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Strangers and Aliens: Part I - IV

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r side.'So too has it been a journey of discovery and a gradual unfoldment of the seeing process for myself.

Before proceeding with this subject, however, it must first be explained that (as many people will attest) that beyond the 'gift of seeing' comes the 'art of knowing.' When one learns to trust ones inner guidance beyond all shadow of a doubt, or has simply surrendered their will to the Higher Will, then 'seeing' becomes 'knowing' in more instances than not.

The higher dimensional 'gift of seeing', as Edwards agrees, is combined with and also dependent upon 'hearing' at a higher dimensional level as well. Both are dependent uponan understanding of the spiritual language of metaphors. What a spiritual 'seer' often is shown is a metaphorical image--a picture which in fact represents a thousand words.

The reason for the pain in a man's back the other day which had avoided all cures by every conventional alternative healing method was 'shown' to my co-worker, Susan, as an image of a bobsled. To me this then triggered the word 'Rosebud', from the movie Citizen Kane where these were the aging patriarch;s last words before dying, a rememberance of a time long ago when he was happy and simple with his bobsled. Having just passed in my travels the Rosebud Indian reservation in North Dakota and nearby the site of Custer's massacre at the Little Big Horn, a vision of this man as a scout for the infamous general and his troops arose in my inner vision like I was watching the scene through a fish-eye camera lens. The words and images had acted like a set of keys to unlock those specific events both in time and in this man's dimensional genetic memory.

The cause for the man's long-held back pain then became clear, it was a large Indian war lance still there in this man's energy field from that past lifetime which had staked this man to the ground causing him not to die instantly, but to suffer a rather slow death watching those around him be slaughtered. The words which came through to aid the man in 'letting go' of this lesson from the past were, " You need to return to Rosebud and to the site of Custer's massacre, and there you need to shed the tears never cried for all those who perished on that day."

Like my own experience of a few years back where I too had needed to resolve the past life lessons of forgiveness as an Anasazi shaman (see Anasazi: A Lesson in Forgiveness at my website), this man too had unresolved issues of guilt and sadness relating to the fact that his spirit felt it had betrayed his own kind by leading Custer against them.

The removal of the lance's energy skewering his energetic field was only the first step to his healing. The tears Susan saw him crying in her dream state also helped wash away the past and allowed this man to wake without the pain, to begin a new life, a new day, without the deep-seated guilt and feelings of remorse that had for so long held him back from his true purpose here in this very important lifetime.

With every new client, with every new experience in fulfilling my own partiucular mission here on the planet at this time, comes a greater clarity of 'seeing' and of understanding what it is that I am seeing; also how it fits into the bigger picture I am trying to present to the world through the articles and books I write and through the talks I give. Even though my book Where Were You Before The Tree of Life? is four volumes, there is still so much more to the complex nature of the situation in which we are currently living here on Planet Earth.

The first thought which came to mind when beginning this particular series of articles was "Stranger in a Strange Land." For so many people, Robert A. Heinlein's 1961 cult-classic novel was an expression of their innermost feelings at being thrust down here on Earth with no relevance or understanding of their place in what they saw going on around them.

It struck close to home too as my own spiritual 'gifts' have opened up and been put into use. In Heinlein's novel, an earthling, born and educated on Mars, arrives on our planet with superhuman powers and a total ignorance of the mores of men. Treated as a freak, a media commodity, a scam artist, a searcher, a sexual pioneer, and finally as a martyr and a messiah, the hero's struggle to come to grips with his 'strangeness in a strange land' resonated with all the Lightworkers being born as part of the post-war babyboom.

This theme was also reprised in the movie of a decade or so ago, Phenomenon, with John Travolta. In it, a slow-witted country mechanic is 'gifted' with extraordinary presence of mind that allows him to doremarkable feats, but which eventually only leads to his own excommunication from normal society and to be seen as a threat to the status quo and to the inherent powers-that-be.

So to do so many people I work with see themselves and their spiritual 'gifts' as a curse that sets them aside from the world around them, making them feel like strangers in a strange land. Particularly do they feel most out of place when they try to fit their higher dimensional understandings of life as it should be, here into a 3rd-dimensional life in the illusory Matrix in place of planet Earth. Lightworkers sent here to be of service were never supposed to have bought into and invested themselves so heavily into believing in this illusory Matrix. This has been the difficulty with getting them triggered, awake, and up and running on their own particular missions--they have bought themselves into what can only be termed the great lie. The greatest lie of all is the one they have spent the most time trying to figure out-- how to fit their 'round-peg' idea of an all-powerul yet all-loving Creator Being who does not judge us and who cannot even see darkness because IT is so much infinite Light and Sound, into the 'square-peg" of religion where everything mankind does is wrong and where we are all eternally separated from All That Is.

The understnading of who they are and what they are here to do is, perhaps, the greatest tool for healing that we can give to people lost in a lost world, and especially to those Lightworkers who are our particular mission in helping them to awaken. To let them know that it is exactly those things which have set them apart which are their greatest strengths and the gifts they brought along to share with the planet, changes their focus away from the 'me' and into what it should be, the 'we."

Understanding that EVERYTHING in the Matrix is a lie, helps one stop going crazy by trying to justify this part or that part of the Matrix as being true while everything else around it seems to beso much a lie. The whole barrel is rotten. There is no system here to be fixed, but only a system that will in the natural course of things be destroyed as it once was in Atlantis, offering up a new opportunity to build life anew--the coming planetary ascencion process.

To aid people to an understanding that they are heart-oriented Pleiadeans, mind-oriented Sirians or Orions, rebel leaders, star- childs, star warriors, reptilians, or one of the countless other kinds of Being existing here currently on the planet to help it resolve its karmic imbalances,is to allow them the freedom to be who they are and have always known they were at the deepest core levels of their Being.

To share with them and assist them in understanding that as well as being interdimensional, inter-planetary Beings here on a mission, that they are also individual sparks of a divine Creator, free to rise above their most recent planetary dimensional affiliations, is to give them a vision of their own potential present and future progress in the never-ending evolution of Soul and of Creation in and of Itself.

To be continued in Part 2 Peter Farley is reachable through his website at


Strangers in a Strange Land -- Alien-Nation # 2 by Peter Farley 9/11/02 Part 2

The following was sent to me by the head of Irish Ufology,



In a letter from this entity in Utah, J.R., he writes about something and I'd like to ask if this information is true. He writes: "You most likely have heard of the Mormon Church, LDS, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, here in Utah, of which they control the total state in all fields and phases of human endeavors. They have built temples in 100 countries. The missionaries in all these countries, including the USA work with the CIA. As the missionaries can get into countries where the CIA cannot, they collect information on the people and everything of any and all nature, the country's government and all their activities. All this world-wide information is shared with the CIA and it is fed into three of the largest computers in the world, church-owned, here in Salt Lake City. This church is one of the most powerful and richest organizations in the world today. It has one of the largest and most secret police forces in the world. I have collected this kind of information for 45 years. The above is not all they are into. A high official of this church was recently kicked out of the church as he got too snoopy and asked too many questions. He came to me a few months ago and told me what happened.

He said that his life had been threatened if he told anyone of what he had found out. So he told me that if anything happened to him, to release the information he gave me. This information concerns a giant cavern beneath Salt Lake City and the Wahsatch mountain range. It goes north to Idaho and south clear down past the Arizona line, with offshoots west into Nevada and east into Colorado. This cavern has been common knowledge for over 120 years. Many cases over the years has appeared in the newspapers of people and groups of people going into the cavern,but never coming out. Several did find their way out, were hopelessly insane. At least that's what the newspaper said about them. At present, the Archaeological Dept. of Utah are down in southeastern Utah looking for a certain entrance into this cavern that fellow by the name of John Brewer of Manti, Utah, discovered around 30 years ago. He brought out of the cavern quite a few ancient plates of an unknown language. Some of the plates were gold, some silver, brass copper and clay. He also saw many strange things he won't talk about, such as what he thought were weapons of crystal. His son was tortured and killed by some unknown person or persons trying to force the secrets out of him. The church wanted the plates in the worst way -- they still do. . . Like he told me, "After all, where on earth would be a better contact point for the aliens than Utah, with thousands of miles of deserts and places not even on the present-day maps. Plus a large and powerful organization with hospitals, schools and universities where aliens could undergo physical changes,educated in our languages and customs, using research labs, some of the best in the United States.

A lot of genetic experiments and research is also going on here in different laboratories. Thousands of children and adults have vanished with out a trace of most of them, here in Utah. The fellow who is giving me this information also mentioned that for years now, the Church has been working on a vault-like repository in the mountains behind Salt Lake (East) part of the upper cavern to put all the church records, secret documents, and other valuables for safe keeping. He said for over a period of time he helped on this detail. Several times he said he spotted several small humanoids with extra-large eyes watching them from a distance. He said there was a lot of building going on in a lower portion of the cavern. He heard motor dynamos, the high whine of generators and voices. All this he said has been going on for over 15 years that he knew of. He said his curiosity got the best of him one day, he slipped away from the work gang he was in and went down to a lower part of the cavern. He came to some buildings with lots of rooms. There was a lot of building and other activity going on.

There were many men and women working on work benches with computers, and building electronic units of some kind. Among these workers were more of these small humanoids with big black eyes. When he started back, two security officers caught him and escorted him back to the repository vault, where they reported his actions and wanderings into the off limits area, to his superiors. They in turn put him on a truck and sent him back to town. He was warned to keep his mouth shut about what he saw. They told him what was going on down there was a U.S. government operation and was Top Secret. If he talked about it to any one, he would get 20 years in a Federal prison or worse. He kept asking questions to different members he thought were friends. Someone reported him. In turn he was apostated from the Church, with a death threat.

This is the third time in the last 20 years I have heard about this activity from different friends of mine who are members of this church. I didn't pay too much attention to it until I received the info on "The Web of Conspiracy" and Dulce, New Mexico which your organization sent out to me. I think its high time to put this info out to the public. Most people are so brainwashed by the church here, and by television, that most people won't believe any of it anyway. But I believe there are people in this land of ours who will believe. Those are the ones who need all the information of this nature they can receive. At least they will be aware of the existing situation and won't be so easily trapped. They in turn can help others. If you receive this letter, let me know.

Sincerely, J.R."

It sounds far-out in terms of what a human being normally sees or is presented with. However, like the old cult-movie They Live! where a man wearing certain glasses is able to see 'people' for what they truly are, one of the most affirming aspects of an increased ability to 'see', is the confirmation of what Zecharia Sitchin, David Icke, myself, and many other authors have been presenting to the world in recent years -- that is, that planet Earth is in fact a prison planet, and that those of alien origins who helped make it that way,never left, but are in fact still here as the ruling power elite who have controlled the planet and its knowlegde of history for as much as the past 100,000 years.

A recent trip to a resort location in the mountains of Idaho was only further confirmation to me of this fact. There at the posh hotel where the backbone of corporate America and the world come to meet, I found myself surrounded by reptilians and other 'alien-intruders' in humanoid form, accompanied as they were by their human reptilian- wannabe lackeys much as portrayed in another cult TV-series of the early 80s, 'V'. Well-known author, Barbara Clow, says in her work that the mini-series 'V'was actually made by arrogant reptilians to show the world the way things really were.Like the popular movie 'Independence Day',however, 'V' also portrayed the implausible ending of human beings rising up to overthrow their alien masters, much as if to keep the viewers placated in their mind-numbing state of lethargy.

Here among this heavy concentration of reptilians and sundry other overlords in human form,it was easier to accept the statistic given to me by my guidance that there are as many as 25 milllion reptilians in human form here in the United States alone--one in ten 'people'. This also helps to make the whole scenario of what is taking place here on planet earth more understandable --the mind control, the ritual child abuse, the abductions, the political maneuvering and posturing, the control of the bankers and the secret societies--- everything all of a sudden becomes far more believable --especially if one has the 'eyes to see' and the 'ears to hear'.

All the science 'fiction' movies of the past 50 years come flooding back into my consciousness as I more fully understand the ideas that were trying to be conveyed to the general populace through such media, by Higher Spiritual Beings intent on helping us free ourselves of this oppressive yolk of unwanted alien domination. Movies have always been a way to channel high level information to an unsuspecting population and make palatable to them deep spiritual meanings hidden behind simple formulas. Not only are we being invaded by beings from beyond this planet's realm of commonly recognized experience but we HAVE been invaded and continue to be controlled by those who have always been responsible for creating and manipulating human history to suit there individual agendas. To take this one step further, many of us are aliens here to help defend planet earth from these agendas, and help it birth itself and its population into a new and wonderfully peaceful paradigm in the coming fifth dimensional ascencion process.

Furthermore, what I stated earlier in a piece I wrote about the 'alien energy forms' that seemed to be inhabiting the physical and etheric bodies of so many of our clients, has now blossomed into an understanding gifted to us that many peole are indeed what our guidance term "experimental hosts" for these energies.

As you pick yourself up from the floor and continue reading, I understand the realization many of you will have just had relating to some of your own life experiences and health problems which have manifested away from any causitive factors of your own. Many human beings (and the alien ones in human form here to help) have now become experimental hosts for these alien parasitic lifeforms and I and my partner are not alone, nor the first, in discovering and describing this increasing alien presence in our midst.

None of this is shared in order to create fear nor anxiety nor anything but calm internal resolve to educate and deal with the problem at hand. It is meant to educate and enLighten others to those things which have recently opened up our own eyes to the reality of things as they exist here on planet Earth, here in this galaxy, and at this current stage of the evolution of the Creator and of Creation.

Things have not changed. Things have always been this way--at least for the past 100,000 years or so. It is now just coming to Light because it is time for the Great Healing process which will lead us and the planet into the 5th dimensional new paradigm.

One chapter of my 4-volume work on the New World Order deals with the topic of Adolph Hitler and the Nazis, and how the corporate and political elite of the world supported Hitler's rise to power, even at a time when the rest of the world was suffering through a worldwide Depression. After researching and writing on this subject, it comes as no surprise to find out that so many Nazi leaders were aliens and/or reptilians of one kind or another,or alien-controlled much like many of our own government and corporate leaders still are today, portrayed so realistically in the X-Files movie, Fight The Future.

*Note: A comlete list of the aliens, reptilians and alien-controlled politicians was circulated by me a while ago on the Internet, and is still available upon request.

One point must be made clear again here, however. All aliens, all reptilians,all alien-controlled human beings, are not 'bad' or 'evil' per se. Nor are they all necessairly here to subvert the free will of man. I have already worked with many aliens here in human form who have as their missions to support Mankind in its struggle to be free. Created from starseeds, our alien ancestors are also here to help us save humanity. These people are your local newscaster, your checkout counter lady, your massage therapist, and oh so many other 'normal everyday people' you see around you. That is the reality of this planet and its Star Wars bar blending of so many galactic species.

Many of these Beings are here to act as liasons and ambassadors to the 'new' earth planet which is slowly but surely evolving out of the mire. Many are here to better understand man and what it is like to be human (a blending of heart and of mind) so that when that day comes when earth takes its rightful place as part of the 5th dimensional galactic community, the warring universe that this has been for so many eons may find some measure of peacefulness at last.

And especially not all reptilains are 'evil'. This was portrayed even in the mini-series 'V' where there were rebels even among the invaders, those who helped man to overcome their own kind. One particular reptilian in human form that I recently came across in my work has as her specific mission to show humans that all reptilians are not 'bad'. She was honored to have been given such a difficult task to perform. Like some other individual sparks of Soul, she had chosen the most difficult of tasks not only to be of service, but also to drive her own Soul's progress on to reach its furthest limits of experience.

It is a very gratifying and freeing notion for a Lightworker to understand that they have come here to planet Earth at this particularly difficult time on a very dangerous, yet very necessary and important mission. That mission is to aid planet Earth and its group of 3rd-graders to ascend unhampered into the 5th grade (passing briefly as we are through the 4th grade level of existence). It is also gratifying to know that among more advanced elements of Soul, you, as the Lightworker that you are, have volunteered to serve in this, Creation's hour of need. It is freeing beyond belief to also know that, having come from the 5th, 6th, 7th, and even 8th dimensional levels of Being, you should not have to worry about your own ascencion process, beyond a simple recognition and acceptance of your choices in what energies to follow as you proceed along with your mission. Lightworkers are here to do exactly that--Work!

They are the tutors, the teachers, the assistants, the leaders, who are here to help the third graders reach the fifth grade. Focus put on your own ascencion process is wasted time once your are truly aligned with your purpose and who and what you are. More than that, focus directed this way is often an excuse for being what I call a Light Butt-sitter rather than a Lightworker.

Strangers in a strange land we are. But residents and students of this strange land we have been before. Its lessons we already know if we choose to remember,but that is the danger of the mission we have chosen, for even the Highest of us fall if we forget that we are only here to serve.

Continued in Part 3 Peter can be reached through his website at


Strangers in a Strange Land -- Alien-Mation #2 by Peter Farley

Part 3 --The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner

Perhaps nothing aided me more in the processes of 'seeing' and 'knowing' than my own inner will to be of service, and the work done by Drs. Loren and Diane Mickelson (ldmickels@a...), especially the Level Four: Multi-dimensional Portal Alignment.

There are three portals associated with each individual Being (one on the physical body, one in the auric field and one on the outer edge of the auric field). Each portal is assigned a Gatekeeper who is an ascended master. These portals, when aligned, allow a person to become truly multi- (or inter-) dimensional. This alignment takes a serious level of commitment because it opens up processes from other dimensions as well as the 3rd dimension or physical plane. It is what is described as ascension while living on the physical plane. The word completeness is used to describe this level. It is like coming home.

The level of commitment needed is to being of service to one's fellow man (Soul), for that is the true test of Mastership and an elevator express ride that takes one far beyond worrying about what level they are at in terms of their own spiritual growth.

The Loneliness of the Long Distance Runner was a novel of the 1960s by Alan Silitoe that seemed appropriate for the sadness one feels at watching all the Lightworkers trapped by the Matrix into thinking only of their own pettiness. Perhaps it could more appropriately have been titled The Great Sadess of the Committed Lightworker, for truly, as any avatar can attest, in terms of human understanding, the path can be a very lonely one to walk.

One very high LightBeing e-mailed me after the first two parts of this article and said she was ready to do the work, but she didn't want to be involved with 'phenomenon'. Like so many Lightworkers, she wished to bargain with 'God' as to what she was willing to do and not do to be of service. So many Lightweorkers do not want to get their hands dirty while being of service. Rather than get down 'in the trenches' with God and slop the hogs and clean out the toilet bowls of life, they wish to save themselves for the 'higher' work--wherever and whatever that is. The work is here and now. There is no work 'out there' for when we are spiritually 'perfected' individuals. We become spiritually perfected by slopping the hogs and cleaning out the toilet bowls of life--the true lessons of humility which make one worthy of being a Master.

As I have told many audiences in my travels, I have lost many of my spiritual friends along the way because they deemed aliens part of the 'phenomena' of the lower worlds, rather than as other individualized sparks of Soul just like themselves, who also need help just like themselves. We ARE all one, and no one is healed until ALL are healed--together, that is what the ongoing process of Creation is all about. It is part of a New Age trap to think of anyone or anything else as separate from the Creator, or not a part of that which the Creator created. True, there is a darkness which exists in this Universe that was never meant to be, but all of Creation has learned from its Being, and it too will soon be brought back into balance with the Light and Sound of the Creator.

From: "Bill Hamilton"

As I have tried to point out in recent articles and lectures, this is a time when ALL of Creation is working on a healing and transmutation of past negative energies and karma. Barbara Clow says it too that even the Men in Black from Orion are here too to have the opportunity to work out their own karma and to correct past imbalances.

My guidance has often said to me that They give me, not the hardest cases to deal with, but the impossible cases. If we are never given the opportunity to change, then where is the justice for all? So, even those evaluated as being unchangeable, are still given a chance to change. If you and I are given this kind of unconditional love, should we then deny it to others, whether we call them aliens or Men in Black or the Darkside or whatever? If I were never given the chance to be what I am now, and loved unconditionally enough to be given one more chance, then certainly I would not be here writing this now, nor would I be doing any of the work which I am now beginning to see can help so many others.

The coming ascencion process here on earth is not just about Earth. It is about ALL of Creation because what happens here affects all of Creation, just as what you do affects all of those around you,and people you will never meet. This is called the power of the butterfly wings.

The secret of how to fulfill our missions here in this lifetime rests in this power of the butterfly wings.

Having experienced how past life attitudes and events can so drastically affect our current life circumstances and health, I was aware that, like those in the Lord of the Rings who are afraid once again to take hold of the Ring of Power to use it in service to others, I and many other Lightworkers were afraid to step into our power. Coerced and manipulated to use our talents for the Darkside as we have been in past lives, tortured and killed in so mnay different ways for standing up for what we believed in, Lightworkers now use all these past remembrances (deep-seated though they may be)as excuses to not step up to bat. I see it all so clearly in so many of the people I work with in the spiritual healing workroom.

The only words I have to offer are my own story. I, too, longed to be of service in my heart, just as I see so many others are, but the fears of my mind kept me from stepping forward. Perhaps one of the major forces in changing all that for me was the book The Only Planet of Choice. In it I read, "and what will it be like for you to go through eternity knowing that the lifetime that really counted most, you did not step up to bat." I got off my butt, as one man, to make a difference.

But how can one man make a difference? I know the question plagues us all while trying to make this conscious decison to follow our hearts and surrender our Will for the good of a Higher Purpose. As an author, a teacher, and a healer, I know I do make a difference. I see it every day. I get feedback on my work, every day. I do make a difference.

How big a difference is perhaps best explained by a book titled Seven Life Lessons of Chaos--Spiritual Wisdom from the Science of Change, by John Briggs and F. David Peat (HaperPerennial 1999). In particular, the chapter entitled Using Butterfly Power--The Lesson of Subtle Influence has the most to offer on this subject. In it, Briggs and Peat demonstrate the relevance to the world of today of the old Chines proverb--"the power of a butterfly's wings can be felt on the other side of the world."

Using the ideas of Chaos theory, the authors show that even the smallest efforts to make change can be amplified into extraordinary changes when applied to larger systems such as the world circumstances today.

"Humans may continue to dream of the power of prediction and control, but chaos theory tells us that most self-organized systems are laced with countless butterflies of many subtle varieties and colors. In nature, society and our daily lives, chaos rules through the butterfly's power"--the power of the powerless.

"As an idea, power is an important expression of the deep-seated human desire to have an impact n others and feel connected to them . . . Larger communities and cultures made it increasingly difficult for the ordinary person to feel significantly interconnected and to have an impact upon the society as a whole . . . Often enough, individuals who felt insecure and disconnected from their fellows were the ones who sought power."

" . . . In and of itself, of course, power isn't negative. Human beings need to exercise power to survive in nature . . . but our human investment in power has gone far beyond those uses . . . In modern and postmodern society, spiritual and humanistic values have declined in the face of the rising control value of power . . . We have become inculcated with the idea that if only we had enough power we would be free to do and be what we want."

" . . . The truth is our obsession with power may simply be the symptom of our sense of our own powerlessness . . . Because there seems to be nothing we can do about this, we choke with rage when the system cuts us off . . . Adrift in a world of the powerful, how do we proceed? The usual answer is: Try to get some of the power.

"But chaos theory suggests another answer. It says that complex and chaotic systems--which means most of the systems we encounter in nature and in society cannot be accurately predicted or exclusively controlled. Neither can rigid ((or long-established)) systems be budged. However, there's a loophole. What if we acted through the myriad tiny feedback loops that hold a society together? Chaos tells us that each one of us has an unrecognized but enormous influence on these loops. Chaos suggests that although we may not have power of the controller in the traditional sense, we all have possess "the butterfly power" of subtle influence."

This, said simply, means that it is the small battles won which eventually win the war. During the late 70s in Czechoslovakia, Vaclav Havel determined that the power state and its systems of control were only kept in place "by the active collusion of society's least powerful members operating within what he termed an 'automaton.'

Adolph Hitler's Nazi regime was only held in place by the collusion and automaton behavior of the little people who followed his lead. Any teacher true to their mission knows the destructive nature of peer pressure, both on the individual and upon the group process as well. A strong group is comprised of strong individuals. That is the underlying message of the economic theory mentioned in this year's Academy Award winning movie, A Beautiful Mind.

The New World Order's chief weapon against Mankind, as can be seen in the U.S. government's current attempts to impose a snitch culture and blind patiotism on us all, is peer pressure where each individual must be made to buy into or collude with the crime being committed in order to make them own a part of the crime so that they will not turn against it for in doing so they turn against themselves. This is spoken of at length in my article on Propaganda and the Control of Men, and in my last piece on Mind Control and Ritual Child Abuse ( The greatest example of this is the German prison camp guards during WW II who stated in their own defense that "they were only following orders." By non-action they were colluding in the crime. BY not saying "NO", they individually and as a group, said Yes.

By not stepping up to bat, we share the responsibility for what takes place, and the karma for our own non-action. Continued in Part 4 (the conclusion). Peter can be reached through his website at


Strangers in a Strange Land

-- Alien-Nation # 2 by Peter Farley

The conclusion (Pt 4) To Serve or not to Serve --and How?

"Subtle influence in its negative sense--collusion--holds restrictive limit cycles together, but in its positive sense is vital for keeping open systems renewed and vibrant. The metaphor of chaos gives us a new subtle way of thinking about the difference between beneficial and malignant influence.

"The subtlety begins with the fact that butterfly power is, of its nature, unpredictable. We lock into society's feedback loops in so many different ways that it's as difficult to guess the long-term effects of our actions as it would be to predict next month's weather." (Seven Life Lessons of Chaos--Spiritual Wisdom from the Science of Change, by John Briggs and F. David Peat)

Even the ascended Masters have given up prophesying what will happen over the next few years because of the very fact that there is so much free will coming into play as people make their choices (or not) during this current time of change, that even the Masters cannot give definitive answers as to what will take place. I know with my own guidance (the true Spiritual Hierarchy), a common answer to many of my questions lately is often "It depends . . ." What happens depends on what the individual and group consciousnesses decide to do, the group consciousness being made of so many butterflies that even it can change over a very short period of time.

One thing is for sure, the ascension process is going forward. Creation cannot be allowed to be endangered from this process not continuing. Some of my other articles speak to the issue of what is taking place here on planet Earth and how it ties in with not only galactic and Universal changes, but changes in Creation, in and of Itself.

Even the fact that the 'general consciousness' of this planet has decided not to go forward with the ascension process has been changed recently as the bar has been lowered for the ascension process, and the general consciousness has been uplifted by the work of just a few individual people here on the planet Earth.

The true secrets of surviving and being of service here in the coming days upon the planet rest with three simple premises: 1) Make your own inward choice as to which "God" you serve-- the 'God' of your own heart which tells you IT is limitless and nothing less than pure Love; or the God of earthly religions with all its guilt trips and fear mongering (the round peg or the square hole). 2) Build your faith in that God of your own heart and in yourself. Know that it is a bountiful Universe. Use as your personal mantra, "I have what I need for today, I will have what I need for tomorrow." Since we cannot predict what will happen down the road, if we know to take care of the work today, then we have done our best 3) and in having done our best, we will know to let go of attachment to results, that we have done what we were called upon to do, and the results are then left up to Spirit and the Higher Will to resolve. Anything we are attached to in the 3rd or 4th dimensions will only delay the process of ascension. Let go and let Spirit do the rest.

Remember you came into this lifetime with all the skills you need to complete your missions. You have only been honing those skills in your current lifetime for the moment coming sooner than you think when you would most be called upon to do the true work of this lifetime. Know you are so dearly loved and cherished and honored for your commitment to serve here, in this Creation's hour of need. Do the work and have faith that all else will be added unto you. You may not always have what you want, but you will always have what you need. Do not block that flow.

You are so dearly and grandly loved, and you are never ever alone.

The end -- And a new beginning.

Peter can be reached through his website at
