glories of heaven to the earthly realms and are continuing to hold the faith. Let us continue to hold the faith with them. I leave you with this verse from the scriptures that I am often given by the Spirit when I grow impatient.

Knowing this, that the trying of your faith worketh patience.

But let patience have her perfect work, that ye may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing.

James 1:2-4 (King James Version)

Blessings of light & love,

Gary McDaniel
