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Do You Have A Mission?

Meira Findel

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Watch out! I’m really on a mission today.

You know, as the mother of four children and a Certified Family Coach, I take children and parenting very seriously.

Families are the foundation. We all had parents. We all got raised. It can be the best of times and it can be the worst.

Our childhood journey deeply impacts us and makes us who we are.

As children we watch our parents and make important decisions based on our experiences and our observations. Some of what we learn makes us strong. Some of what we learn hurts us.

Many of my adult clients wrestle with limiting beliefs and habits that keep them stuck and in pain. Truthfully, some of these blocks come from parents who just didn’t have the knowledge to be the parents they wanted to be in their hearts.

Let’s face it. Children don’t come with instruction manuals. I have never met a parent who didn’t have the best of intentions for their children.

And, cliché as it sounds, kids today really are different. Raising kids in today’s world has new and sometimes scary challenges. Parents often feel confused or frustrated because they just didn’t know how to be the good parents they want to be.

And, as a mother, I’ve known the pain and fear of not knowing how to best help your child in difficult situations. If you’re a parent or an educator, I’m sure you’ve been there, too!

It most definitely does NOT have to be this way.

Without hesitation I will say that the biggest NEED among parents and families today is one very big thing – really good information. Information that they need NOW and that they can use TODAY. And then with a little coaching put into practice.

That’s where a Family Coach can make a difference. A HUGE difference.

Look, good, healthy parenting can children strong foundations for a good life. Happy children with high self-esteem grow up to be successful, abundant adults.

If you’ve ever wanted to make a REAL difference in the world, I invite you to join me for my upcoming Indigo Family Coach Certification Training. This is the only Indigo Coach Certification program in the world and a unique opportunity to make an abundant income doing something important with your life.

Here are some of the benefits of the Indigo Family Coach Certification Training:

1. You will gain confidence in your ability to work with families.

2. You will gain an extensive understanding of child development.

3. You will gain a working understanding of family dynamics.

4. You will improve your own parenting skills.

5. You will know how to help other parents improve their parenting skills.

6. You will gain understanding about the spiritual wounds of children.

7. You will learn how to heal those wounds as well as your own spiritual wounds.

8. You will develop good coaching assessment tools.

9. You will gain a solid understanding of human nature.

10. You will improve your communication skills.

11. You will learn how to use EFT for yourself, your family and with your clients.

12. You will master a basic understanding of the Human Design System.

13. You will know how to set up a thriving coaching practice.

14. You will feel confident that what you have to offer is just perfect for the clients you attract.

15. You will learn how to attract just the right clients.

16. You will recognize blocks to prosperity and how to use new “abundance mindset” skills to overcome those blocks.

17. You will be part of a growing professional community of like-minded individuals.

18. You will learn practical ways to implement your life mission.

19. You will gain access to good statistical data to support the alternative tools that you have in your coaching "toolbox".

20. You will learn how to be an advocate for families who are looking for alternatives.

21. You will learn how to teach/market small workshops in your community.

22. You will know how to access cutting-edge coaching resources.

23. You will feel satisfied that your work has a powerful positive impact on the world.

24. You will learn how to use lots of different marketing tools to grow your business.

25. You will develop a career that allows you to deeply express who you are and is just plain FUN!

But, most importantly, You get to make a difference in the life of a child.

There’s not much on God’s green earth that beats that.

Click this link to learn more:

My new class starts soon and I want to see as many new faces as possible. We already have people from all over the world signed up! Let’s put a Family Coach in every neighborhood!

Remember: there’s no quicker way to help yourself than to get going helping others. Here’s a good way to do that:

See you in class!

