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Pope Warned About Global Warming Anti-Christ

Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscr

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will be the ending of our age leading to mass death and destruction.

Cardinal Biffi in issuing his warning of the coming Anti-Christ quoted the 19th Century Russian philosopher Vladimir Solovyov in saying, “This Anti-Christ will convoke an ecumenical council and seek the consensus of all the Christian confessions”

Reports from the West do indeed appear to be supporting Cardinal Biffi’s warning as the issue of Global Warming has suddenly become a rallying cry for the World’s Globalists since the release of the United Nations report on Climate change, and which stated in stark terms that Climate Change is indeed overtaking our Earth due to human causes.

Not reported in the West, or in the UN Climate Report, however, are the many divergent views on Global Warming being presented by many of the World’s greatest scientists, including Russian scientist Vladimir Shaidurov, and whose research points to the Great Tunguska Blast of 1908 as being the cause, and Denmark scientist Henrik Svensmark from the Danish National Space Centre, and who blames Cosmic Rays.

Most importantly being ignored by the West on the issue of Global Warming has been the research of Russian scientist Habibullo Abdussamatov, the head research at St. Petersburg's Pulkovo Astronomical Observatory, and who has issued many warnings that it is not only our Earth that is undergoing a profound period of warming, but also the other Planets in our solar system, and which is affecting Mars to the point that its vast polar ice caps are now melting.

We have further noticed in the West the vast destruction of their educational standards, and institutions, and which has led to a populace ‘ripe for the plucking’ by the Globalist forces intent upon uniting the World’s government under a unifying governmental structure and Supreme Leader.

This can also be seen in the accelerated growth of Global Unions between various Nations that have created the European Union and now appears to be occurring in North America with the planned union of the United States, Canada and Mexico, and which many Russian political analysts liken to the failed communist experiment of the former Soviet Union, and which at its height enslaved150 distinct ethnic groups on two continents.

To the Anti-Christ Cardinal Biffi has warned about we can read:

"Antichrist is translated from the combination of two ancient Greek words αντί+χριστος (antí+khristos), which can mean anti "opposite" (of) 'khristos' "messiah" therefore"opposite of Christ". Anti can also mean "for or as". Thus "in place of Christ" is also a valid understanding of the term."

To the Christian Bible warning through the visions of St. John, and as recorded in the Book of Apocalypse (Revelation), of the Anti-Christ there are numerous accounts, including the name of this beast being 666.

Lending urgency to Cardinal Biffi’s warning, at least in our opinion, is that it comes during the timeline outlined by the 12th Century Irish Saint, Malachy O'Morgair, and who from his visions of nearly 1,000 years ago has accurately predicted the line of Popes, including the current one, Benedict XVI, and who, according to Saint Malachy, is the predecessor to the final Pope, Peter The Roman, and who will reign over the destruction of our Earth and see the rising of the Anti-Christ.

It is indeed fitting that we reflect upon these things as the World around us continues to reel from crisis to crisis, and to which the greatest sufferers are those without true knowledge, and in being so are then left without hope.

[Ed. Note: The United States government actively seeks to find, and silence, any and all opinions about the United States except those coming from authorized government and/or affiliated sources, of which we are not one. No interviews are granted and very little personal information is given about our contributors, or their sources, to protect their safety.]