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Maharishi Rebukes Today's Problem-ridden Governments

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(Meru, Holland - 22 October 2003) His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi strongly rebuked today's problem-ridden governments as a "shame and an abuse of power" because millions of citizens in every country suffer in poverty while their leaders sell off the nation's sovereignty and amass personal wealth through the bribes of foreign powers and special interests.

The only solution, Maharishi said, is to enliven in world consciousness total Natural Law - the Constitution of the Universe - which administers the universe with perfect order. "Our world will be transformed. Leaders will rise to enlightenment, administration will be prevention-oriented and problem-free, and every nation will enjoy invincibility, affluence, and peace," Maharishi said.

Maharishi's pronouncements came on Wednesday, 15 October, during his global news conference, which was broadcast live via satellite and Internet webcast from the Capital of the Global Country of World Peace in Meru, Holland. Maharishi's next news conferences will be held on 22 and 23 October (please see below for details).

Sovereignty has become a "begging bowl"

Maharishi said that while every head of state publicly proclaims pride in his nation's sovereignty, the reality is that sovereignty has become nothing more than a "begging bowl". For example, government leaders readily accept bribes from foreign arms dealers and, in exchange, the government purchases costly weapons - weapons paid for by the tax dollars of the nation's poor. "It pains me to see what governments are doing to their people. Such bribery is a shame - it deprives millions of people of their right to peace and happiness."

Maharishi also had strong words for the United Nations, which he dismissed as "a fraud and a laughingstock - like a football kicked around here and there."

Maharishi then cautioned government leaders: "You can do what you want today, but tomorrow you will reap the consequences of what you have sown. It is not good to poison the world. It is not good to bribe poor nations and rob them of their life for the sake of money. It is cruel. Stop it."

Government has a parental role in the nation

Maharishi urged the heads of state to be kind to their people. "Government has a parental role in the nation. Government should ensure that everyone has complete education to develop their total brain potential, so they don't make mistakes in life; proper health care that is prevention-oriented and free from hazardous side effects; healthy food that is not grown with poisonous chemical pesticides and fertilisers; and invincible defence that prevents the birth of an enemy - that eliminates the enmity within the enemy."

Peace Governments will bring peace and prosperity to every nation

For this, Maharishi announced that he is establishing Peace Governments in every country to administer the whole population from the level of the Constitution of the Universe, which maintains the relationship between unity and diversity in the infinitely expanded universe. Peace Governments are now establishing in every country groups of several thousand peace-creating experts who will enliven the Constitution of the Universe within their own self-referral consciousness and radiate coherence in national consciousness. "Peace Governments will quietly bring peace and prosperity to every individual in every nation," Maharishi said.

Maharishi offers to train government leaders in total Natural Law

Maharishi also offered anew to train government leaders in total Natural Law. "I will provide the knowledge to create an impenetrable atmosphere of positivity and coherence in national consciousness, so that governments will never face problems - or be influenced by foreign powers giving bribes and selling arms."

"You can create an ideal nation - you can create Heaven on Earth"

Maharishi concluded by saying that the knowledge of the Constitution of the Universe is his gift to heads of state. "It is simple for me. I know how to turn on the light and eliminate the darkness. I have the knowledge from Vedic science to raise every nation to invincibility - and I am proudly prepared to give it out.

"I invite every head of state and every minister to take this training," Maharishi said. "Don't delay even one day because you have a parental role to play for your people. You can create an ideal nation - you can create Heaven on Earth. Let's join hands to create a beautiful world for ourselves and for all generations to come."
