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2004 Olympic Games - A Powerful Opportunity

By Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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ted 4,000,000,000 people around the world will turn their attention, at one time or another, to the events taking place in Athens. No other event in the world holds the attention of that many people, in a positive way, for that length of time.


I want to remind you of the miraculous things that have taken place since the last Olympics, so you will recognize the magnitude of the opportunity at hand.


1. In August 2002, every recalcitrant soul was taken in their finer bodies, as they slept at night, into the Heart of our Central Sun, Alpha and Omega. At that time, each one of these souls was given a final opportunity to choose to move into the Light with the Earth and the rest of our Solar System. The Flame of Transfiguring Divine Love had been blazing within their Heart Flames since August 2001, and had softened their resolve to resist the Light.

In a miracle beyond the greatest expectations of Heaven, EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE WAYWARD SOULS chose to move into the Light. The Beings of Light always knew that some of Humanity would choose to make the shift into the Light, but they never fathomed that EVERY evolving soul would awaken enough to make that positive choice.

A New Covenant was formed with our Father-Mother God, and every one of these souls agreed to do whatever is necessary to complete their Karmic Liabilities in the allotted time before Earth's Ascension into the 5th Dimension. This New Covenant was made in the Realms of Cause, and it is now beginning to filter into the conscious mind of each one and will soon manifest in the world of effects.

2. With the establishment of the New Covenant, the two Earths became ONE, and the course of history was forever changed.

A new contingency plan was set into motion that allowed the negativity that was originally destined to pass away with the old Earth to be pushed to the surface at an accelerated pace to be purged and transmuted into Light. This exacerbated the negativity manifesting in every country of the world.

In order to prevent this intensified cleansing from overwhelming Humanity, Lightworkers were asked to redouble our efforts, and the Company of Heaven asked our Father-Mother God for a Cosmic Dispensation of Divine Intervention. Their request was granted, and Alpha and Omega issued a Divine Fiat that allowed the Legions of Light assisting Humanity from On High to amplify our humble efforts one thousand fold. This means that every thought, word, feeling or action that Humanity expresses to improve the quality of Life or to add to the Light of the world is being amplified one thousand fold by the Company of Heaven.

3. In August 2003, Humanity's 5th-Dimensional Solar Spines with our corresponding 5th-Dimensional Solar Chakras and meridians were activated. This activity of Light paved the way for the return of our Mother God, which was victoriously accomplished through the God Self of every man, woman and child. Now, our right-brain hemispheres are awakening and our spiritual brain centers are being restored to their full potential.

4. In November 2003, we experienced the Cosmic Inbreath known as the Shift of the Ages, Harmonic Concordance. During that momentous time, a portal of Divine Consciousness was permanently opened from the Heart of All That Is into the core of the Earth. Frequencies of Divine Consciousness beyond anything we have ever experienced are now flooding into the mental stratum of Earth and into the conscious minds of every evolving soul.

5. On June 8, 2004, we experienced the first of the pair of the rare Venus Transits; the 2nd transit will occur on June 6, 2012. This began an eight-year process that will result in an unprecedented influx of Divine Love from our Mother God and a balancing of the Divine Feminine within every Heart Flame, which will catapult Humanity into new levels of understanding about the Oneness of ALL Life.

That, in a nutshell, brings us up to the moment and the opportunity at hand. It is important for Lightworkers everywhere to realize that we have the ability to qualify all of the energy being released on behalf of the Olympic Games. All we have to do is simply ask our God Selves and the Company of Heaven to cleanse and purify every thought, word, feeling or action anyone expresses that is associated with the Olympic Games. We can ask that every electron of precious Life energy involved with the Olympic Games in any way, shape or form be transmuted, daily and hourly, into our Father-Mother God's Flame of Divine Love.

The Beings of Light have given us a very simple Breathing exercise that will allow all of us to simply and easily assimilate the Love of God flowing into the planet at this time. The Light Beings said if we will participate in this Holy Breathing exercise daily throughout the Olympics, the Love of God will be woven into the Olympic Flame, and the collective Cup of Humanity's Divine Consciousness will expand into a force of unparalleled power and might.

Every year on the anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 15, 16 & 17, in a rhythmic momentum of Light, the Company of Heaven amplifies the Light of God that has been building on Earth throughout the year. This is the Light that has been invoked through the heart commitment and dedicated work of Lightworkers around the world. This year, with the God Victorious success of the return of our Mother God, the Shift of the Ages, the Venus Transit and the Olympic Games, the Light flowing into the planet during the 18th Celebration of Harmonic Convergence will be beyond anything the Earth has ever experienced.

Throughout the Olympic Games, BE the Open Door and the Instrument of God you have been preparing for aeons of time to be. This is your moment! Do not underestimate your ability to make a positive difference, and KNOW...THE LIGHT OF GOD IS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS AND YOU ARE THAT LIGHT!

New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.

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