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Turtle Woman Auto Writing. November 25 - 26, 2002

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Use it. There is caution in the air. Many have suddenly awakened to the need for withdrawing and not bringing undo attention to themselves. The new year coming will be totally different from anything you have previously known. There is really no way to prepare for the coming changes except to continue to raise your vibrations and remain open and receptive.

Have more than just faith, but Know that you are being guided in the right way. Follow whatever impulses you are receiving. Ask your angels for direct and obvious guidance; then be open to how that comes. Break out of your mold and flow. Flowing allows you to follow the path of least resistance. It keeps you light. There is nothing you need to hang on to... attachments will become heavy and burdensome if they do not flow with all the rapid changes. You are truly shooting the rapids and are your own boat. What can not flow at your rate will drag you under. Release it! Flow. Let nothing hold you back or sink you down.

You are a Child of the Golden Light. Christ Light. You are the manifested essence of All That Is from the Beginning. You have the power of first creation within you. When you Know this, you will be able to tap this power at any time. You will heal all with a thought, a look, a touch. You only have to realize this is true. What holds you back is resisting the flow. You need to break out of the box of limitations set up by your mind. What does your mind know of the beginning of creation - it was not there. It only attached itself to the spark of you later. Tell mind to stop interfering with what you are here to do. Tell mind that it will be much happier if it will work with you instead of against you. Tell mind to go take a hike if it tries to hold you back or tell you that you can't do something. You are not limited. You can do everything you want to accomplish.

You can transcend. You can ascend. You can clean the air, water,and earth by the very thought of it. You can. You can produce rain where it is needed and make it stop where it is not - simply by thought. What is prayer? A thought sent out to manifest. If you think it is impossible - then it is. But if you Know it is possible, then that is too. You can operate with the Christ power of the Golden Light. It has been shown to you in history that the use of the Source's right hand of power here on the earth plane is possible. So, why do you doubt? You are no lesser being... you too are a Child of God. Let yourself flow. Let your Self guide you. Ask for the full use of the only true power in creation - that of the Source to use for the Highest Good and according to Free Will. Do not stand in fear or limitation. Stand in the beauty of the Golden Light of Christ. And use the power which is your divine right. Who's holding you back? No one but your mind.

It is time to stop questioning yourself. It is time to Know all that you are and have been given. Be the little engine that can. I think I can; I think I can; I think I can.... I know I can; I know I can; I Know I can! Your Knowing knows you can. It's time to step up to the plate. It is what you are here for. Doubt is just a lesser form of fear. And fear is the only weapon that can defeat you if you give it any credence. "There is nothing to fear but fear itself" are the most important words of wisdom pertaining to this time. Know this. And if you are faced with that which starts to generate fear, close your eyes, go within, surround yourself with the Golden Light and announce firmly within your mind "I am a Child of God and this can not touch me. If this energy (or being) is not of the Golden Light of Christ, then it must leave now!". You must stand strong in your Knowing that you are protected by the greatest and only true power in existence - the Source of All Being.

Tuesday, 4:04 am

November 26, 2002

The Mother is unleashing the vanguard of the changes. Expect the unexpected. Deep cold coming. Time to stock supplies, although many will lose them - others will gain from them. If not for you, then someone else. All is perfect as it is.

You will be going through periods of seeming "disconnection", which many of you have already been experiencing. Do not concern yourself over these periods. You may experience a lack of desire or feel unable to do your Lightwork. Blockage. You are just going through a full cycle in the sacred circle. At the speed you are traveling, you will pass through this phase quickly. It will come around several times. Do not worry. When you are "off", someone else is "on". You are changing so fast that you simply can not be "on" all the time. Be gentle with yourself. You are literally becoming Light, and that is no easy task.

What ever shows itself to be the need at the given moment, accept it and go with the flow of what needs to be at that place in time. Stay in your Now. If you get stuck in the little stuff now, you will be like a dam bursting when the fast and furious starts rolling in.

Enjoy this holiday season. Reach out to those who have been significant, positive or negative, in your journey to this point. Heal those issues with the ones you have been estranged. Time to release all the old with speed, joy, ease, and most importantly, love, for the Highest Good. Most of these people will now be leaving you forever as your paths separate and your journey moves forward. Bless what has transpired between you, the lessons learned, and the soul growth which has taken place because of it. Remember that times of difficulty are times of growth. There is a reason it is referred to as growing pains. As you progress and rise above the lower vibrations, you become less attached to that which holds you back and more objective of how all this scenario plays out.

Enjoy this holiday season for all the beauty and depth of it's meanings. Changes will make this a point of demarcation of how life was and life will be. As you create your universe moment by moment, you will find in looking back that this point in time provided the most important opportunities of all that you are. Use them wisely and to your benefit. Let your Self be your guide.

Are you fluctuating between sudden depression and sudden euphoria? No, you are not losing you mind. It is the ebb and flow of the tide of your circle as you spiral upward. Faster and faster the dance takes place. Many will discover that they appear to be looking younger. You are tapping into your crystalline energies and are self rejuvenating as you start to merge with that body of lightness. Are you finding that your periods of fatigue are becoming less and you are having more and longer spurts of energy than you have experienced for awhile? You are adjusting to the frequencies of the higher vibration. Are you sleeping less yet feeling more refreshed in the less time spent in sleep? It is all the rejuvenation taking place as you are finally aligning with the energies of the shift. Blessings!

Stay in and use the Golden Light of Christ.

All My Relations in Love and Light,

Turtle Woman, Oma.
