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Message From White Eagle

Channel: Antoinette Moltzan

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s void of many thoughts of things and places and needs and wants and conditions. Wisdom is in communion with the Great Spirit, with the Father Creator, with the Light.

I am White Eagle, I come without any need of human consciousness but present to you understanding of living in your human awareness. So walk with me in this dimension of light until you come to the waters of life and here you will learn lessons, something for you. You ask what can water teach me?

Q. What of this water, will I learn ?

A. Be still and know that you and the water are one and the water in you is what you breathe and think and feel and become. The water is your consciousness. It holds all that you understand. In the vibration of it, you see it and it becomes bright and light. The blueness of this water is like the universe itself. It fills your mind and fills your spirit and you just know what there is that which brings peace to the mind.

If you become peace within yourself, the world surrounding you will represent peace. When the war in you has ended and the conflicts no longer rage, when the battlefield of your mind is no longer active but becomes a field of flowers, a field of growth, a field of knowledge, you than become the peaceful warrior. You are the peaceful warriors living in states of love and grace. You are the way showers, the path walkers for bringing this state of consciousness for earth. You can commune with me, and many others in the spirit plane. We are a thought away. We are in the dream. We are in the heart of you and you receive us when you listen. You begin to know it matters not what you have learned. It matters what you have accepted and know and lived by and stand for in freedom of your thought and heart.

As energy is flowing through you and magnified internally to you, experience peace as you never have before. A peace tranquillizing the confusions of the earth, all that appears in problems, in crises, in conflicts, in opposing forces, visually see a blanket of light surrounding all of this and just know the rays of energy affect human consciousness. Be the light, a spark, a quark, a tiny atom, one split, but billions of these create consciousness.

So, accept that you are part of this great soul of many and you are together transmitting consciousness of love and harmony. Earth will attain its state of peace, you know? And humanity will rise to that level also, but it comes with many struggles and forces of oppositions, but the more your mind sees the healing light within it all, the stronger that energy is a part of the stream of human consciousness.

So, students and path walkers do not lose sight of what the future becomes from the present thought of you right now. When you are tested or appear as being tested, remember these words. The battle may appear so strong that you cannot see clearly what must be done, but stand like warriors, brave and strong, with a knowing inside that peace will come. It's been a dream for so many, and long in coming some say, but like I told the man you must strip yourself of what's unnecessary and find the happiness within.

And so, when you have completed this transmission to your soul, you find yourself being drifted back into the human self, into all that you are, into the beauty of your essence, and the energy field that you have been working with is the level of integrating the vibrations of the Radiant Gold and Silver along with all the frequencies of the lessons.

As I visually see, you are like triangles, most like a tee-pee and it radiates with the energy of love within Gold and Silver and the Blue that you are standing on in the lessons of wisdom. So imagine and know that all this is true. You are in a magnetic field, more powerful than what has been. Direct in this pyramid the souls of your group, those that walk with you and those you have not met and those, who are partners of yours, friends, companions and path walkers like you. You may not know them in a conscious way but they already surround you. Already you have formed connections that you will walk in future times. Be as teachers, friends and healers of many others. Family members of this life may seem distant to you, but you still are connected with lessons you have chosen, and these lessons are good.

So, release discontent. Let go of judging yourself as wrong. Let go of worrying about the scales being balanced, for everything equalizes in its own time. Silver is on the magnetic side and Gold is on the dynamic. Some would call this the north and the south and the head of you is the east and behind is the west. As you turn to the east the winds of love come through, and the wisdom of time permeates to you. As you turn to the west you see what will be, the coming of unity, the frontiers of the future and the now.

Go without fear and just be. Simply, the medicine of life is the medicine of wisdom.

Go in peace.
