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By Kalina Raphael Rose

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has offered some healing tips which are on the Ascend website under Mission Halo tips. Before commencing the process with the codes it is important to place a sphere of Love-light around you representing your wholeness, create a sacred place of healing and intend that only that which is for the highest good of all, in alignment with your Soul purpose in accord with the Divine Plan. Many Ascended and Cosmic Masters will come forward to stand with you and your True Self, as you work with these codes, please accept and welcome their assistance. Overlighting the Ascend foundation is the council of 24 Ascended and Cosmic Masters, and you can ask them to enter your auric field assisting you in the healing of your wounds.

The first codes that were shared with you in part one of the Melchizedek Program were:

code 1 - de-activating the death hormone and

code 1a- activating the rejuvenation hormone in the pituitary gland.

These two codes were a pre-requisite before the two Birth and Creation codes 15 and 15a could be offered.

In part two you will be given code 15 and in part three you will be given code 15a

MELCHIZEDEK PROGRAM- PART TWO Rose of Raphael Vibrational Essences 15


This code is to heal the trauma that sits in the 13th strand of DNA separating the 12 strands from connecting to the 22 strands. As this trauma is healed and the 13th strand connects the 12 to the 22, it paves the way for humanity to embody their God Presence on Earth thus creating 'Heaven on Earth'.

The conflicts that are acting out on earth at this time have galactic origins from the wars with the creator gods, some who wanted the full empowerment of humanity and others who wanted humanity to be kept disempowered and controlled. Take heart, overlighting this ancient conflict is Mother Father God and all the Angels calling the creator Gods to heal, calling them home. As we allow this conflict we have embodied to heal within ourselves we awaken to our true potential and can offer this healing to all humankind assisting to create peace on earth!

Discovering the wound in the 13th Strand

Spirit guides us often in strange ways to awaken us to the truth of our journey. A traumatic memory began to surface in my consciousness. I asked for assistance and was guided to read the Pleiadian Agenda, a book by Barbara Hand Clow. I opened the book at a page that spoke about a time in humanity's history 7200Bc.

As I read the information it triggered a very strong response in me bringing into consciousness the wound that had already been stirring. My intent to heal this wound led me on a healing journey that encompassed workshops in Sydney Australia, a trip to Africa and Uluru Central Australia, and a week sailing with the Whales at Hervey Bay in Queensland Australia. In this story I will attempt to convey how all these seemingly unrelated events are linked and revealed to me a deep wound that needed to surface and heal in order to fully embrace the Christ Codes that were gifted to us all through the Grace of the continuing star seeded bloodline flowing through Jesus/Jeshua the Christ and Mary Magdalene the following are excerpts from the Pleiadian Agenda, by Barbara Hand Clow, Bear & company Publishing, Santa FE, New Mexico, ISBN 1-879181-304)

Page 235-237, Pleiadian Agenda

The Nibiruan gods came again in 7200BC., ......., and then the Nibiruans remembered that the Galactic Federation had given them the right to incarnate. ...You felt overpowered by these gods. Next, they selected some of your most beautiful women to become goddesses. The Annunaki selected women to have sex with them so they could actually birth themselves into the incarnational cycles of Earth, and this was something that had never occurred before. When a star being incarnates, it fuses with the spiritual; body-ka- of a human, and the child is born as a hybrid Sirian or Pleiadian. Because Nibiru, is a planet, the Annunaki gods needed to experience physical fusion with humans in order to enter the incarnational cycles by creating children. They succeeded in this- even your bible tells this story- and as a result, their blood is forever part of human blood..... Also, it was time to crossbreed the Nibiruans and humans to improve the genetic potential of earthlings. Before 7200 BC, crossbreeding was carried out for the survival of the Nibiruans, and the Nibiruians treated you like laboratory animals. In honour of your new status, the Annunaki built great ziggurats that reached to the skies, the sexual encounters took place in these temples, and this caused pain during sex in the women of Earth.

Those women also experienced difficult labours and birthings because of incompatible mixings."Women and men of Earth, until this time in your matings with each other, all sex was very natural. You easily merged electromagnetic fields and your physical bodies, and the vibration of the Moon, Sun, and planets flowed through your kunalini channels. You were drawn to each other by planetary affinities in your birth charts, and merging was always easy and pleasurable. Sex with the Annunaki was forced and unnatural in so many ways because there were few energy affinities. You became confused, while the gods felt kundalini energy for the first time. .....The vast majority of gods were male, since Nibiru is so patriarchal, and that is why the Nibiruians have never overpopulated themselves. All imbalances between men and women today come from energetic imprints of incompatible energy fusion from these ancient times. Your loathing for reptiles also comes from this phase of your evolution because the most embodied Anunnaki are very reptilian, and those Anunnaki were the ones who would mate with human females. These energy imbalances were so difficult that brothers and sisters born from these matings were often mated to each other to enhance the Anunnaki genetic purity while cutting down on pain and stress. (end of excerpt)

The Mutant Strand of DNA

The trauma of the Anunnaki mating has created a mutant strand of DNA

I received the activation of the mutant strand of DNA in a healing session with a friend in October 2001. I experienced its energy like a vine and there was not one part of my being that it didn't touch. The Masters explained that there was a gift of evolvement from the Anunnaki which was lying dormant; rejected because of the trauma involved. This trauma has also prevented humanity from accessing within the genetic coding the gift of Christ consciousness that we received from other seedings, particularly from the Sirians and Pleiadians. Because we have been staying separate from something that is present in every cell we have been unable to merge fully with anything including our own God presence.

The Ascended Masters told me that the trauma from the mating with the Anunnaki, sits in the 13th strand of DNA and separates the 12 strands from connecting to the 22 strands. They called it the 'Mutant strand of DNA'. As the trauma is healed and the 13th strand connects the 12 to the 22, it paves the way for humanity to embody their God Presence on Earth thus creating 'Heaven on Earth'.

The Masters told me that I would draw codes and receive songs to heal this trauma. It took ten months, several journeys and much inner work before this was accomplished.

On my website there is an article about my journey to Africa (Now is the Time to heal the Planetary wounds). also an article called in Celebration of the Feminine at Easter about Mary Magdalene.

SYDNEY In this article I spoke about a workshop called Healing the Sisterhood. The purpose of this workshop was to name and ask for healing of the wound caused when the priestesses were given to the Creator Gods; and to ask for healing for the wound of painful birth on the planet by restoring and reclaiming the full power of the egg of the Divine Feminine which was split in two in Patriarchal times. It was a most wonderful healing supported by 60 beautiful women, 40 who were physically present and the others who joined us energetically. This workshop was also to pave the way for the wound of the negation of the dark feminine, held in Africa, to be handed over to the Galactic mother to heal.

AFRICA A small group of us named and offered this wound to be healed by the Galactic Mother on Table Mountain, (the earth element of the world) Capetown Sth Africa on Saturday 13th April. Six of us then met at 10 pm to sing in the Christ Grid forming with our hands joined a six-pointed star, linking with lightworkers all over the world. I was able to do my work in Africa through the Grace of the Divine Mother and many beautiful soul sisters and brothers who assisted me energetically and financially to journey to Africa with Liz Watters, a wonderful healer who with her partner Charles Munene organizes Spiritual Tours to Africa. (email:

A group of us journeyed with Liz on the first Credo Mutwa Safari tour. 'Credo is a shaman of the highest degree, a herbalist healer, teacher, prophet, diviner, keeper of the artefacts, story teller, painter, sculptor, keeper of the sacred sites, a social worker, a writer who is revered all over the world.'It was such an honour to sit in the presence of Credo and his assistant Virginnia and receive his wisdom. I was able to complete my commission with his permission, which was to sing ancient healing songs given to me by the spirit guardians in New Zealand who asked me to sing them in Africa. These songs creates an energy vortex/portal that honours the old guardians and sets them free to return to the source to recharge. The songs also release any trapped energy or thoughtforms and welcomes in the new energy for this Age of Aquarius and its Guardians aligned to the true essence of all the sacred teachings and the Divine Plan. Credo allowed us to sit with an extraordinary necklace. This huge necklace was the Ancestral necklace of the Zulu people it had many codes and hyroglyphs, an engraving of a whale and enclosed in a replica of a mothership, the stones from the star ancestors. Together he, Virginnia, myself and my friend Anna sang the songs over this most amazing necklace that held all the knowledge and wisdom of the Star ancestors. It was an incredibly moving experience for all of us.

I was fully supported by the Divine Mother to do her work in Africa. In meditation before going to Africa a white rhinoceros came to me and offered me a ticket freely given to Africa. A beautiful soul sister arrived to visit me and gifted me this ticket. Credo told me that the white rhinoceros represented the Great Mother. Whilst visiting an African woman healer she told me that I had been cursed and lifted that curse from me. Credo told me that I had been buried under the ice. As this curse was lifted from me in the land of its origin through the Grace of the Mother I began to thaw out and the scene was set for the dark feminine within me to come again to life. Credo tells amongst his many stories, the story of Mirimba an immortal Goddess who was betrayed, cursed and made into a zombie, and in this state through her many children were birthed seeding a whole nation. This story opened me deeply to realise that here again in the African creation stories another version of the Anunnaki story and another piece of the puzzle. The children birthed from the trauma of numbness has left a coldness or lack of life in our bloodline. My healing process since this realisation has been working with herbs and essences and the codes to bring the warmth back to my blood, as I did this I began to access and bring into consciousness more of the buried wounds.

ULURU From Africa I went straight to Uluru to present at the Wesak/Uluru conference connecting the healing energy from Africa and Sydney. Uluru is the planetary solar plexus chakra of the world. The journey to Uluru completed the cycle for me that had started in 1988 when I was shown the split in the sisterhood and also activated to remember my Pleiadian lineage and to heal the wound of Maldek that was brought to Earth. Maldek was a planet that exploded in the Pleiades and Uluru held its wound of soul fragmentation that was affecting the birthing centre in women and splitting the feminine egg of power into the two circles. In my presentation at the conference I named this wound of Maldek and asked the 200 people present to allow this wound to heal in their being, asking the Higher energies and the Divine and Galactic Mothers to release it through Uluru and offer it as a healing gift to all beings who held that wound. There were several women there who had attended the 'Healing the Sisterhood' workshop in Sydney and they assisted me in bringing that healing release to Uluru.

HERVEY BAY THE SOLAR ANGELS / THE SIRIAN ARCHANGELS / THE ANGELS OF THE SEA - THE WHALES AND DOLPHINS, and their assistance in our remembering. I finally drew the energy codes 15 and 15a in the physical presence of the humpback Whales whilst sailing with friends at Hervey Bay, full moon in August 2002. A wonderful lightworker living there keeps this portal very pure through sacred ceremonies and prayer. To help us remember we can call on the support of the whales and dolphins, such wonderful emissaries of knowledge and the Christ Consciousness, to enter your dreaming and help you to remember your origin as a being of Lovelight. The whales hold the records of our true history and if asked will give us back our memories of any times when we have felt abandoned and separate from Source so that we may remember and heal. The dolphins help us remember our joy and childlike innocence and together with the physic children are also holding this energy for us as they are embodying and holding the blueprint of the Divine Child through the energies of the Solar Logos at this time. These beautiful ones also assist us to access our Divine child through healing our wounded inner child..


Humanity is now experiencing the second coming that has been spoken of - the Christening of humanity en mass. The wounds of separation have been preventing us from accepting our own Godself., and our own Christed nature. One of the wounds surfacing now to be healed is that of the incarnation of the creator gods through the priestesses, which is stored in our cellular memory. When Jesus/Jeshua Christ brought his codes to Earth we received them through our upper chakras and energy bodies. Before his coming we ascended through the inner earth pathways. In order to re-experience ascending through the upper chakras the entrance points to the inner earth were closed down. When these energy portals fully opened again and the Christ Grid entered deep into the core star of the earth in April 2002, the Codes of the Magdalene, the Christed Feminine could finally be earthed and received after 2000 years of integrating what Jeshua brought through the male _expression of the Christ Consciousness.

Now that Mother Earth has received these codes deep in her being, our physical body is now receiving the Christ codes in the feminine way, through the Magdalene, entering into our bodies pulsating up through the roots of our Tree of Life. For many this has been a very intense process, for as this energy enters our physical body it has been bringing to the surface any energy blockages and old traumas that would block this flow. The trauma stored in our cellular memory of the incarnation of the creator gods through the priestesses, is now surfacing to be healed. One way that we have been almost forced to rest and integrate this process, in spite of our busy lives is through particularly strong viruses. In these times of illness we have rested allowing our bodies the time to integrate and accept this powerful new energy.


In the illusion of third dimensional reality, another of the memories surfacing to be healed are the wounds of separation that occurred at the end times of Lemuria and Atlantis. When the higher councils of Light and their physical representatives withdrew, those that were left behind died quite painfully and felt abandoned. There are two issues arising to be healed, one is huge grief at the loss of the mother egg in Lemuria and the other anger at God for feeling abandoned to our fate. In order to heal we need to allow the truth to pierce through our denial and grief. The truth is that the energy that birthed both Lemuria and Atlantis, that of the Mother Mu was never damaged and is activated deep in the inner earth for us to draw on now as we allow and welcome it to also pulse up through the roots of our Tree of Life. We can also call into the circle of our wholeness these wounded aspects of ourselves breathing out the grief and anger and asking that it transmute into focused Spiritual action, dedicating this transformed energy to empower us to complete the work and evolution of our species to higher levels of awareness and consciousness.

HOW TO USE THE CODES The last codes that you were sent to support you to de-activate the death hormone and to activate the rejuvenation hormone in the Pituitary gland. You can use code 1 again in conjunction with code 15. Many beautiful Spiritual beings from the Ascended and Cosmic realms are here to assist us at this time and you can ask them to enter your auric field assisting you in the healing of your wounds.

Call on the assistance of your own beloved God Presence,and Christ Presence, the Ascended and Cosmic Masters of the Light and for these codes in particular the support of Sananda/Jeshua and Lady Nada/Mary Magdalene, the Seven Solar Archangels, emanating from the Heart of Mother/Father God, Amaya the Galactic Mother, the Divine Mother, the Sirian High Council, the Sirian Archangels, the Elohim, the consciousness of the whales and dolphins, and the physic children. Ask for the assistance of Archangel Michael. Welcome him into your auric field and ask him to raise the vibration of the prana in the air to the frequency of The Holy Breath of God. Breathe through the mouth three deep breaths drawing this holy healing life force into every cell and breathing out the trauma of memories of suffering and painful death that are held there. Name and release any dysfunctional thoughtforms that are attached to the wounds of separation asking that they be transmuted in the Violet Flame of forgiveness and ask that any cords attached to others be dissolved with the loving sword of Truth.


The spiritual purpose of this code is to support the bringing into consciousness in order to release, heal and transform, the traumas of the priestesses being given to the creator gods and any other trauma in your soul journey on earth that separates you from connecting to Source- Mother/Father God and your own God Presence - to allow the releasing of any grief, anger or feelings of abandonment towards God and the spiritual hierarchy - to release the belief in painful birth and to restore the innocence and sacredness of sexuality. Place the code intuitively on your body and affirm:

I allow this code to support me to release any trauma that separates me from my God Presence. Sing the activating mantra -AYA NAYA OOH -three times. Open up to the assistance of the Solar Archangels as you sing this healing song seven times- OOH OOH OOH MY YA, NA NA MY YIN NAY AH OOH, NA NA MY YIN NAY MY YA.

(I was given the codes with this healing the Language of Light comes from the seven Solar Archangels who come from the heart of God beyond the Great Great Central Sun and Moon. These solar Angels express through the consciousness of the Elohim and the Whales. This song creates a sphere of energy that holds you in the energy of the Solar Angels and the Sirian Archangels expressing through and the angels of the sea as they support you to embody your own angelic presence).As you welcome these codes, and the healing that they offer, DEEP INTO YOUR BEING allow the grace of these Angels of the sea to assist you to release and heal with ease grace and joy. Take as many days as you need to work with Code 15

In my process with these codes I was able to connect with the aspect of myself that held the trauma from the Anunnaki mating and as this aspect received healing she has been gradually re-integrating into my being, restoring the innocence and joy of sexual union that was present before the trauma. With the support of the Ascended Masters, the Whales and the Seven Golden Solar Archangels of the Elohim, I journeyed through time to access and heal the wounds of Atlantis and Lemuria and many memories of separation from Source. This experience has enabled me to embody more and more my angelic presence and to experience the joy of speaking again in the Language of Light. I sang the song the whales gave me whilst I drew the codes. Whilst releasing these wounds, a process that lasted many weeks, the Angels sang this song to me continuously holding me in their Grace. After completing this process call on the Holy Spirit not bound by linear time to take this healing through the present moment to release the past - your ancestors and yourself in past lives and to the future to your future self and all that you have birthed.

Many blessings on behalf of my own God Presence and the Ascended and Cosmic Masters. Kalina Rose.

This program is copyright to Kalina Raphael Rose one of 12 Emissaries of the Ascend Foundation Permission from the author is given so that this may be distributed freelyon condition all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.
