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In The Limelight

by the Rock of Gibraltar

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transition and now I’ve been nudged by the angelic masters to step forward and let my presence be known. This step I take in humble service to the One Source father/mother aspect of all. The bells have been ringing loud for the “Time” has come for all to speak out in wisdom, love and devotion to Truth. “The Truth can never be silenced. It speaks to many, many hearts”.

My name, the Rock of Gibraltar, was given to me by my Teacher (Cohan) El Morya. Like everyone on this planet I have had to find my way through the muck and mire of disinformation that the world controllers have instilled within our minds since birth. The roller coaster ride has been incredible. I thought the tracks would never end. The journey to finding out my true identity wasn’t easy, and the end results were very surprising.

It is good to know that all the thoughts I ever wondered about would not go unanswered, but of course the answers were there all along. “Nothing can move forward in life unless the individual has a true understanding of God and his/her relationship to that eternal spirit”. I can say I know Who I AM, I know where I’m from, and I know where I’m going beyond this life-stream. Do you?

I am associated with a dedicated group of Truthbringers doing the best job physically and spiritually possible to attain information of Truth. The Red Ray ground crew is truly a magnificent group of people putting all their effort and energy into bringing the most straight forward information of Truth. The Red Ray ground crew received their calling to present Truth to the four corners of Earth Shan. From that came the and websites. These sites are accurate in information but also controversial.

The and websites are the first of their kind to present the whole Truth and nothing but the Truth. The Red Ray ground crew along with other Lightworkers has come together in great effort to find and submit the on going atrocities of the One World Order Controllers.

With the guidance of my teacher (cohan) El Morya, I can present this offering. Yesterday is gone and in the past. Today is the opportunity to make tomorrow your new beginning to the rest of your life here on Earth Shan. People of Earth Shan do you not understand the grandeur before your eyes? Do you wonder the position in which each and every one of you is sitting? In this moment in time, “You,” people of Earth Shan, have the opportunity to make the changes happen. It is time for “We the People” to usher in The Golden Age of Enlightenment called NESARA.

What do I mean? The carpet baggers are losing hold on their prize possession, which is world domination of all on Earth Shan. Everyone on Earth Shan is in the limelight. The Light is so bright that it has caught the attention of many in the universe. The battle for Truth is heating up. Every turn is being made more complicated and certain people are adding to the confusion. Truth is never complicated or confusing for Truth IS.

The battle for Earth-Shan and her inhabitants has been going on for centuries. The same games and rules have applied. The players take on different soul essences, but the masks remain the same throughout time. People of Earth Shan, you should know that the dark forces are repetitive in their thoughts and actions. The dark forces cannot create anything new. They can only use what has already been created.

The events unfolding of late are expected. The dark forces always use the same tricks and tactics, the on-going blaming and finger pointing of right from wrong. Well, folks, guess what; it is time to use your own judgment in discerning what is right and wrong.

You have all the information before you. Now is the time to study and evaluate. The challenge of discernment is in the forefront of all. No more leading the people by the hand. People of Earth Shan, you are in the limelight. You need to pick up the burdens and responsibility for the state of your planet.

The lies, deceit and rotten odor are spewing from the depths of the ones working hard to manipulate the Truth. The wolves wear the sheep’s clothing very well in order to discredit the ones who are so earnestly working hard to bring discernment of Truth to the one who is searching. No one of mind-light and high frequency energies would have any intentions of manipulating or coercing the Truth.

The true identities of those trying their best to discredit the Truth and the Lightworker are being revealed. The dark forces are slashing out at the readers and those presenting the reader with Truth. “Rule Thy Circumstance And Be Not Ruled By That Circumstance!” Many who would appear very virtuous would not be altogether virtuous when placed in other circumstances. This is why, of course, the edict went forth, “Judge not, lest ye be judged”.

The light of the holy angels is brilliant and the music being played is soft and harmonious to the ear tones of those listening. The Lighted Realms, our cosmic brothers and sisters, are always present in our lives. To talk with them is a thought away. To know them and to feel the energy they illuminate is instant. If you know who you are, then you cannot deny the higher lighted energies that surround you.

For some time there have been individuals on a journey to bring back the Truth for all of humanity. The pathway has been long, the dedication immeasurable, the rewards, well- that is measured through each individual. I would suggest to the ones on this illustrious voyage to be very certain of their own enlightenment. The arrogance of ones who claim to be Truthbringers soon shows their ignorance for all to witness.

The message being presented here is for those who need to step out of the limelight and reconsider their approach to Truth. The race to be first on stage and in the limelight in many ways has become overbearing by certain Truthbringers. Has ego taken the stage? Have the dark forces once again taken control of God’s plan? I think not.

Discernment is the key objective to anyone trying to work their way through the amusement park of the dark forces. Always question the thoughts of others, and consider every aspect of the message. The Lighted Realms have reiterated this fact many times through other communications. A true heart will always know how to obtain the Truth through one’s own God-Spirit.

Your cosmic brothers and sisters, the angelic hosts, are here to be called upon to assist in your quest for knowledge and inner wisdom. People of Earth Shan, you do not have to wait anymore for peace, freedom and abundance. The reality of this happening is “Now”, for you the awakening masses. The time has come to take back the power that is within all, to reach within the depths of the limitless strength given to you by the one source Father/Mother aspect of all.

The limelight is not for a few privileged souls. The Golden Age of Enlightenment or the Grand Experiment is for every last soul on Earth Shan to experience. Stand tall to the dark forces of this world. Demand the right to be the co-creator that you are. Let the Light of the cosmic realms embrace you with the foremost virtues of integrity, generosity, fortitude, wisdom combined with love, compassion, trustworthiness and respect.

Yes, indeed, people of Earth Shan, the guarantee given is unconditional Love. You are never denied what your heart and soul truly desire. The only task is to come back home to the Light Source, the One Source to whom we all are connected. There is one last thought I give to you and that is for you to become intuitive with your God-Spirit within. There you will find the answers. The time is now for all to manifest The Golden Age of Enlightenment. The time is now for “NESARA ”!

I am the Rock of Gibraltar, a Truthbringer and messenger of Light. Know that this message comes to you with great devotion and love to all from the Lighted Realms and angelic cosmic hosts of the universe. Adoni.
