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Things That Help Alleviate The "Labor Pains" Of Ascension

By David Coyote

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d it will tell you what it wants and also what it doesn't want. I dowse often for foods, herbs, supplements etc and combinations of the above. Muscle testing (Kinesiology) works great also.

Very important for the changes are lots and lots of purified water- either filtered or spring water. Divide your weight in pounds in half and this is how much water in ounces (the minimum) neeeded daily . If you weigh 200 lbs. you need 100 ounces of water daily. For each coffee or alcoholic beverage add another glass of large water as they are diuretics.

The correct kind of salt is very important to our bodies. Regular REFINED Salt is considered a poison to the body by Dr. Batmanghelidj "The Body's Many Cries for Water" The minerals have been removed from REFINED SALT and an aluminum silicate is added to it to keep it flowing UNrefined sea salt has all the minerals in it.

Lots of raw organic vegetables and fruit. Eat fruit separately and a half hour before any meal as eating fruit after other foods will cause fermentation in the innards.

Exercise- vigourous aerobic exercise. Running, swimming, fast biking, etc. If you cannot do this try power walking or marching -- swinging the arms high in the air. An hour daily is a minimum.

Deep brathing from the abdomen or solar plexus-- preferably outside or in front of an open window-- air contains Light as does water. Practice deep breathing often until it runs on automatic.

Hot soaks or saunas-- the best way to remove toxins from the body. After 20 minutes no more toxins are released at one time from the body (Dr.Bieler "Food is your Best Medicine") and Dr.Bieler states there is no better way to eliminate toxins. The Hot bath also relaxes the body and alleviates many "ascension symptoms" Two cups of UNREFINED SEA SALT or 2 cups of Epsom Salts or 2 cups to 2pints of Malt Cider vinegar (not the white stuff) can be added to the bath. NOT altogether- see which works best for you.

Meditation-- a must for me. Simply "being quiet". with the spine straight-- either sitting or lying on your back. Become "The Observer" and simply watch your thoughts and feel your emotions. Concentrating on your breathing as the air hits your nose on the way in and again on the way out as it hits your lips. Breathe in -- Receiving Love--- Exhale- Radiating Love Visualize the Heart Center as a "Rosebud" opening into a Rose and leave it open.or use whatever visualization and affirmations that resonate with you.

Get away into nature when you can. Hug a tree. Even a park where there are no electrical wires nearby works great. Electric wires run through the walls of our homes. It's good to get away from these and charge our self up in nature.

SHUT THE TV OFF-- pull the plug and get away from it. It turns humans into couch potatoes and puts out a frequency that interferes with us-- something akin to what a cell phone does. Try it for a couple days and feel the difference and if you do watch TV - pull the plug when not using it as the modern sets are still on with the plug in the wall- putting out a frequency. Myself , I've grown tired of TV. Tell me a story I've never heard before.

Alcohol and drugs- yuk, you can get a better high doing these things for body and mind and spirit with no hangover and without damage to your self.

A great "picker-upper" when feeling out of sorts, dragged down or groggy and you don't have time for a nap. Splash ice cold water in your face with your eyes open using cupped hands to do so. Then splash or rub cold water around the neck up the arms and the armpits and stick a wet cold finger in each ear. A wee snort of cold water up the nose helps if you can do this, as some can't. In ten seconds or so you will feel alert and alive. It sends blood rushing into the brain.

At times I get weird sensations in my eyes. I have a small pill bottle filled part way with water in my freezer and I put this against the eyeball with eyelid closed for a fraction of a second- not long enough to feel pain- and this does wonders. Repeat if necessary.

Massages, cranial release, and foot massage (try rolling a golf ball under your foot barefooted) work wonders. The jaw meridian is an important release point when releasing anything- physical or emotional. To release the meridian push back on the two top teeth- not enough to hurt- maasage the jaw area and under the ear at the back of the jaw bone is a powerfull release point. Using a fingertip press behind the jawbone with a forward pull-- you'll know the spot when you find it as it's very tender. Go gentle on this point especially if working on someone else.

Likewise a cold shower or at least as cold as you can take it will improve circulation, send blood rushing into the organs, cleansing them and do wonders for your skin. If you can't handle this splash cold water on your body with your hands, or even cool water helps.

Peanut Oil- Cold pressed only, NOT the refined cooking oil does wonders for joint pain (including arthritis), muscles and tendons. Rub it in- as much as the body will absorb- 200 to 300 rubs is great. It's a great massage oil, softens the skin and became known thru Edgar Cayce readings as an arthritis remedy. As well as lubricating the joints I believe it is anti-inflammatory. Hot packs with an oil soaked flannel cloth are great. Use a hot water bottle or heating pad with a plastic bag over it.

Be wary of "buying into" ascension symptoms. Many of the messages going around have lists of symptoms that are scary. If you think that you are going to get any of the symptoms or worse yet, all of them you may just do so as our thinking is power-full. What we think and feel and yes what we fear too, we may manifest.

Always use discernment when reading articles or channelled material or even when talking to another re beliefs. Trust your gut and heart feelings. Does the article etc. bring feelings of upliftment, joy, peace or humour? Trust your heart and gut for they will let you know. One thing I'm certain of is that messages from Spirit do NOT invoke fear. Anything causing or suggesting fear I hit the delete button. Why even bother reading it. As for the future, it hasn't been written yet, we are writing it. Instead of reading prophecies and predictions, be your own prophecy.

I have a simple method for dealing with fear. Doesn't matter if it's a personal matter -- relationships, money, etc or a worldly matter such as war, famine, abuse, terrorists etc. I sit quiet, center and ground myself and do some deep breathing throughout this practice.

I bring fear into my heart center and I feel it there and sit with it for a bit. I then take notice of any emotions that come with this fear. I sit with these for a bit. I then notice any thoughts that accompany the fear and I bring these into the heart center --noting that thoughts and emotions are different things. I sit with this for a bit. I then call on Divine Grace or Divine Love or whatever term you like, to assist me in balancing the fear, emotions and thoughts-- balancing them with Divine Love and transmuting this into the NO- thing that they are -- except emotions and thoughts. Sometimes I place both hands over the High Heart Center - just below the collarbone- and I breathe deep until I feel All is Well. When I feel calm and at one with self and all I then fill myself with the vibration of Joy and Love -- breathing it in - filling self first -- and then radiating it to all. Works for me..... and I go along my joy-full way until I find fear again at my door and I repeat it. (Many thanks to Janisel and Kuthumi for the method above of balancing in the Heart Center-- this works well for me)

I use one affirmation "I AM WHOLE IN BODY, MIND AND SPIRIT" KNOW this and FEEL this in all of your BEing and so it is. Mouthing the words is not enough for one must feel it. The true meaning of wholeness is to be healthy. Any small piece of Holograph (Holy-graph) contains the whole picture- and in the whole picture we are Divine Perfection- in body, mind and spirit. KNOW this which means feel it within and it is so.

And the GREATEST HEALER OF ALL is LAUGHTER.. for Laughter and JOY are kin. The ability to laugh at myself is the greatest gift I was given and I use it often. When things get serious I remind myself "This is supposed to be fun" and in the blink of an eye, or perhaps a wink of an eye it all changes.

I have discovered being grateful for the experience here brings JOY. Why shouldn't I be grateful for the experience I chose to come here to have?????

If I don't like where I AM at I can always choose again....... and don't sweat the small stuff.

.... and HUGS-- lots and lots of HUGS, physically or sending out waves of them or via your fingertips on the pc- just radiate from the heart center-- and they are tangible.

Take what you like and leave the rest. LIVE LOVE LAUGH LIGHTEN UP Big HUG Namaste' Davidcoyote arooooooo yipyipyip (If you have any little tips that help please email them to me at as I continue to update this article)
