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What Fish Are You Behaving Like, At The Moment?

Dieter Braun ("Indian In The Machine")

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ill improve as you detox your body and take control and responsibility for your actions, and when enough people do this, we will atttract everything our heart's desire too!......Then you too will be able to see the man and woman image on television, is actually a large billboard advertisement for televisions, and the man and woman in the advertisement are eating fish & chips!......ask your friends what sort of fish are they, and have a laugh. What a fish can see has largely to do with one's soul contract with Creator, combined with values, attitudes and beliefs, and the sum of all experiences, that result in a specific vibratory state of being.For example, the quality of water, food, air and soil can brings one's vibrations down, and thus they see the universe from a limited state of a person purifies, they remove literally, the heavy metals and chemicals imbeded throughout the body and their view of the universe becomes wider....or multidimensional. *In order to become "the fish" that can see far past the fishbowl, a person can increase their vibrations by having loving thoughts in emotional control, in a pure body, while harnessing and accessing new spiritual abilities (heartfelt living, intuition, Truth, communication).....becoming a conscious and diligent student learning to master Self and one's place in the Universe. * Purify body: Detox, sweats, herbs, roots, bark, pure water, fresh air and more.... Purify emotions: Take full control and responsibilty, release all that no longer serves you to Creator Purify thoughts: Everything including junk tv shows to mindless gibber at the golf course or bingo hall, are absorbed into your subconscious whether or not you like it.

Consciously cleanse yourself of any junk thoughts gained through undesirable experiences including that absorbed thought the mass media and advertising by choosing that which you experience. Reprogram your subconscious like a hard-drive computer that often needs updating. Remember this: the subconscious has a strong influence on what you are currently experiencing. Access spirit: As you take steps to love self and the universe, all your dormant gifts and abilities will be your day you are watching television and the next day you are bored television but also on that day you discover you can sing, dance......then the next day you discover you can envision and design new healthy buildings....eventually and as soon as you would like and when you are ready, you discover you can do anything.....the journey of the discovery of Self lies within....look within to access spirit...experience Creator within yourself, and everywhere.

Our society is currently governed by fish who cannot see past the fish bowl and it creates a society of limitation, poverty and poisons society itself literally through pollution, misappropriated energy, and poor choices. People must be represented by those who are diligent students of Self and the Universe, in order to be a true free society.....this helps everyone to realize our full potential as fish who can see waaaay post the fish bowl. Know it!

Have a grand awakening,

Dieter Indian in the machine

The writings, AMAZING sky photography, music and video of Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)