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God Salesmen and Impeccable Integrity

James Gilliland

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nothing to do with the higher levels of awareness where love, compassion and forgiveness abound. We would think we would have evolved beyond such primitive understandings by now. I have spoken about the holy wars and how there never has been anything holy about them. In truth they are fought because one king or leader wanted what another king of leader has. The present war it is for oil and who controls it. America does not care about how we go about getting it as long as they can drive up to the pump and fuel their vehicles on a regular basis. We have leveled whole cities filled with innocent men women and children not to mention torturing them later being the instrument of pain, suffering and death on an immense scale yet we call our leadership Christians? How can anyone who supports this be a Christian?

The masses are duped into believing the invented enemies most of which were trained in the USA in covert operations represent the people of their country. These people labeled heathens and infidels rather than the other diverse men women and children of God are then slaughtered and destroyed by our corporate sponsored war machine. It makes it alright to break the commandment, "Thou shalt not kill." The warmongers lawyers add a few addendums such as unless they are of a different color and faith and are sitting on something we want. Our corporate sponsored department of offence not defense is the reason we have terrorist. We would be the terrorist if another country came to the US and behaved the way we have in the past. Our foreign policy is determined by corporate greed. Pure and simple. The innocent men women and children are merely collateral damage, faceless numbers in a quest and lust for power, control and material acquisition. Profit and greed with a total disrespect for life is the foundation of the majority of our corporate sponsored leadership. They are not Christians, do not act like Christians, in fact they are anti all Christ stood for which is love, compassion and forgiveness as well as service to others. There is an old Chinese saying, "A mans actions establishes his character." We are

either willing participants in this madness or true Christians which will make a stand for the real teachings of Jesus which are not reflected one iota in the present leadership despite all its holy rhetoric and façade.

There is another God salesman I want to address. This one is very slick. They will come in every color and belief with deadly charisma. They will use all the right catch or buzz words yet the underlying motive again is self aggrandizement, power and financial gain. They will put on a facade to deceive you into believing they are serving the people yet if you follow the money you will see it goes to perpetuating a lavish lifestyle. Look at the salaries, the financial books, and the percentage of funds or goods that truly end up in the hands of those they profess to be helping. The bottom line is each individual needs to make their own personal God connection. There are no go betweens. Marketing goods by attaching them to God with holy powers is another slick trick. There are healing formulas, there are spiritual healing powers and new technologies that unlock ones own healing potential yet there is as many false claims and nonsense.

If one is truly serving in the awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth they will operate with impeccable integrity. Most live a simple life; they are not into pompous and arrogant titles that separate them from the masses. They pick up hammers, shovels and rakes, cook, clean and assist in the healing process mentally, emotionally and physically. They live in harmony with others and nature. They are the visionaries building a better tomorrow. They would not dream of investing in or supporting anything that is not in alignment with the greater good of Humanity and the Earth. It is really that simple but getting to simplicity in a world motivated by competition, profit and greed is not so easy. It is time to cooperate, work in harmony with each other and the environment. Be the solution rather than perpetuating the problem. There are no

divisions in God, there is no separation in Omnipresence, and nothing evades karma or the action/reaction principle. How much more simple can it be? In the days to come the facades are all coming down. The true motives and intentions are going to be revealed. Those who have gained at the expense of humanity and nature will come to realize just how humanity and nature feel about them as both awaken. The process has already begun and you will see it unfold rapidly in the days to come. As I said earlier, make your own personal God connection, go within and develop your own inner sensitivity, your own inner guidance and act upon it. Only that will insure your tomorrow. You have immense support now in this endeavor seen and unseen. Be well

James Gilliland
