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What's Up on Planet Earth? A Bittersweet Good-bye

By Karen Bishop

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as we encounter yet more roadblocks. This energy is yet the energy of the last of "the end", for very soon, we will all be moving rapidly ahead.

I have repeatedly been told "not yet". "Stay back" as things are just being finalized energetically as this New foundation of the New World will soon be in place. Many are having memories of the past and going back to the past. I recently watched an old episode of Dynasty. Oh, it was great to see Crystal Carrington again! These past feelings and memories can be comforting when we are on the threshold of great change. We are in the VERY FINAL stages of the last of the Old World. Decisions are being made at higher levels by all. The time is most definitely NOW to decide: Will you stay and become part of this incredible New World of light, or will it be best for your soul to make your transition without your body? What reality will be best for you? Around the time of the Summer Solstice, things will begin to roll ahead. As we say good-bye to a reality that will never be again, it is almost as if we are safe in our lifeboats watching the sinking of the Titanic, feeling a bittersweet grieving as we deeply feel a loss at the deepest levels, perhaps not even knowing why. We are saying a FINAL good-bye to Old patterns, Old ways, Old structures, and people who will no longer vibrate in our own particular circle of love.

Physical symptoms are here as well. Nausea, dizziness, heart palpitations, tiredness, and still, a lethargy of not wanting to do all those mundane chores and errands! Two months ago, when I experienced that great leap into the New, it brought up many emotions as well. I remember one day feeling great anguish and pain as I knew I was moving into another world, and the thought of leaving my loved ones behind was horrific. Suddenly, I looked at my daughter and realized with absolute certainty and clarity as I said to her, "We are ALL going! We are ALL going!" as I shed tears of joy and incredible relief. I had just made my transition a little early. As you reach this other side of incredible love and peace, know that your relationships will only get deeper and more loved filled. We will all be connecting in a much deeper and different way. We may not be used to this, but I have to stay, it is incredible. We have finally made it. So get ready, put on your seatbelt and pack your bags (or should I say "unpack" them), for when the energy starts moving again, everyone will start their process of arriving! (And know that your process and timing is unique to you and very dependent upon your coding and pre-birth plan. No one is better or more evolved than anyone else. What you came to do is contingent upon the timing of this process. All is in order here).

As we soon embody this New reality in this New World, much will happen. As predicted many times in past energy alerts, we are now experiencing the "house cleaning". As "investigations" abound, all beings of darkness have been or are nearing the final stages of being removed. Do you not feel it? The darkness is just not there anymore. As we have had the most beautiful divine intervention and miraculous assistance in escorting the VERY LONG standing interference of the dark to another reality, we will soon feel complete freedom in our creations with no roadblocks, interference, or setbacks. Again, watch as the dark agenda crumbles, looses its foothold, and disappears. And know, that the beautiful soul George Bush has done his job to perfection. As he sacrificed himself for his mission of pushing us into the light, he successfully created the contrast needed that could not be overlooked and that forced so many to finally get up off the couch, declaring their intention of a light filled world. We are all in this together, assisting in our evolution into a planet of light.

As the love and light will be stronger than ever, once again, anything otherwise will be greatly illuminated. This transition into the New World will again cause the falling away of the very remainder of the Old. But this time, with this shift, it will be different. Most of the darkness is finally gone. We will have much more freedom without interference. The heightened states of love will FEEL GOOD. Most of our purifying is over. This is the final leap into the New World. During my transitional time I had experienced much releasing in the form of wild dreams, and intense flashbacks while entering the dream state and while awake. My mother commented that she felt I was having nightmares while I was awake! I also experienced severe memory loss, a substantial feeling of disorientation, severe anxiety and panic, loss of identity (I now feel a loss of self awareness, but it feels great), and a variety of other symptoms. These are experiences of "going through the tunnel", as once you arrive, all are gone. I have had absolutely no ascension symptoms since I gave up and let go. Did I have an instant healing (many of you have e-mailed, wondering)? The strange bizarre symptoms ended, but yes, I still have some pain in my leg, and I have allergies. The body is the last to catch up, as we all well know. But know that when I reached the other side of the "tunnel", I felt that I had definitely "arrived" somewhere. There was a distinct feeling of a "landing" somewhere New and different and a beautiful sense of place. It was Home. I finally felt the familiarity of Home. So then, another difference will be great healings that will progress over time. They will be healings generating from the energy of great love. And we will feel as though we are in our own country, speaking our native language!

As we all arrive here in this space of safety and feeling good, it is then that we will begin to have fun with the creating process. We will begin to experiment with higher states of creating, "re-locating" physically through intention, communicating through telepathy, and feeling such an incredible connection to each other and to ALL. That perfect partner we have all been longing for will finally arrive, as we will finally connect with our soul families. Just as individuals joyously connect with their loved ones when they make their transitions through death, we will do the same. The familiarity and REMEMBRANCE of our soul brothers and sisters will be so divine! All the nitpicking complaining behavior about the attitudes, lifestyles and behaviors of others will be gone. All we will see is the soul energy. I have been there. It is amazing. Everything else falls away. There is so much love! And the Unity is spectacular. For me, I like this part the best. Yes, the pain and suffering is almost over. This latest shift feels divine!

I have received so many e-mails regarding the Venus Transit and that this begins a new stage that will end in 2012. I see something different. I receive my information through remembering by connecting with my soul, seeing and experiencing things from a higher dimensional level, and by reading and experiencing energy. It is clear to me (and know that all reality is dependent upon its creator. I am not the authority here!), that this New phase will only last up until around 2008. We are the ultimate creators. We have reached an evolutionary point where we no longer need the particular expertise of guides, where we are becoming angels ourselves, and most particularly that we have left our parental star families behind and are FREE. We are free to create the New World and a very New reality. We are IT. We are in an amazing and unusual place of power. We are leading everyone and everything else. We will guide ALL into a New way of our choosing and our making. So then, as we have done so remarkably well so far, we are evolving more rapidly than expected. I believe that things will never take that long. We have greatly surpassed the prophets. We can rewrite history and the future and do whatever we want. Yipeee! This is going to be so much fun. It will be a time that will go down in "Universal" history, so to speak. Yes, this is a time like no other.

As most light workers know, we agreed to transition first, so as to assist all others who will follow. This latest shift or transition could no occur until enough of us were ready, so that we would be poised and "together" enough to be of help to others. It is about this time that the vibrationary level of the planet will begin to activate in you, if it has not already done so, a remembering and emerging of your purpose, or your joy and passion. I always enjoyed the aspect of giving a soul reading that revealed the purpose of each individual. Some were here to greet at the door and give navigational directions. Others gave a tour of the other side and helped individuals "get settled". Some were here to write manuals for living in the New World. And yet others were poised to go back and forth, healing and assisting individuals in their ascension process. As we begin to teach and show the way, and to bring forth our healing abilities, we will also want to play, play and play! Having fun, playing and basking, and just enjoying life, creating and experiencing and "being" are our natural states as well. All things spiritual aren't necessary, as all things have been and will always be spiritual. Let's have fun! You may feel as you transition, that you are no longer sure what you would like to do. Having a lack of goals or purpose has been widely reported by many. After I experienced this great shift, I wasn't so sure what I was now "supposed" to or wanted to write about. I felt that I was in such a New space and that my "purpose" had somehow changed. But in no time at all, all became clear and emerged, as it will for you as well, if it hasn't already.

Yes, this current energy we are in can be bittersweet. It is as if we are leaving a house we have lived in for 30 years, or perhaps leaving a longstanding marriage and family to be with an exciting New love who is a perfect fit. Although we may be leaving the Old behind, the New love and the New life, New phase, and New World with its brand New experiences and a brand New us, will be unlike anything we have experienced yet in this lifetime. It will be divine. It will be joyous. We will feel unity. We will feel love. We will fell gratitude. We will want to pinch ourselves. Are you ready?

Which world will you choose to be in? Which world will you create?

I thank you for sharing in my joy of being me through this energy alert. Many blessings, much peace, and incredible joy in these miraculous times,

