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Light Protects You

Charles Beach

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d a select few I have shared this special technique with.

Like most everyone else I know, I have encountered numerous accidents over the many years I have been driving. I was looked upon by my insurance company, as a great risk. For such a long period of time, it seemed that if I took my attention off my driving for a second, I'd have an accident. In the more recent years, my accidents were almost totally fender benders. As we all know only to well, fenders benders are seen by the insurance companies as just as bad as any accident that might take a life or maim another permanently.

It finally got to the point, where I was sick and tired of playing the games of taking my life and the lives of others in my hands, every time I got behind the wheel. I decided to do something about this. I first started looking at the truth principals I had been Learning over the years. Seeking for the techniques, that would enable me to overcome my past bad habits. It finally dawned on me what I needed to do. This brain storm is the reason for this report being formulated.

Like all of you reading this message, we have been exposed to the power of the Light when attempting anything important in life. Learning how to use the "LIGHT" constructively, will bring us whatever we perceive as needful in life.

When the Light went on. I recognized the simplicity of what I needed to do. I needed to put the Christ Light around me for anything of importance. The Golden White Christ Light held the key when overcoming anything I perceived as important for me.

My Driving Improved Dramatically

I started this process with my driving. Every time I got into the car, the first thing I did was to place this Golden White Light around me and the car. This action by itself gave me a sense of peace like I had not known for a long time.

Let me share a experience with you. One day I got into my car for a trip to the grocery store. This trip would require 4.5 miles of driving both ways. I got out on the main street and was headed for the store. I had driven maybe a mile down the road when out of no where came a car on my side of the road. I immediately stopped the car and he continued coming towards me. I braced myself for the collision I knew was immanent. This persons car then swerved back over to the right side of the road. He/she continued on their way as thought nothing had happened. I breathed a sign of relief and restarted my journey. In the past, this would have meant an accident.

Over the past three and a half years, there are been other close encounters that could have been accidents. The bottom line is, The wife and I have not had a mishap of any kind. Our insurance has also started going down to the levels where we want it to go.

What I have shared with you does indeed work. But, and this is a big but, This does not takes away from the fact that we must all pay attention to what we are doing when behind the wheel. Living in this world requires we follow the rules set up by man.

Put the Christed Golden White Light around your car and see what a difference it makes. If your "ATTITUDE" is, I "BELIEVE" that placing the Golden White Christ Light around my car does protect me. Be assured that it will.

Let us take this recommendation a step further. While driving, send this Golden White Christ Light to everyone on the road. "SEE" everyone getting to their destination safely. I personally feel that our individual efforts in this manner, could cut down on accidents. This is another way to serve our brothers and sisters.

This process works for anything in your environment. Your home. Your Loved ones. Anything you own. Another example, we live in a senior mobile park. There are lots of homeless around the area. Many homes have been broken into in the last three years. Our's was not one of them. We have numerous items on the porch that are still there. the value of these items would be over $1,000. As I have said before, nothing has been touched. We attribute this to having the Golden White Christ Light around everything.

This technique is a powerful tool for protecting you and yours. By the way, I have met others while out and about and shared this with them. In most all cases, these persons just looked at me as though I was some kind of nut. Those brothers and sisters not of the Light, react in this manner to anything that they do not understand. I share these facts, to prepare you for could happen to you too.

Have not the masters been telling us forever, this is a do it yourself program you are all involved in. We have the capability of asking them for help when needed. But the bottom line still reads, we must take care of business on our own. What I have shared with you in this report is one way to spread our Love and Light into our world.

You are Loved unconditionally.
