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Strange Things in England

Stuart Wilde

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Henri Paul, the driver, was a French Secret Service agent with serious money in fourteen bank accounts. Three years ago I saw a vision of him, along with other Diana visions, where he was accepting cash that was being laid out on the bonnet of a black car. I think he was instructed to abduct Diana and Dodi but he was betrayed by his handlers. In my visions, the car was rigged with an explosive device that caused it go out of control and hit the pillar in the tunnel. Diana was seriously injured but she died of a lethal injection administered by a medical hit man that was waiting at the tunnel.

Lord Stevens has requested Henri Paul's files from the French Secret Service who are refusing to dump themselves in the doo doo by handing them over. Interesting. It will all come out one day but it is a lot slower than I ever imagined.

The Lord Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, is an acerbic left-wing chappie that scares the established order silly as he's close to being a communist, but Londoners love him. They call him “our Ken” and they perpetually re-elect him. Recently, he was being aggressively questioned by a journalist and he said to the man that he reminded him of a Nazi camp guard. The journalist was Jewish. Oh dear!

Livingstone was report to a shady committee called the Panel of Adjudication that is an unelected council that oversees things on behalf of the Controllers. The committee suspended him from office for thirty days for anti-Semitic remarks. Poor Ken never mentioned the Jews in his remarks but that didn't seem to matter. What is very weird is that an elected official can be thrown out or suspended if he says something that someone else doesn't like. Mega-control trips—it's all a bit scary.

Ages ago, I saw several visions of fascist brown shirts on the streets of England and troops rounding people up and taking them away. I am sure it is all several years away but the darkness that is descending over England is a bit dreary. Many people in England are very rich as even little houses now cost a million pounds or so, ordinary people are sitting on billions in assets. People have to decide if they will cash out or ride the real estate wave a little longer. It is a difficult decision. Three of my close friends have sold up and left but I can't say if this is the right time or not.

The crunch is coming. In 2002 I saw a vision in which Moslem fighters pulled back from suicide bombing in Israel and they began to go after oil installation. To that end, the Abqaiq facility in Saudi Arabia, the largest in the world, was attacked this week. The attack failed but it's the writing on the wall in my view. It's all rather dangerous as the war against the Moslems could sadly turn out to be a punch up that lasts a hundred years. I've said before, the Moslem fighters are brave and they don't fear death and they are not going away any time soon, so they will be very hard to defeat. Shades of the Vietcong I'd say.

Where that leaves us is hard to say. My thinking has changed dramatically. I see that our collective karma will take us to wherever we are going, and the only way to exit the karma of conflicts and power struggles is to be humble and express love for everyone all the way. I breathe love into people's hearts as I pass them in the street. I also breathe love for a few minutes to the world in general at the beginning of my daily meditation. Whether these are the actions of a hyper-ventilating fool naively hoping for the best or sensible actions that really work I can't say. But if you exude a bit of love each day for a few continuous weeks, your etheric gradually changes. You exit the combative, hard world of dogma to a softer, more accepting place. It seems like a good idea.

I used to think we could change things and get people going the right way but while many people have embraced an alternative way of thinking, the new ideas don't permeate much to those at the top. The global village and the brotherhood and sisterhood of mankind, is not an idea that has made a lot of headway in the corridors of power. So hoping things will change might be a bit silly, all we can do is change ourselves and wait. It's probably a bit cheesy to say, but love is the stepping stone out of trouble in my view because it is a way out of the collective karma, which is driven by a loveless mind-set.

© Stuart Wilde 2006