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[AstrologyForTheSoulNewsletter] Spirit Broadcasts

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Iraqi TV broadcasts pep talks from Saddam Hussein. Fox News broadcasts news for American Republicans who don't like to hear any other side of the story (their conservative guests outnumber liberal ones by a 4:1 ratio). Arab satellite TV networks express anger at the war and urge support for someone that even Arabs admit is a "monster." CNN broadcasts American news, but tries to be somewhat objective, or in other words, scary.

But there is another broadcast happening that is infinitely more important than all of these networks combined: the broadcast happening from our hearts and minds. There are soldiers in the sands of Iraq fighting a literal war. Alongside this military war, there is also talk about the psychological war, the US/UK and Iraqi attempts to win the support of the world. And there is yet another field where opposing forces are clashing for supremacy. Inside of every one of us, fear, hysteria, and anger are facing off against peace, love, and calm.

Peace? How can we feel peace? Because not being at peace hurts ourselves first, and hurts others indirectly as well. Love? How can we feel love? Because what is most needed right now between at least the civilian populations of the world is love. When we send our love to the innocent people of Iraq, for example, they feel that on some level and respond accordingly. Calm? How can we feel calm? Because we have to.

The vibrations emanating from our hearts and minds, though subtle, are the most powerful thing that we can possibly give to the world. Imagine a country full of people mired in fear, hysteria, and anger. In this condition, with the collective etheric television stations broadcasting chaos, we know what must be the result. Imagine instead a country full of people spiritually powerful enough to choose to feel peace, love, and calm. With the broadcast of these truths, we know how miraculous the result could be.

Pardon me for being dramatic for a moment, but we are all "fighting" in this war. We may not be shooting a machine gun, but we are all contributing the quality of our consciousness to the collective mind. We all want to see peace at all levels, and the truth is that we can all do our part to create peace. Real peace is not created by angrily protesting (loving and firm protesting can be incredibly powerful, however, as Ghandi and Martin Luther King, Jr. showed us). Real peace is created by returning to our connection with our spiritual source and spending time there.

On the spiritual path of life, everything is an opportunity for consciousness, and we are all replete with the opportunity to choose clarity right now. The actual war that is happening in Iraq is of course very real. What is also very real is our internal state and our reaction to this very intense phenomenon. If we each do our part, very good things will happen.

If your mind ever feels out of balance, this is a powerful breathing technique, a kind of simple pranayama. Control your breath, and you control your mind. Breath in to a count of three, and breath out to a count of six; this reverses the normal sleeping tendency to breath in for longer than one breathes out, and so it promotes consciousness. Do this for a sustained number of times. I normally do 16-32 of these breaths once a day, and I notice that it gives a lot of mental and spiritual benefits. After keeping this up consistently for a week or more, the clarity of mind seems to get stronger and stronger. It is very powerful to do this before meditation or prayer.

In addition to sending thoughts of love, peace, and protection to the people of Iraq, the soldiers in battle, and the rest of the world, the most important prayer right now may be that of asking for Grace for ourselves so that we can remain in our hearts and in our spiritual center. Whenever anything is hard for us in life, sincerely asking Spirit for help and strength, as many times as is necessary, is always bound to help; sometimes this may be the only thing that helps. I continue to ask Spirit for help so that I can be in my heart's center, and so that the greatest good will come about for our brothers and sisters in Iraq.

As always, feel free to share this newsletter with others as long as the entire newsletter is reproduced.

Peace and love, Moses / Toll Free: 1-86-MORE-JOYFUL / Email: >From Moses Siregar III
