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Drunvalo: Love, Eros And The Spiritual Path

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In our living rooms and bedrooms we manifest the Great Mystery School of the cosmos. In our loving of each other, as well as in our angry fits, we become mirrors to each other. Our shortcomings become glaringly obvious, and what we have mastered saves the day. We learn in ways that no other living formula could possibly emulate.

By forming a romantic relationship, we create one of the most powerful possibilities of learning deeply the spiritual lessons that we all came here to experience. It is easy to be a spiritual master and live far from the world in a cave high in the Himalayas. No problem. It is entirely another matter to be a spiritual master and be fully in a loving romantic relationship. As time unfolds the possibilities between two lovers, its very nature reveals any tiny spiritual imbalance, which will manifest as a lumbering dinosaur ready to trample our most powerful ego.

Life is celebrated in the moment by the gentle glance of a satisfied lover. From the cycle of attraction, merging in sex, conception, birthing, raising children, letting them go, aging, and dying, life completes itself. In the mundane and everyday life that many of us try to escape from, we find secretly hidden the profane and powerful. In the simplest of actions, if the action is created in pure consciousness, we can change the course of history. It is a choice that is always present, but seldom recognized.

In this issue, we will hopefully bring to light the importance of being human and looking to another to find completion. We will explore this triangle of love, romance and spirituality from every angle, to bring to light our human heart, its deepest desires, and its profound possibilities.

Between two souls there is always the Holy Grail of merging into One Heart, One Soul and One Body, and through the union creating a new universe of possibilities. Ascension itself can be achieved if the two players truly see the Divine within each other, and it may be merely vulnerable human love that guides the way.

Love, romance and spirituality, I can just taste the delicate effervescence of Rumi's heart, the great wisdom of Jesus and Mary's family, and the awesome beauty of Tantric union, both physical and interdimensional. Shall we humbly begin?

In love and service,

