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We Are The Ones We Have Been Waiting For

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hite, yellow, brown, black, indigo, green, pink, violet, and gold. On one wing were the colors of the races of man, on the other were the various colors of sacred divine healing.

The rainbow eagle flapped his wings and took off and soared high above the mountains of the Earth Mother. This is what the eagle saw from its vantage point:

Over each region the eagle could see the wondrous beauty and also the ugliness of the dark thoughts of men over each space. There were great pollutions that choked the Earth Mother. Mother was crying out in agony as the inhabitants continued their wanton habits that were killing her.

The eagle continued its journey over each region, continent, and country in all four directions, simply observing and recording everything it saw. When the eagle landed back on top of the mountain, it wept in sorrow for three days for the things that it had observed.

After 3 days, the eagle took off again and again flew over the entire globe. This time the eagle was not observing and recording. The eagle was speaking to the Earth Mother and to the humans in each region, telling them how to restore balance to their sacred lands. The eagle once again flew to the north, the south, the east, and the west until it returned to its perch on top of the mountain. The eagle again wept for 3 days.

After 3 days, the eagle took off again and soared high above the Earth Mother. It observed that there were great upheavals of wind, movement, fire, and water taking place in many regions. Many of the former regions had been swallowed up and new mountains appeared where none were before. Water covered up great cities and lakes and rivers overflowed their boundaries and covered up great portions of the land.

The eagle saw that there were also great cities of light scattered amongst the darkness. Their light shone into the heavens like pillars of light. The eagle knew that these were the regions where the humans had heeded the warnings to re-establish balance. The eagle also knew that the regions that had suffered the destruction were those who did not heed those same warnings. The eagle saw that these were those who hardened their hearts and were swept away like tiny ants off an anthill. They went on to other life streams to complete their journeys on other worlds.

The cities of light were also seen to gain great prosperity and they lived in peace and harmony with each other, despite the fact that there was a diversity of races in the cities. The eagle smiled as he watched the growing light and the way that the humans now honored the sacred land of Earth Mother.

Balance was once again restored, and darkness was gradually eliminated and absorbed into the light. Somehow, the humans had learned to put aside their philosophical and religious differences and work together cooperatively. The eagle saw that the humans had compassion for everyone and helped each other with their challenges when they arose.

Eventually, the cities of light turned into crystal cities and the inhabitants were also clothed in crystal. The eagle soared high above the crystal globe with great joy. Dariel also observed that the feathers of the eagle were no longer red, white, brown, yellow, and black, but they had also become crystalline.

Dariel also saw many other things in these visions, but it is not yet time to speak of these things. Let those with eyes to see, and ears to hear – know this: The promises of all the holy prophets and the native peoples shall all come to pass and the Children of Light will have their inheritance after the Great Day of Purification.

The 144,000 Saviors on Mount Zion spoken of are ready to begin this great work. Know that the number 144,000 is not a finite number, and the sacred number 9 represents completion. May we save as many as possible and walk our talk in total humility is my humble prayer.


Harmony in our Diversity! We are One.

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