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An Open Letter to the Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and All of the Celestial Hierarchy

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through the various channels and telepathic workers involved in this process. Since they are human, and fallible, at times the messages have been unclear, or a bit contradictory, repetitive or intentionally or unintentionally misleading. However, certain facts have come through clearly.

We know now that you have come to Earth Shan at this time, at our request, to assist us in throwing off the shackles of slavery imposed by the dark cabals and to prepare us over the next few years for transformation and ascension. As part of that process, you have or continue to root out and remove the negative ET presence on the planet, as well as limit the destructive actions of the dark cabals still operating freely.

You have indicated for several weeks now that, due to the unreliable attitudes and actions of your earthy allies, you are taking direct control of the announcement process. You've stated you are deeply disappointed in the fragility of your agreements with us, saddened that so many of us in positions of power are immoral and unreliable. You seem thrown off by the corruption of our leaders. I have to ask. Are you surprised?

I submit to you that the very nature of our society almost inevitably fosters corruption and immorality at the higher levels of power and responsibility. The dark cabals and reptilian overlords have made very sure that, for the most part, to achieve any position of power in government, media or responsibility in general, the would be leader must sacrifice their own integrity and morality on that upward climb. Is it so surprising to you that you would find the worst of humanity floating to the top of power and influence on our planet? Remember, the dark cabals have had thousands of years to set up a system designed to suppress the light and foster the dark.

Working as intended for the Universal Duality game, and something you should have expected. Perhaps, just perhaps, you should look not at the top for roles in the new world, but rather below? There are so many good hearted, honest people here that would take up the call to lead, and serve the Light.

I ask you now to consider the possibility that the time to act is NOW. I do not believe you will ever reach some perfect point of completion, where NESARA and First Contact and the Second Coming will roll out without a hitch. Inevitably, this process will be difficult and challenging. Inevitably, it will be a struggle. There will be fear and distrust, and turmoil.

But PLEASE believe we are more ready for this process then you imagine! We are not a flock of cowed sheep milling about the pastures, bleating in fear at the sight of colored lights in the sky. We ARE, all of us, spiritual Masters in our own right, temporarily fractured from our own birthright. We ARE shaking off the long sleep. We are realizing our true nature, and we are more ready then you imagine for the First Contact.

The time is right, the time is now. I ask you to act for the sake of those dying every day in Iraq. I ask you to act now for the sake of the millions starving around the world. I ask you to act for the sake of the even greater numbers now awakening and calling out to their allies above for assistance. I ask you to trust in us. Trust in all the good people of this earth. Trust that we are ready, and waiting.

We need you, we cant do this alone. We are ready NOW. Are you? Let us truly begin!


