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Powerful Affirmations And Proclamations

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ion over mv mind, bodv and soul in peace, joy and harmony throughout the totality of my Being...

I call forth my mind and my body to align with my soul and transmute all interfering, thought patterns and energies into the Divine Expression of Creative Love.

I invoke and accept all "Proclamations of the Soul" supporting this desire throughout the totality of my Being as far as those energies extend in perfect sequential order

Almighty indwelling God, Heal!

I to heal, instantIv and completely

I proclaim my right to heal.

And so it is.


From the Divine Love within my Being.

I call forth all energies creating bridges or open doorways allowing organisms, entities or energies in any form to enter my energy field and feed on the light of my soul on any level of consciousness, past, present and future

I transmute these energies into the divine expression of Creative Love and return them to their creator source to be used only as a positive, productive energy.

I safely return these organisms, entities or energies to a place in Creation which is appropriate for them, but will no longer interfere with lifeforms within the Universe of Earth.

I call forth all residues within my Being related to these organisms, entities or energies which are present in my energy field on any level of consciousness, past, present and future, as far as their energies extend I transmute them into the Divine Essence of Creative Love.

I command all tissues in my body and aspects of my Being be restored to their Divine Perfection in perfect sequential order.

I call forth my mind, body and soul to integrate in Divine Perfection. I place this proclamation into perpetual motion on all levels of my Being in peace, joy and harmony.

And so it is.

My Energy

I am One with Creation on all levels of consciousness.

I embrace the microcosm and the macrocosm simultaneously.I acknowledge the energy within Creation as "My energy ".

I call forth the energy within Creation, on all levels of consciousness, out of alignment and out of resonance with Creative Love.

I nullify all vows, contracts and agreements binding this disharmonic energy in Creation and transmute this energy into the divine expression of Creative Love.

I command "My energy " to be used only in the divine expression of Creative Love.

I see those energies within me connected to Creation flowing through my Being, reconnecting with the Earth in Divine Perfection in peace, joy and harmony.

And so it is.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *



Up, Enjoy The Music, Simplify Our Lives, Accentuate The Positive, Choose Peace, Choose

Freedom, and Choose To Go To Health! Visit:


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