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Forgiveness Tools

Jane S. Stone

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to changes in the whole.

2. All organisms or objects contain energy, which they radiate or absorb. We humans radiate and absorb energy.

3. Our thoughts are constructed of energy. These thoughts are radiated and absorbed. When our thoughts are filled with joy, love and good will, they are absorbed by the universe. If our thoughtsare destructive, they are absorbed. This is how each individual contributes to the state of the universe we live in.

4. It is of some value to understand that people can not do what you want them to, nor can they even do what they want to do, they can only do what they are able to do. It is helpful to respect these differences.

5. Carolyn Myss tells us that it is important to forgive within ten minutes of an unpleasant experience. The reason for this is that after that period of time our negative reaction will invade our DNA. The importance of this is fourfold; it contributes to illness, it is transferred to our progeny through our DNA, it is radiated out, reflects on all that is around us, and is reflected back to us.

6. Since the beginning of time, we were told to forgive, but the how and why is missing from the instruction. I have tried to share my ideas as to why and how, which I am sure you can expand on.

7. The following text contains a meditation and two proclamations to use for forgiveness. Themeditation is not required to use either of the proclamations. I offered it only so it may help clear ones mind. The proclamations may be used at anytime, in any situation, or they may be used as an example to devise your own proclamations.

8. These proclamations have worked for me and for others, and they may work for you. I do suggest patience, after you say a proclamation it may take time to enter the important area of your brain, even as much as a day or two, then you will find the emotional intensity slipping away. Also if you find the irritation is intense, they may need to be repeated several times.

9. I must warn you do not reject this methodology as brain washing. We are all impacted with brain washing for the purpose of others. This is for you, your health, happiness and the well being of those exposed to you.

Be Empowered, Now (Release graveyard controls)

Your mind is like a radio, it receives information, but if it is full of static (mind chatter) its ability to receive information is curtailed. The idea is to remove mind chatter, not only for a clear mind, but for calm, the ability to ground oneself through meditation (listening to the Source) and living in the NOW. We are responsible to remain in touch with our heart's truth and stay in our body.

Clearing the mind of chatter is like disposing of physical garbage. We do not carry last year's or last week's garbage on our backs; so where is the sense carrying years of garbage in our minds? Each bit of past garbage we keep in our minds drains our energy, for where our attention goes our energy follows.

People's minds are filled with mind chatter much of the time, which leads to confusion, irritation, anger, inability to coup, squashed creativity, accidents, over indulgence, illness, misunderstanding with those we love and the rest we know we will never understand, etc. Life really is too short for this. Grounding oneself and clearing mind chatter keeps one centered and empowered to let you live your hearts desire in the now.

A grounding exercise follows: Find a quiet moment or a moment with your favorite music; Go down to the center of the earth and draw out a warm, golden stream of energy, enter the stream at the base of your spine, and start drawing it up through your Chakras. As the golden energy is being

drawn upward toward your crown Chakra, let it expand and fill your body and beyond, when it reaches the crown Chakra (top of your head) allow it to spill out to your higher self and into the universe like a fountain.

Keep the stream of energy flowing until you choose to stop, twenty minutes each session is preferable. Linger a while and enjoy the healing warmth of the golden energy filling your body.

The following proclamations offered to free your self of mind chatter are based on the curative power of forgiveness. Also, one must accept the idea that words have their own energy. This can easily be tested by saying negative words to oneself and noting how they affect your stomach (true answers lie here, illusion and ego reside in the mind) and then try positive words and note the feelings that they bring. Here are two proclamations that may help you on to the road of freedom from mind chatter:

Forgiveness for Oneself:

Find a quiet place, preferably one in the presence of nature. After seatingcomfortably, take 5 or 6 deep breaths. While breathing, be conscious of taking air in and out through your whole body from the tip of your toes to the tip of your head. This will relax you. Then say the following(aloud or to yourself):

I love and approve of myself. I forgive myself for all real or imagined hurts, I am cutting theenergy cord between myself and all boundaries that restrict my mind, body, and spirit, I amwrapping myself in a protective white light and placing myself in the hands of the Source. So it is!

Forgiveness for all People, Problems, or Irritations:

Find a quiet place as described above and imagine that the irritation is in front of you, and continue:

I forgive you for all real or imagined hurts. I am cutting the energy cord between us, wrapping youin a protective white light and placing you in the hands of the Source. So it is!


If we relieve ourselves of graveyard thinking, free our cluttered minds, live in our truth and respect the truth of others, we can love ourselves and express our love to others. Then we will really become true masters of our own universe rather then robotic victims of past irritations. This will indeed bring heaven here to earth for us and all those we touch, and will help all of us to attain our highest potential.

In Love and Light, jane