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Roage: Roger Pool

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ce became.

I struggled with this puzzle for 35 years and when I figured it out, I realized, that it was the most important thing I could learn. I thought I was inadvertently stumbling onto something but actually; it was the singular purpose of my entire existence.

The universe is not governed by chance. Law governs the universe. Nothing happens that is not bound directly to law. I repeat! Nothing happens that does not obey the law! Law controls the expression of power. All real power obeys the law. Again! All real power obeys the law! In most principles discovered by man there are exceptions. That is because we do not fully understand the law. In all cases, all things obey the law and exercise power only where it is specifically constrained by law. There is no separation between natural law and those laws we are subject to within our own private thoughts and desires.

To simplify the fundamental concept:

All power is both expressed and bound by law and both flow from a single source.

Now I realize that many will say "I can break the law whenever I want." Yes you can commit an act but you still, unknowingly, obey the law and are subject to power brought on as a consequence of your act. When justice is marshaled against you, they that wield power, under the law, obey the law. You will not escape the consequences of your actions. You will either be deprived of freedom, killed or suffer in some way. A fugitive is not free. Guilt is a prison we build for ourselves. It is inescapable. We have no choice. Having no conscience is a prison in its own right and without that compass we will unknowingly walk off the edge of the earth.

Often we ignore the truth that actions have consequences because we do not fully recognize the relationship between power and law.

We know we are not permitted to steal without consequences because that is a proven axiom. That is not to say we are unable to steal. It means there are consequences when we steal. We cannot free ourselves of those consequences because we do not posses the power to do so because that would break the law. The perpetrator loses their power to control the consequences as a result of their action. The victim is still in possession of their power and has the power to forgive the act and mitigate the consequences. It does not end there however, the perpetrator still has a debt and consequence to the victim and left un-honored will precipitate even more creative consequences. The debt is not owed to the victim and the perpetrator is held by this power and made to obey and I will explain why later.

This cause and consequence principle is un-challengeable or self-evident. We can ignore it if we choose but it remains in force and it is expressed through of law and power.

We have the ability to create fictions of law. Fictions of law are unreal rules we put in place. Fictions of law only have power when we voluntarily supply the power, we are permitted to wield, and choose to empower that fiction. Without that willful consent a fiction has no real power. All human beings have the power to willfully nullify a fiction whenever they choose.

Today we have amassed such an enormous volume of fiction that even we cannot read or understand it all. Very few people now operate under real law and we tangle and confuse ourselves with our fictions. We have forgotten the simple law that we have the power to rid ourselves of fiction whenever we choose to. We have to choose to nullify the fiction because if we do not, then we are bound by our word to obey the fictional law.

The idiotic truth is that many of use allow ourselves, by our own free will, to be deprived of our freedom because we allow power that is exclusively ours to be used against us.

Most law, we find ourselves fighting now, has no real power that we do not lend to it and has no basis in truth.

People, you are free to do what you want to but you do not have the power to force this fiction on me. It is the law that if I nullify this fiction then it will not be used against me because I have the power to free myself from it and no human being has the real power to do anything about it.

Let’s go back to the principle of stealing from another human being because it is important to fully understand how the power is expressed in the violation.

Power is manifest under the following law and, at least in biblical terms, is documented in two ways but both refer to the same principle. The Old Testament documents "the eye for an eye" and the New Testament documents it as: "do unto others as you would have them do unto you". They refer to the same expression of power and consequence and they are in essence identical. The Old Testament looks at this expression of power after the violation occurs and defines the consequences of the violation as a means to avert the violation by way of fear of the consequences. The New Testament defines the consequence of the violation prior to the violation to avert the violation using fear of consequences and realizing what will happen if we commit an act. Both passages warn of the consequence. If you put out someone’s eye then your eye will be put out. Power is expressed and given to those in witness and who have been empowered to sit in judgment to the act and wield that power to make manifest the consequences of the act or violation. In this way the cause and consequence is consistent and there is not an unfair expression of power through law. The power of all law enforcement obeys this principle in real law without exception.

What we have foolishly done to ourselves these days is we have bound ourselves to a fiction and forgotten that we have done so.

If someone comes up with a law that says the "sky is red" and because we voluntarily give them power to write such a stupid law, without challenging that law, then we will be made to obey that law. If we do not willfully remove our consent and then say: "the sky is blue", thereby violating the fictional law, then we will be made to obey the power that results from the expression of our own will. This is the situation we find ourselves in today. We obey laws out of habit that have no real power outside of the power we individually give to it.

What has the real power to makes us obey? That is easy. The thing that makes us obey the law is what ultimately controls all power and is the source of all law and power in the first place. This source is what we, in our limited capacity, call God. We have become ignorant of the role that this being plays in our lives and that is the reason for our suffering and confusion.

We mistakenly think, "Power flows from the barrel of a gun". The person who said that would like very much that you believe and accept his idiotic fiction because when you do believe and accept that nonsense then you willfully give him all your real power. He is simply a balding toady that took great liberties and caused untold hardship on millions of people and they deserved it! Even today the stupid sheep look to this buffoon as some vaunted purveyor of truth. We laugh but we are guilty of this same ridiculous nonsense and it was perpetrated against us roughly at the same time.

The idiot who said: "We have nothing to fear but fear itself!" Is in the same category and the sheep in this country bought into it hook, line and sinker. If you are wondering why the government has the real power to push you around, at will. It is because we accept this nonsense without challenging it or rejecting it. If you are dense, then let me tell you why that is such an idiotic statement and so dreadfully wrong. The truth is: "We have nothing to fear but God." If we think we have the power to do anything without consequence simply by ignoring the fear of the consequences then we bring consequences and suffering on ourselves. The toady that made that statement was indeed responsible for bringing untold death and hardship on us but we allowed him to do so unchallenged. We deserve what we got!

If a law enforcement minion of government mistakenly thinks they have real power to break into your house and beat you and you give him that power and blessing, out of ignorance, then you deserve what you get. If you resist the minion without dispelling the fiction then you are wrong and you will be deprived of the power to, by force or words, repel his assault. In all cases violence is not required for any reason. Now simply uttering the phrase is not sufficient. It is not a "magic word" that frees you from all obligations under law. The officer must know that you understand that, you know, what you are talking about. The phrase is only used to get his attention and transfers you into a common law jurisdiction. A common law jurisdiction means the officer must abide by real law and not law of fiction. Under real law as long as you do not injure another party either directly or indirectly, then no one has power to act against you. Under a fiction the power that is used against you flows through and from you. Under common law, the law and power flows from God and, for the officer to have the real power to act against you, there must be an injured party or a contract that you failed to meet the terms of. Since in many cases all that stands between us and a fine or prison, is a fiction written on a piece of paper somewhere and no real victim exists. Under fictional statutory law that piece of paper is all that is required because you consent, but under common law there must be a person injured either alive or dead.

You are simply telling the officer that you are free of fiction and that he is bound to follow the principles recognized under real law and you are telling him you are revoking his power to act against you under a fiction. You must speak in lawful terms that he understands. It is best to use the exact law number required. If you do not know what that is, I suggest you don't try it until you do.

Conversely, if you have lawfully dispelled that fiction in such a way that is plain and understood by the law enforcement officer and he is aware that you understand what you are talking about and he proceeds anyway, then he loses the power and the power of justice is placed in your hands. Most officers charged with enforcement fully understand this concept. He has no responsibility or duty to teach you this principle because you will only know this principle if God permits you to know it.

You do not have the power to force God to teach and you must follow the rules that God requires or he will not permit you to know the law. No exceptions. You can read this document all you want but to recognize, understand, retain or believe this truth you must do what he commands you to do. If you trust God without condition and ask God to do so he might teach you if he feels you are ready. One thing that will keep him from revealing the law to you is if you are actively and continually violation the Ten basic rules and we all know what those are. Knowing what you are to do to see this truth is also in God’s hands as he decides when you are ready. No exceptions. You can lead a horse to water but you can’t make him drink. Sadly what we are required to do has been allowed, by God, to be hidden from us because God is teaching us all a basic lesson. That is why we suffer because we turn away from the source of all power and law. When we do this we lose our sovereignty, power, rights, property and the truth is intentionally hidden from us. More importantly our "way out" is concealed from us and we live in a prison that we construct by ourselves until God is ready to release us.

This principle is being widely and un-mistakenly expressed around the world right now. One need only look in every direction far and wide to witness this axiom.

I can lead you to the truth but only God can let you perceive it. No exceptions.

Power is not an ethereal concept. It is real potent force because God is a real potent force. Very little of this power has been wielded by the average human being in the united States, (the capitalization is correct) or the world for that matter, because the source of our power has been intentionally obfuscated. This obfuscation is permitted because we allow it to happen by our own free will because we look for any other reason then God to explain how our universe works. We deserve what we get. It is the lesson and purpose of our life to understand this basic principle and until we learn it we will always be at the mercy of our false perception that: chance and happenstance reign supreme.

Much of our written words are a feeble attempt to document the law. Science, philosophy, religious doctrine and our codified law books are all expressions of our desire to concretely describe law and power. Matter and energy obey the law. We are matter and energy; we obey the law. However we have other essential components that are widely misunderstood. We have a spirit and soul that operate outside of our perceptual universe and with that spirit and soul there is a distinct body of laws and a power principle that will be obeyed.

These laws are not obeyed because we chose to or not to obey them. They are obeyed regardless if we choose to recognize the truth of their existence or not. All thoughts and actions have consequences and if one understands the law and the principle of how power flows then one will have much success wielding the power they are permitted to wield. Peace and true happiness are a normal consequence of this realization.