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Rosemary Herhold

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rned to Source as one mind and one prayer there was no loss of life and no houses blown away.

When Katrina hit New Orleans, many groups spontaneously formed to assist and somehow the roof of the sports arena stayed in tact.

Many Light Groups simply see the need/opportunity and send the requested energy and healing. Business people are waking to knowledge that they can use their gifts of sight and remove misguided persons from positions of power without harm to anyone. Or as one of my students who sees auras said, "I could see that that energy around that fellow was so confused, that I chose to not include that individual on the project."

It is going to be a great day when we all "see" and know what needs to be done and proceed to accomplish as our higher self directs. That day is very soon. In the meantime, if your pets or children warn you of danger, pray and pay attention. If you see a picture of a current "global leader" pray that this person be given the integrity and Divine Love to do their job well or that they be removed from power if they cannot do their job well.

We all have so much to gain from these simple prayerful things. Its like paying rent for your house or apartment. Prayer and Light are truly the "coin" of the Universe. If we continue to bring Light and Consciousness to this plant, all will be well and there will not be a place left for the darkness to hide.

Blessing to Us All

