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Talking to the Water..or..The Power of Words

David Icke

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of his background through an interpreter.

It seems that he had an 'awakening' that opened his mind to perceive beyond the 'physical' and I can certainly understand that process. Most 'scientists' and academics are not 'right brain conscious' when inspiration and creativity abounds, together with our connection to 'out there'. Instead, they are locked away in the left brain that deals with language and the material world.

Such people cannot perceive or conceive reality outside the physical realm because they do not have the computer software to interpret those levels. Reality for them is decoded through the left brain, which does not have the capacity for 'out there' perception.

It is sobering to think that 'science', like politics, government administration, the media, military, banking and business is dominated by left brain decoders and this explains why 'the system' in all its forms is a material, left-brain, construct.

Only when perception expands - minds open - can we move our point of observation to another level of reality that works through the right brain and opens us to greater levels of understanding.

Dr. Emoto went through such a transition and it led him to study the vibrational realms and methods of bringing these to public attention and awareness. Hence, his books like The Hidden Messages in Water.

Given that we are 95 per cent water before we are born and 70 per cent by the time we are adults, the affects on water mean affects on us - at least at the computer level of reality. The Earth is also 70 per cent water and so the same applies.

Dr. Emoto found that words, even written words because everything in this reality is a vibration, transfer their frequency to the water. The technique involves a very powerful microscope in a very cold room and uses high-speed photography.

One method is to put written messages on to bottles of water and leave them overnight. The water is then frozen and the water crystals photographed.

The results are extraordinary. This is a crystal photographed after being exposed to the words, love and gratitude:

This crystal is from water subjected to the words 'you make me sick':

Dr. Emoto's work has been criticised by sceptics, but it reveals a profound truth about 'physical' reality: everything we say, do, think and feel affects everything else. Of course it does, because everything is a vibrational field that is affected by other vibrational fields.

When you see what the words 'You make me sick' do to the water crystals, imagine what living under power lines or constantly using a mobile phone does to the vibrational field of the human body which, on one level, expresses itself as 70 per cent water and even more so in the womb. Look at what mobile phone frequencies do to water crystals:

It is at this level of reality that the energetic constructs are formed and affected that manifest as holograms in the 'material' world. What we call cancer, for example, results from vibrational imbalance or disruption that leads to the imbalance in cell formation that leads to cancer cells. The same disruption also undermines the strength of the immune system that would normally deal with rogue cells.

There is no mystery why people become ill or suffer from mental and emotional problems like depression when they live near power lines or mobile phone masts, nor when those who work closely with electromagnetic technology suffer from a greater prevalence of certain illnesses. Dr. Emoto's water crystal techniques show what is happening on the unseen levels.

Chemical additives in food and drink, and fluoride in drinking water, are 'physical' expressions of vibrational fields and the damage they do is firstly vibrational. This vibrational imbalance manifests as electrochemical imbalance in the body and we experience this as physical, mental and emotional dis-ease.

Music has a positive and negative effect on us because its vibrational state either synchronises with us or causes imbalance. This is clearly shown in Dr. Emoto's experiments with music and water. This crystal was photographed after being exposed to Bach's Goldberg Variations:

And this is what happened to water crystals that experienced heavy metal music:

The Illuminati bloodlines and their secret society network, the highest level of it anyway, understand these principles and they have used this knowledge to create a vibrational construct akin to a vibrational prison.

When you realise the vibrational consequences that thoughts, emotions, words, symbols and chemicals have on water, think what the sum total of that must mean in the affect on the energy field of Planet Earth. Crikey, the affect of the Iraq invasion and its aftermath alone would be catastrophic in causing vibrational mayhem individually and collectively.

The cumulative affect of all the wars, fear, stress, and conflict in all its forms has created a low-vibrational construct that holds so many in its clutches. It is this principle that forms the 'eggshells' I have been talking about for nearly 20 years that disconnect us from higher levels of consciousness. They are dense energy fields formed from fear, stress and other low-vibrational thought and emotion.

On the principle that like-frequencies and vibrations attract each other, it means that if we get stuck in these energy fields we will attract compatible fields to us. In this way, we create our own reality by attracting fields that sync with our state of being. We call these fields, people, places and experiences.

Only when we break the pattern of our own energetic field and let another vibrational state emerge will we transform our 'physical' experience. As the saying goes, if you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got. Put another way, if you always project the same magnetic field you will always attract the same ones you always have

As Ghandi said: 'You must be the change you want to see in the world'. He could have added that you must be the change you want to be in your own world, too, that involves relationships, opportunities and experiences.

Without changing ourselves, our energetic reflection (our daily lives) cannot change because, to use a phrase I use in my books, we are simply combing the mirror.

We would think it crazy if we tried to comb our hair by combing the mirror, the reflection. We comb our hair and the mirror then reflects it, not the other way round. But that's what we do when we try to change our life experience without changing ourselves. We want to change 'out there' when that is merely a reflection of 'in here'.

What 'in here' does to 'out there' can be seen in the photographs of Dr. Emoto. The great news is, however, that the throttle goes both ways. We can add to the vibrational prison by contributing to the fear, stress, anger and conflict. Or, we can be peaceful, loving and kind.

That is a challenge for us all because the prison construct is urging us to speak its language and act its reality and it takes a real conscious effort not to fall for it, or fall for it most of the time.

I was interested to see what effect prayer had on the water crystals. What we call prayer is just concentrated thought and it is what you pray for that dictates the vibrational outcome. The point I am making, however, is that concentrated thought - prayer - does have a fundamental affect on reality. This was water before a prayer:

This was the water afterwards:

It was a fascinating two days discussing all this as best we could through the language barrier and it is, appropriately, crystal clear that what we say, write and think are not neutral to our energetic environment, they are constructing it.

So our world is ours to change.