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Just My Imagination (Or Not)

By Mike Pitts

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ve of the events that are presently occuring.

We have all been told that we experience life in a holodeck program, in a holographic existence, regardless of how real everything seems to be. This is how our 3D world is experienced. This is why we have been told that our reality is actually a non-reality, that we are all actors in a play that allows us to learn and move forward in our soul-growth and ultimately into Ascension. We all agreed to play in the lower frequencies in this Grand Experiment to show that it was possible to find our way back to the Creator after having released almost all conscious memory of the higher vibrations from whence we came. The source of this holographic existence is controlled through Cosmic Natural Laws with the use of Light and Sound frequencies held together by the various elements of Sacred Geometry designed and put into place by our Creator, and we are then given the gift of free will to experience as we please.

It occurs to me that there is also 4D technology that is capable of simulating the appearance of lower vibrational (3D) reality through holographic programs. It can even simulate density, making a hologram appear and feel to be real. But the subject of the program would not have free will. It would respond or react as it is programmed to do. I'm sure most of you have seen holographic designs and holographic images in movies. Although, these are quite simple and crude compared to what the 4D technology would be capable of.

Now considering that the much more advanced 4D holographic technology is available to some of those who are in powerful positions, would it not be possible to literally create whatever reality they wanted to project, and thus program and project it in such a manner as to be totally interactive with the world and people around it ? Think about that. The only way you might know the difference is if you are able to see auras or be empathic or telepathic. I suspect the holograms can be projected via satellite, thus giving them full freedom of movement; possibly even to the extent of creating an entire holographic city filled with holographic people and activity for whatever purpose that might be deemed useful or necessary.

Consider particularly the events of the past four years as we have watched the "powers that be" try to bring a powerful nation into chaos and economic ruin. We have observed the disintergration of "Democracy" as our leaders have no longer listened to the will of the people, and instead have sought their own private interests grounded in greed and their need to control. We have watched their self-serving posturing at the expense of the people and of what is Right and what is Just. This has all served to help wake us up to the need for some serious changes. Many organizations and movements have risen up to help bring about those needed changes; to Right the wrongs, to help save the planet and its inhabitants in one way or another through various and concerted efforts. But many are still awakening, and at a seemingly very slow rate of speed, including many of the Lightworkers. And during these past four years, our consciousness and awareness have been being increased through the Light energies that have been bombarding the planet. We are being given numerous opportunities to awaken gradually, and to ultimately realize that we ALL are the Ones we have been waiting for. The Creator has sent us more help than we can possibly imagine, but we still have to do the work to bring the Golden Age into our Reality. Do KNOW though, that all this help is working behind the scenes in the areas that we don't have access to. Our main job at this time is to help bring the changes into the consciousness of our family, friends, and neighbors.

This brings me to the point of what I consider to be factual information, although somewhat extrapolated through my own thoughts and observations.

Imagine that as much as four years ago the Golden Age was scheduled to begin. All Agreements had been made and signed toward full cooperation and implementation for the necessary changes to come into being. Suddenly though, the "powers that be" began throwing up all sorts of roadblocks in refusing to honor their Agreements or Accords. Along with this they also stepped up all efforts to mind-control the population and to continue to dumb us down, to keep us from knowing or believing that a Golden Age was coming. Instead, many are still looking for the prophesied cataclysmic destruction of "Revelations" to come to pass before there can be any Peace on Earth. But enough people have been awake all this time, and many many more have been awakening, to convince Heaven (as if Heaven needed convincing) that we ALL, or at least most, would awaken for the Ascension.

Imagine that to help facilitate the full awakening and for ALL to gain an understanding of how vital it is to Earth's evolution, that some seemingly extreme measures had to be taken to bring it into being. The people of Earth had to realize just how necessary it is at this time. Don't forget that Mother Gaia is Ascending with or without her inhabitants, lest she ceases to exist. Also, remember that no One ever ceases to exist, although many have chosen to move on to other realities rather than to remain here. Yet at this time in our evolution we are to Ascend with our physical bodies, which has not been accomplished before in previous Ascensions throughout the Universes. We are the first in all of Creation to do this. That is why there is such tremendous Galactic assistance here now.

So to help facilitate our further awakening, imagine that we all needed to see our world falling apart at an accelerated pace; such that no One could deny what was happening. Everyone had to feel the effects in some way before they could begin to understand that we each carry a personal responsibility for the good of each other and the good of All That Is. How were we to be brought together into this understanding ?

What if, four years ago, the uncooperative "powers that be" were removed and replaced by a very sophisticated holodeck program that was designed to awaken the masses as it slowly caused the old paradigm to appear to self-destruct before our very eyes ? What if, for the past four years, we have been under the full protection of our Spiritual Heirarchy, Galactic Federation, and our White Knights as this holodeck program played itself out ? What if that holodeck program has been under their control ? What if nothing has been as it has appeared to be ? What if much of the past four years has all been staged to facilitate our learning and soul-growth ? What if our Karmic clearing has been and is being accomplished in this manner ? What if this holodeck program Truly can be switched off at any moment ? Is any of this possible ?

Imagine that most of the Dark Controllers and their minions are now gone, yet with some still remaining; still playing their games and desperately trying to hold on to the old ways. But those ways are only figments of the imagination now. They can only hold whatever power that we give to them. Do not fear them. Love them. They are our brothers and sisters who are cowering in the last remaining shadows; afraid to let go and join us in the Light, afraid to forgive themselves and return to the Oneness of All That Is.

Consider the past four years have helped us all to move forward in our understanding, and taught us all how to work with the incoming Light energies. It has also helped to teach us patience, caring, and forgiveness of ourselves. And haven't we learned a great deal about honoring and loving each other, including the Dark energies ? My, how we all have grown. We have been Ascending all this time whether we realized it or not, even as the holodeck program has continued to run and much of our world has appeared to be bleak. We continue to Ascend by bringing the Golden Age to us; to our consciousness and to our physicality.

What if each and every One of us has our own personal switch to turn off to the holodeck program, even if only for ourself ? Would you be willing to throw your switch ? Will others notice if you do ?

What if the realizations from my imaginings helps you to lift the veil to see what's waiting on the other side ? What if your own imagination is all you Truly require ?

Free yourself !

