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One Avatar Can Counterbalance The Negativity Of All Mankiknd...

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ur own spiritual vibration or consciousness we raise the vibration or consciousness of the whole planet. Dr. Hawkins uses kinesiology to test the vibration of everyone and everything for truth or falsehood. He says anything or anyone that vibrates under 200 doesn't know the difference between truth and falsehood. In over 20 years of study and work he is able to prove his works. He has tested millions of people. He has been able to set up a point system so we can determine where we or others are in our consciousness vibration by using kinesiology (muscle testing). He provides instructions for the test. Those vibrating or calibrating under 200 do not know the difference between truth and falsehood. The calibration figures represent a logarithmic progression. This is a list of the points: Shame 20, Guilt 30, Apathy 50, Grief 75, Fear 100, Desire 125, Anger 150, Pride 175, Courage 200 (this is where the turning point is) Neutrality 250, Willingness 310, Acceptance 350, Reason 400, Love 500, Joy 540, Peace 600, Enlightenment 700 - 1000.

"Although only 15% of the world's population is above the critical consciousness level of 200, the collective power of that 15% has the weight to counterbalance the negativity of the remaining 85% of the world's people. Because the scale of power advances logarithmically, a single avatar at a consciousness level of 1000 can, in fact, counterbalance the collective negativity of all of mankind. Kinesiological testing has shown that: One individual at level 300 counterbalances 90,000 individuals below level 200, one at 400 - 400,000; one at 500 - 750,000; one at 600 - 10 million; one at 700 - counterbalances 70 million individuals below level 200." What this says to me is that it won't take very many of us to bring peace to this planet if we are willing to learn how to raise our own calibration/ vibration or level of consciousness and then proceed to do it by getting out of Shame, Guilt, Apathy, Grief, Fear, Desire, Anger, and Pride and getting up the scale from Courage and Neutrality to at least Willingness (310) and better yet 500 (Love) so we can cover as many as possible that are calibrating below 200. In 1995 there were 12 persons on the planet who calibrated at 700." There are several more now according to Dr. Wayne Dyer in one of his recent taped lecture series: It is Never Crowded Along the Extra Mile, Ten Secrets for Success and Inner Peace. "Were it not for these counterbalances mankind would self-destruct out of the sheer mass of its unopposed negativity. The difference in power between a loving thought (10-35 million megawatts) and a fearful thought (10-750 microwatts) is so enormous as to be beyond the capacity of the human imagination to easily comprehend. We can see from the analysis above, however, that even a few loving thoughts during the course of the day more than counterbalance all of our negative thoughts."

I hope you will check these books out and pass on this information to everyone on your email list. We can bring peace to this planet and it won't take very many of us if we use this method.

Love, Light, Peace,

Beverly Halling

Spearfish, South Dakota

605 - 722 - 3771 (telephone)
