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Escape from Jerusalem: Finding the Way Home to Ourselves

John Kaminski

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old astronomer's steady state theory prevails, and now some fool is proposing to study the time before the big bang, which'd be pretty tough if there wasn't any. The thing simply doesn't begin or end, which is a hard concept for us to grasp, because we ourselves do appear to begin and end. Emphasis on the appear.

Maybe someday we'll see Fred Hoyle's epic novella The Black Cloud (1958) — a savvy depiction of our first ET contact that might be like what we are about to encounter — spring menacingly to life in a movie version of the black cloud that dominates our collective consciousness and creates misery and murder where the respectful bliss of life should prevail. Thus are all aliens, as well as gods, mere human mental projections.

As we clumsily trash the planet that gives us life, we perceive existence in terms of death and renewal, mandating a finite time to accomplish our mission. This apparent situation creates an omnivorous fear within each of us that is often confused with the survival instinct.

The survival instinct is an essential bioreflex that keeps us from getting hit by a car. Fear of death is the most powerful wraith our species has ever known, the beast that creates our gods and powers our wars.

Control of the world mind can and must be captured by reason, which, powered by love, will create a functional and peaceful future. Yet we are constrained from attempting this by the habits and customs we have developed, foremost of which is the practice of killing someone else simply to acquire their possessions, and then disguising the deed with self-absolving justifications.

Whether this predatory behavior is simply animal instinct or some darker psychological demon from the smoky ruins of time festers as an eternal enigma that plagues our species. We must detox and understand it if we are to live long and prosper.

The institutions designed to facilitate our civility are laughably corrupt. Their dogma are demonstrably false. Human frailty is powerful, widespread and difficult to resist. Being taught that we are in this life only for ourselves is the principal culprit.

I can't make it without you, nor you me. Most people know you have to love someone to make it through the night. That's why the world is a mostly happy place, except for those who seek to profit from our freedom, to milk it dry. We see the planet shriveling before our eyes, our oceans poisoned, our skies that make us cough. How much are we willing to admit that we have brought this all on ourselves? Raise your hands. Now, how many think we have had help, and been manipulated from behind the scenes? Let's discuss it. Our lives depend on it.

We can and must come out of our shells, realize things that we have been previously afraid to admit, and then proceed sensibly, with care for those we love as well as those we don't know but would like to.

Of primary necessity to our evolution toward a more humane society is the notion that we do not possess consciousness in and of ourselves, but that actual consciousness resides in the space between our own minds and the person, place, or thing being perceived. In this space will human consciousness eventually unify, and at long last we will finally be ready to confront new forms of life in dimensions that are currently undiscovered by us.

The principal human proclivity is to name things. We can’t comprehend it if we don’t name it. How else can we know what it is? It is also the prime human tendency to name something whether we actually understand it or not. Thus, the things we name are often obscured by the very names we give to them.

And worse, names given to us by those who do not have our best interests at heart are often the exact opposite of what they purport to be. To wit, Homeland Security: a cynical buzzphrase for fake corporate terror for profit. Witness “the land of the free and home of the brave” now currently destroying everything that lives, while its brave American soldiers gun down innocent women and children and are not held accountable because they are “fighting Al-Qaeda,” that fictional creation of the CIA.

Our whole society has been mesmerized by this name, which is purely an invention of Israeli, American and British intelligence agencies. There are no Muslim terrorists, only Israeli Arabs posing as them. To wit, the bombings in Madrid, Bali, London, New York: all false flag operations engineered to justify increased expenditures on police equipment. Like a fireman who lights fires.

Kindle the fear with a good terror name. Al-Qaeda. The perfect enemy. If it doesn’t exist, then it can’t be caught. And the war profiteering goes on forever.

This is the power to name. Once something has a name, nothing is the same. Because the abstraction that created civilization is based upon an unremitting fear that afflicts every one of us, manipulation of this emotionally radioactive nugget naturally enough became the driving force in human behavior.

Around the corner we are about to turn, we transcend that fear in the freedom of an expanded mindview. Soon it will be obvious that we are all in this together, and we need only transcend our own bad habits to achieve the government and society we want.

Your life is in my hands, and mine in yours. We are knights errant, on a mission from God. To discern between the tale and the truth.

We can decide what it is, but it must be what actually is, and not something somebody invented because they just couldn’t figure it out, and decided to concoct a pertinent but random intrigue for profit, which is the situation with all our existing religions. Not to mention America’s perpetual war on Iraq and the rest of the world.



7/4/07 — Flatbed trailers carrying white prison cell modules have been spotted heading south on I-75 near Gainesville. Speculation from our militia spotters perched in the pinewood hills of north Florida is that they are headed for the new concentration camp in the Avon Park gunnery range wilderness. Meanwhile, not far from a swampy place named Dead Lake, just west of Tallahassee, a brand new maximum security prison remains fully staffed, but without any inmates. Would make a good motel for the neocons. Thanks to Jackie Patru, Pastor Eli James, Junious Ricardo Stanton and Charles Giuliani (no, no relation to the beast Rudy) for having me on recent radio interviews. First ones I’ve done since I was on Iranian TV. Now back to our story ....


Escape from Jerusalem. This is not a suggestion, not a recommended course of action. It is an order. From the universe.

The poison that spews from this sinister source is directly related to the twisted corpses in the radioactive rubble of Iraq, not to mention the World Trade Center, as well as our own dark future. The sputum that oozes from Jerusalem poisons our bodies and our souls. It is the philosophy that one group has supernatural permission to abuse and exploit others of supposedly lesser status. It’s also called being dishonest.

Simply put, we see the effects of our behavior on the planet, this garden of eden that supplies and fulfills our every need. We have turned it into a sewer. It looks a lot like Israel. And the world is beginning to look a lot like Israel, walls going up everywhere to farm us proles out into the landfills of the megacities, where they can bury us properly.

It is the shadow of our own fear that propels us down this suicidal path of acquisitive avarice as we try to pile up trinkets as a way to anesthetize ourselves from our fear and avoid the inevitable truth.

We are only here for a little while, and we have only one chance to make it right. This is our situation. You can’t prove any of it except by faith, a human need that has been shamelessly perverted by bearded men in black robes.

Whatever fantasy you wish to construct to palliate that fear — be it the heaven of good intent so aptly symbolized by the Egyptian concept of Ma’at’s feather of truth, a goal precious few of us could achieve nowadays — or the cruise through the bardo when the necessities of your past life determine your choice for the next — you are nevertheless following a path of your own device which may or may not adhere to the obvious and observable laws of the universe.

Whether we can see the world depends on whether we can really see ourselves.


Getting back to Fred Hoyle’s The Black Cloud, a giant black intelligence blots out our sun and engulfs the solar system in darkness. It accidentally kills one quarter of the Earth’s population. This intelligence quickly internalizes every piece of knowledge about the Earth and begins a humane dialogue. Could we trust it? Did it trust us? What had happened was akin to a man accidentally stepping on a nest of ants who could talk.

Today, our first forays into the farther regions of our solar system have involved detonating preposterously large nuclear explosions on the surfaces of Jupiter and Saturn. That is the human message sent to the universe. What tiny microbial civilizations that might have developed into beings of beauty could have been wiped out by such disrespectful maneuvers? Seems like a trivial thing next to the people America has murdered for the lies of the PNAC report, doesn’t it?

We are responsible for this.

And taking it just a bit further, the poisons that rain down in chemtrails, the sedative additives put into our foods, the misguided voodoo practices of medicine, like the anesthetic fluoride, for example ...

We are surrounded by deliberate programs to kill us. Face it. We have built them ourselves.

So on Jupiter and Saturn as here on Landfill Earth.

A black cloud of our own design, a signal to the farthest reaches of the galaxy that the human species kills first and asks questions later, maybe. Probably folks most beings in the universe wouldn’t like to hang out with ....

The unknowing

Thoughts last for only a millisecond, they flicker in the sky of our mind like some fading fireworks barrage that vaporizes into the night.

For about the last 15 years I have not been able to watch fireworks displays. It is because I always hear the people of Iraq screaming when I watch them.

As we return to the place where we — all of us — spend all of our nights, reflecting on the victories and vicissitudes of the day, each of us sees in our own hearts what we have done to the world, and how bad we are hurting because of it.

This is, if you have a conscience.

However, conscience is very much out of fashion these days. The bottom line is what has been imposed on modern human society. Efficiency. Profit.

Somehow, the most important things in life are left out of the equation that runs the world. And unknowing people lie dead in the dust as a result of our own unknowing.

Perhaps, at least in some minds, the lights are coming on. But it seems as though the human species has left its conscience, the hallmark of what we call our most essential ingredient, behind.

We have abandoned the most important things in our lives for a few trips and trinkets.

And we refuse to hear the cries of those in pain, principally because we are in pain ourselves.

Thusly do the bombs keep falling. The human blood ritual, sanctified by all holy men in black robes, continues endlessly. And we, each of us on our pillows, seek sanctuary from the insanity that increases daily.

Who is the real enemy? Is it ourselves? Or is something being imposed upon us?

You and I wouldn't relish gunning down Iraqi families in cold blood. Why do so many Americans participate in this gruesome blood ritual? America never was in danger from Iraq. Why do we not stop it? It's all about lies.

These are the lies we live with, and sanction by our silence.


What is in this book? Any reporter knows a good story lists its central theses right away, then outlines its supporting evidence, then follows with unimpeachable evidence that the story is true. That’s what I’ll set out to do, but you get to decide, of course, whether the guideposts you’ve selected for yourself were your own authentic choices or the implants of somebody else. Somebody you might not like if you knew who it was.

Our journey begins with a tiny falling silhouette that disappears into the nightmare clouds of pyroclastic dust that filled the streets of New York that fateful day in September.

Our hearts clenched, but our ears could simply not believe the story that twisted president told that day, especially when afterwards they hid all the evidence and denied that surviving New Yorkers were being poisoned by radioactive dust, which had been pulverized so finely into talcum powder that even surgical masks couldn’t prevent the microscopic particles from entering your lungs. The government quickly said it was safe, but that was just one of many lies about the whole thing, and even that caused many more deaths.

A trigger for permanent war was what it was. A Pavlovian green light for an American government hijacked by psychopaths to demand everyone march in lockstep order toward unjustifiable mass murder against a number of different countries. Most Americans waved their flags and started marching.

By the time this parade had got up to speed, the U.S. Constitution had been suspended, and people were being put in jail without the opportunity to either examine the evidence against them or confront their accusers.

And as TV media told colossal lies about what was really happening, the War on Terror spread its filthy radiation and corruption around the world.


This book is about the deliberate sabotage of the 9/11 skeptics movement by agents still unidentified, historical replicas of the perpetrators of mystery crimes down through history, from Jack the Ripper to David Berkowitz, from Torquemada to Richard Perle. All were Jews, BTW.

The movement quintessentially failed to gather obvious and voluminous evidence about the Jewish Israeli pattern to the aspects of the crime of 9/11, which, if you need to have this labeled for you, means you have remained in the social coma I call the mindlock.

This failure enabled the destruction of the evidence to pass practically unnoticed. So many anomalous “firsts” — notably steel towers felled by fire — exist regarding the events of September 11, 2001, that we must admit we can’t really see the reality of our own lives because what we saw and have observed since is so different from the official story that has been widely reported as true: Arab hijackers etc.

Since we are forced to accept the images provided for us, and we know they are false, this cognitive dissonance fractures the remainder of our perception about the other facets of our lives. As a result, we send our children off to a war we know is unjust and fake and against all good things human and holy.

This is how insane America, and the world, have become.

And it is all caused by the black cloud of fear of death, from which each of us, as we hide in our various sacred labyrinths to convince ourselves we have solved the problem, secretly cowers in terror.

Next: EFJ2: The god in your wallet

John Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida who used to have a website until he ran out of money. Undecided about what to say about 9/11 — except that the official story is a lie, something millions now realize — aghast at the continuing wars for lies that most people just ignore, and terrified of the imminent prospects for irreversible environmental degradation, he has remained silent for three months. Having been banned from PayPal for his “goyim” story, the only way remaining to underwrite his work (which he desperately needs) is by e-mail and snail mail.