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Addressing the State of Our Union:A Reality Transition Lies Ahead As We Stand On The Precipice Of The New Earth

By Wistancia Stone

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he New Earth, it is set within a larger setting of something we can begin to call The New Universe

We are decidedly progressing swiftly towards The New Earth

Faith says we understand the way the Universe works

Understanding at its highest levels results in Harmony

We are meant to come into Harmony with our true selves, our New Earth, and our New Universe as each fulfills itself.

Our Creation has a Oneness that is Fulfilling itself

2003 holds many keys to Harmony and to Fulfillment

The ultimate union and harmonization with our total selves is at hand

The ultimate union and harmonization at every level within planet, solar system, galaxy and universe is at hand

The ultimate union of light and dark, of duality is at hand

The ultimate Union of the Universes is at hand

The ultimate union of Creation fulfilling itself is at hand

One step at a time

The larger Reality serving the smaller and the smaller Reality serving the larger

Blending into a Tapestry that has been a long time coming

2003 heralds in a New Day

It is the Glory of a Morning that is at hand

The Transition of a New Day!

A Space Within The Wind

2003 came in like the howl of the wind. It took everyone as a surprise. It began with winds of change that have not let up. It is a snowball. A Downfall. For me it has been so far so dramatic that it took me nearly all of its first month to even find a space within the wind to speak out. Again, a new year came in but I had stopped experiencing Time. I was dialoguing with Time as if it were a being. "Hey, what happened to 2002?" I missed the month of December. Time is like a butterfly now, more than ever. It is not a measurement; the rules and the rulers have disappeared. I can’t hold it in my hands at all anymore. It’s more like water than before. Maybe there is no such "thing" as "time." There are no such things as days any more; I have to look at a calendar or a toolbar to recall the current date. And I work everyday.

We are in the Wheel and the Wind and the Wings of Change that is Beyond Perception

Everyone is feeling the effects of this Storm upon our world. Our planet is continuing to rise in frequency. Consciousness is on the rise in humanity. Humanity is waking up in a myriad of ways. With so much change on the horizon it can be dizzying. Ascension symptoms are explosive. Dimensional overlays becoming common. Clearing happens now at a continual pace. This wind does not die down. It is not still on the outside. Stillness we must find within inside of ourselves. This wind is a Current Event that encompasses more than the Earth. It encompasses Life itself. All are going up in frequency. Planets dance in a solar wind of change. Galaxies gather in higher ascendance. Our Universe has willingly changed in many ways, with leaders changing, with plans changing, with a million different decisions being altered to achieve harmony, fulfillment and ultimate union. When you want life to change, you must change yourself. Time is changing. Space is changing. Matter is changing. Energy is changing. And as I always say, everything is energy. Energy is always changing and energy affects all other energy. Therefore as energy changes everywhere, everything changes. We are caught in the wheel and the wind and the wings of change that is beyond our perception. We need to blow with it. Let go with it. Embrace it like a cloud. Enjoy it. Not try to solidify it. Watch and learn from it. And move with it.

Something wonderful is happening at every level now

Within this time we are changing into something extraordinary. Something wonderful is happening at every level now. Our cells are dancing and dangling between states. Life on Earth as we have known it passes from us like a dream. We are all waking up to various levels of awareness. It is a grand celebration celebrated at every level of Creation. The Divine Plan is so in motion, so emotion-all you can feel it. No-thing stops a Divine Plan of such magnitude. What we have waited for and worked for and wanted for so long is very much closer. Closer than we think. In fact, it is time to stop the old manner of thinking and allow ourselves to be carried, like a tornado, into New Thinking. And New Thinking begins in the Heart Space. We are learning to think from a new space.

The force by which the year has begun indicates to me that Transition is advanced on Planet Earth

A lot can be said about 2003. A lot of projections can be made, prophesies can be volleyed around. The cards have not all been set upon the table. Maybe someone totally knows how it will all play out; I do not and I believe that you do not either. If you did, you would not be reading this or anything at this time. You would simply be organizing The Divine Plan. One thing can be said. The force by which the year has begun indicates to me that Transition is in a very advanced stage on Planet Earth. I spent a good part of 2002 feeling like I was being removed from a certain reality level. I flipflopped from inspiration, excitation and apparent wisdom to feeling a destruction of my current reality, no matter where it was. Although I went on with my life – that’s just it: it did not totally feel like "my life." It was so different. So much larger. It wasn’t about me anymore, but still, of course, I was in there somewhere, yes. It was like the wind hitting you in the face without your ski mask. Yes, the masks were off! I wondered what I really knew, what I had to say anymore, could anyone relate to me any more? Could I?

The cards of my reality had been shuffled

I came to terms with seeing the emptiness of human definition. Noticing that big chunks had been left out of all the explanations, teachings, discourses, and knowledges that have been handed down to those of us engaged at this time, in the parallel reality of life on Planet Earth. I made peace with the fact that Nothing existed as we had been taught or trained to believe. I got that we had Spiritual amnesia here, even if we had parallel lives somewhere else. I picked up my shovel, my way of clearing the pathways. Many clouds and their mists began to part. It was awesome. And I had the time of my life in 2002 although it blended into 2003. In the space of that time I opened up new sight, expanded insights and shutdown many concepts and beliefs. The cards of my reality had been shuffled. The gameplan totally different! Then, like windshield wipers on a snowy car, everything began to come into focus. We are just "losing consciousness with the old reality."

We are hurtling toward the New Earth and the new era in the Universe. Our planet picked up a lot of Frequency! The balance that She acquired for the next evolutionary leap is now a toddler! It’s been over a year and a half. Transitions are like bridges; they appear between two boundaries: what was and what will be. This transition is a golden bridge for it is a golden time. A supreme time. A time of radiance and a time of refinement is upon us. It’s not once upon a time; we are picking up frequency from all sides now. Like a winter wonderland! A time of harmony builds. Could it be that this is a time to pull out all the stops and all that stops you? Feel the hope that your heart carries? And live in the Moment so that you do not miss anything? Documenting these times has become my re-creation.

A Realty Transition lies ahead

People call death a transition; a bridge to another side. People call life a transition; a bridge to the next reincarnation. Some call birth a transition; the birth canal being the bridge. People call change a transition. We are going through the most Real Transition of all at this time, in the year of 2003. I call it a Reality Transition. We are no less than transitioning out of one reality and into another. It is more than living between two worlds. Being multidimensional. Living with one foot in one dimension and another in another. Of course, that is also going on at this time. Traveling through dimensions and traversing multiples. But something else is going on. Indeed, a Realty Transition lies ahead and we are already within it. You can call it the photon belt if you want. Or ascension if you want. Words are only one part of it. I call it a Transition of Reality. One reality is on its way out; another is coming into focus. As one comes closer into materialization (and it already does exist), the other moves closer into de-materialization. It may be that one reality runs out of purpose, just like many people are doing on planet Earth now. When someone runs out of purpose, they often transition. They go and serve the Light somewhere else in a different capacity, with a different mission or purpose to follow.

Could it be that Old/Current Earth is completing Her Purpose? Could it be that The New Earth is the next step up for Earth. That as Old/Current Earth steps into the shoes of her Higher Self, the former self may be running out of its purpose? Earth is in a transition and living on Her surface and serving in Her Plan, we are all going through a shift of our realities, even as she is going through a shift of Her Reality.

Death as Transition

When someone on Current/Old Earth enters the final stage of life in the physical body, in the ways of Current/old Earth, people say they are making their transition. For that person the focus, intent, spiritually, physically and emotionally all change and center upon letting go of the present form and transitioning into the next higher form. This moment and its preparation resembles a birth, for everything is always a birth of the next level of everything. One can celebrate the birth of more understanding, the birth of more light, the birth of more evolution, the birth of the next rung on the transformation ladder, the birth of the next moment for Spirit in you to ascend to its next level. For all is always evolving and ascending. Some people on Earth grieve during someone’s transition for they are attached to that person being in their life in a certain way. It is understandable. They may mourn the person’s passing. Others on Earth hold a different understanding; they celebrate the light within inside coming out of the shell of the human form.

This article is dedicated to Victoria, Angel of Return, also known as Onraiel

There is a bright Lightworker who recently transitioned from life on Current/Old Earth to the New Earth. She was in a lot of pain and had been suffering for quite a while. She was very strong and brave and beautiful and her soul contract in coming to the Earth was very huge. It required everything of her and from her and to her all will be given, as she followed the path chosen by her soul and the others in a perfect, unwavering fashion. Even with such a high degree of pain. Within her mission, her wings pushed upon the biological boundaries of existence on Old Earth. Her gift to the ascension plan is more than even she knows. She held a space for the physical and biological properties of density to shift, to change, and to become worn down in the act of transmutation. With her love and patience, she was one of the many who transformed the physical vehicle of humans on the surface of Earth. She bridged, she forged, she opened pathways and she carried them within her angelic wings and upon her human wearied back. She defied the odds for years. Baffled her doctors. Went way beyond pat answers that healers sometimes give out about choosing pain and who gets disease and who does not. She was one of the major backbones of the ascension movement on Earth. Not famous. She did not speak to crowds of hundreds gathered to listen. They weren’t beating down her door; often her door was in a hospital. But she affected the entire planet for when she gave and what she carried and who she is and how much love she gave out and how many loved her and why she came was/is/ and will always be an energy pattern that, in its very essence, is always in motion, has no end to its whereabouts and transmits in a million different ways. She transmitted through all that she touched, and all of life that touched her. When she entered a room, even a hospital room with a bed for her broken body, a throng of angels stood behind her and her total self from many levels of Creation all become engaged even within her breath. When she was strong she frolicked with wolf and bird over miles of Terra. And she gave all of her time to the others who needed her. She is Victoria and her life on Earth was victorious! She carried Love into all kinds of moments. And embodied it. She carried Power into all kinds of moments. And embodied it. And she carried Wisdom and Understanding into all kinds of moments, on all kinds of levels. And she embodied it all. Now she is free and unlimited. An embodiment of The Return. Onraiel, the Angel of Return. I dedicate this article to my friend Victoria. But more than that, I know that her recent departure was another linchpin coming undone in the underworkings of the hologram here. When she left, in the words of my friend Aliyah, "She rocked the hologram." She pushed out the borders of possibilities, and then left rocking and rolling the hologram on her way out the door. I can hear her laughing now, for she had the deepest, guttsiest laugh. I thank her, just as I thank all of you for the work that you are each doing.

Birth as Transition

When a woman on Earth enters the final stage before the birth of a child, in the ways of Current/Old Earth, it is also called transition. She is partly in "regular reality" and partly in "another reality" – for her focus, intent, spiritually, physically and emotionally are all centered upon bringing out new hope, new life, - the birth of a new carrier of the Divine Spark. During transition, every woman knows that it is not about you anymore. It is about the new life. It is no longer about how long you labored; it is about the present moment, which requires all of your attention. All the water that passed under the bridge remains with the bridge. The past has passed. The moment is alive with the expectation, anticipation and ecstasy of pushing forward into the harmony and the miracle of Life. The pregnancy is over. It doesn’t matter how much you have labored, labor is over. Transition is a different energy. Emergence of new life becomes, for you, a reality. The reality that the mother has known for the duration of preparation for and laboring through the birth process – now transitions into a new energy of reality. The mother stands on the precipice of new life and nothing compares to the shine of that hour. I remember it as if it were yesterday and I named my baby Grace because of it.

When someone on Current/Old Earth enters life as a newborn child, there is generally celebration at this level of transition. People on Old Earth are generally quite happy about it. Could it be that somewhere, at some level within the Wholeness of Creation, it was seen as a most difficult thing to do? Could it be that within a different understanding, it might have been looked upon as a kind of grief, on one level, even as it might have been a celebration on another level? There are always levels. Maybe someone out there in a much higher civilization might have had a thought "Oh, no, this person has to go into such density to carry out their purpose. Now they will come face to face with death, destruction, disease, enormous conflict, aging…oh my…" (The good news is that that is all changing for Current/Old Earth!!!)

To victoria, saying goodbye was a greeting; "I love you"

Before Victoria flew free, she began to say farewell to some people in her life. Her eyes were thirsty to drink in the pleasure of the animals in her life. She looked at her life and what life is and who she is and what it meant in a certain way, even if just in moments. She enjoyed what was there as she passaged from this place. She noticed how the nurses felt. She looked at the richness of colors. She examined the tears she saw. She told everyone for weeks, for months, that she loved them. She told me that for over a year, in every email that we wrote to each other. To Victoria, saying goodbye was a greeting; telling you that she loved you. What could be more important to tell someone? Especially when it might be the last time. Does anyone know when the last time is that they will see someone? Her reality was already different. When someone enters a life transition from one level to the next, they enter a "reality transition."

All of us who reside in physical bodies on current/old earth are saying farewell

We are all doing the exact same thing. All of us who reside in physical bodies on Current/Old Earth are saying farewell to it. We are all going through a very dramatic "Reality Transition." Not one of us is left out. Not one of us has the "luxury of more time." Every single thing on Earth is in the midst of change. Every Thing is changing. And that changes everything. I know that I always say that. But I mean it at the next level. There is always another level. In Creation there are many levels of existence and they all have different levels of understanding and knowledge that goes with each level. Earth is going up one level. We are all going up in moments. At the moment of her final transition, that one moment catapulted me into the next level of what I have been saying and experiencing all along.

We are most definitely all in a Reality Transition. We are birthing a new reality in ourselves and we are part of a new reality for humanity that is setting up on New Earth and is being bridged by all of us who are here. We are part of a much larger transition that affects our entire Universe, for everything is really connected. As one thing goes up, so goes up all other things. When you pick up one grain of sand on the beach, you change the molecular configuration of the whole beach. The whole planet. The whole Universe. It just has to do with degrees. Energy affects all other energy.

We are in the process of being affected by the energy of the transition that our Universe is undergoing. We are in the process of being affected by the energy of the transition that our planet is undergoing. We are in the process of being affected by the energy of the transition that each of our atoms, our cells, our DNA is undergoing. We are totally going with it. And we, in turn, are affecting all of the above. Our atoms are having an affect on a distant ET civilization. Our DNA change is having an affect on the angelic world of existence. Our cellular changes are affecting the possibiity of all the worlds and all the persons who live in them. We are altering the consciousness of our solar system every time we wake up another notch. And our solar system through the spheres and through the strong energy of our sun is feeding our own transition. We are all in this together. One very large Universal boat. Gives new meaning to "Row, Row, Row your boat, gently down the stream. Merrily, merrily, merrily, merrily, life is but a dream…," doesn’t it? Life as we know it is but one level of the flow of the Waters of Life in the total Ocean of existence, where we all join together, no matter what our position is within the waters.

Our Realities are being overhauled. It is not just a paint job on the outside. It is a major overhaul!

What is Real to us is Shifting.

So here we are undertaking, undergoing, a Reality Transition. We have all talked about how our cells are changing, our DNA is changing, our abilities are changing, our awareness is changing, our diets are changing, our relationships are changing, our bodies are changing, our consciousness is changing --- what is actually going on is that our entire Reality is changing! We are going through a total, irreversible Realty Transition and becoming prepared to become citizens of a whole new Level of Reality, Consciousness, and Light. If you are saying, yeah, yeah, you keep saying that – there is a small difference which is why this has hit me so much. It is NOT that we will be same old, same old us with a new DNA and new cells and new gifts – No! Our entire reality is shifting. What is real to us is shifting. Our perceptions are shifting. We are standing on the brink of becoming something so totally and utterly different than the present us, that our Realities are being overhauled. It is not just a paint job on the outside. It is a major overhaul! This is big big stuff that is going on. As we stand on the precipice of The New Earth, every single element is changing under our feet, on our skin, and above our heads. Every flower is stretching into a newness. Every animal is in transition. Our manner of thinking is getting tweaked.

What you think you need now, you may not need at all in your new reality

Why am I harping on this? Because some people want to ascend and be the same as who they are now. Just a little better and more aware. Just being able to do some things they can’t do now. Just being able to have some wealth they do not have now. Or some position. Or some power. I am not sure that they realize that within this reality transition, what is changing is the entire lens on the camera. In fact, the old camera won’t work where we are going. Your Picture of Reality Will change that much. So that what you think you need now, you may not need at all in your new reality. And what you are visualizing as part of the New Earth may not be part of New Earth at all because it won’t be necessary. It’s not the same with a few new finishes on it. It is totally different.

The values will be different. The purpose will be different. The whole angle on everything is going up to a new level. A "reality transition" is very, very, very dramatic. As yourself what you value? Be honest. Obviously ascension, truth, God consciousness, Spiritual growth are at the top of your list or you wouldn’t be reading these papers. What about some other things? How important is being popular? Or being famous? How important is money and possessions? How important is what people think of you? How important is what you plan to do next year? Your house? Your car? The list of accomplishments that you could name? How important are your goals? Your family? What would you do if everything got erased, such as what you did before? How many movies you made or how many books you wrote? How long you were a teacher and how many people you taught meditation to? What if there were all new values? What if everyone forgot what your spiritual mission was? That it did not matter any longer? What if the monetary system disappeared? What if you had no job to go to on Monday? What if your portfolio became meaningless? Your ATM card would not work and did not have a machine to fit into anyway? Will your IRA account transfer your funds to the New Earth? What happens to your life insurance policy and your social security? If there would be an end to death what would life insurance mean? If there were higher spiritual harmony, wouldn’t that be the security that the social system would base itself on? What happens when the Ideals actually become Real?

So what if your bank account drew a blank. Like a cash register that no longer registered. What if what we were left with was how much love was in our hearts and how much understanding and compassion filled our consciousness, and what we carried in our Total Being as Love, Light and Truth. How open is your mind? Does it have fear inside? Is it ready to throw its arms around big changes in what we value? What do you value? Write them on the clouds for a moment. Put them in a letter and let a bird fly them to Mother God or Father God. What are you ready to drop on a moment’s notice? What are you ready to drop now? What are you ready to carry as long as it still serves Earth and you, but are still ready to see that it is changing?

Could it be that if you had a different reality, some things that you think you want, need and will finally "have" will not be the same as how it is? Could it be that if you had a different reality, everything in your reality would be different?

It can feel a little bit strange and wondrous at the same time

We are in a reality transition and it can feel a little bit strange and wondrous at the same time. Sometimes you will not recognize yourself, which is good practice for the actual new reality. The other morning I woke up and went into the bathroom and began to brush my teeth holding the toothbrush in the wrong hand. I have done it the other way for 50 years, without thinking. Some things you just know. Some of these things are dropping out. The robotical behaviors. The "this is the person I am." "I do things this way."

You are not someone who does things in a certain way all the time. That might be one of the things that are changing!

things in life appear differently in your mirror…

You are not someone who does things in a certain way all the time. That might be one of the things that are changing. You could say the example is a stupid one and it doesn’t matter. Think about it. Habitual patterns are changing. What goes here, what goes there, is changing. I took my dog Brianna to the park in Los Angeles and left the front door of the car wide open the entire time. "I would never do that." Brain frequencies are changing and sometimes objects appear closer or more far away than they really are; things in life appear differently in your mirror, just like the side view mirror on your car. I was late for my dentist appointment because I could not "find" the building, after having been there many many times. The dimensions were crossing. Was it in the fourth dimension? Was it in the third dimension? You could say that, "oh, Wistancia, you are getting Alzheimer’s." But I am not. Sometimes the brain frequencies are just altering our perceptions of things and during the transition into the new reality, there can be times when nothing seems right, nothing is in the right place. You stand there asking, "Where did the street go?" It is not age. It is not forgetfulness. It is the shift within the brain.

In a Reality Transition, some of the things that are real to you now, will not be so later on

Time is collapsing, dimensions are interfacing, - what is real to you now? I would say that in a Reality Transition, some of the things that are real to you now, will not be so later on. You might counter, ‘But they are either real or not real." I disagree. I have seen things be there right in front of me, and then immediately not be there. First there is a mountain, then there is no mountain, then there is. I have seen it with my own eyes in the mountain in the backyard. It is the crossing of dimensions. You are not losing your mind. Sometimes you are seeing out of the picture of reality of one level; sometimes another level. They are not the same. Other times, you will be seeing out of both. There are things that we think are strange that are quite possible. What do you think is strange? Would you think it strange to dematerialize and rematerialize somewhere else? Would levitation frighten you? Name some things that you think would be too strange to actually be true. Do you think it would be strange for an angel to come into your room? Or an extraterrestrial to land a ship on your back lawn? Can you imagine a world without cars? Without pollution? Without money?

Ask yourself, What is real? What do you want to participate with as real?

Sometimes you will not see anything but light. Ask yourself, What is real? What do you want to participate with as real? What do you want to empower as real? Maybe it is a choice. Maybe you get to choose. Could it be that that is how things begin to be easier to let go of. "I choose not to participate with the war reality. I know that there are people arming themselves and that there is a buildup in this part of the Earth. I listen to the news and I read the alternative news where I am more likely to receive the real facts. I also understand that our Current/Old Earth is going up to a new level and that karma is ending and that a lot of unfinished energies are playing themselves out. I also understand that there are different ways in which huge groups of a planet’s population wake up to compassion and to their "reality." I realize there is no death. My preference would be that no one suffer and that this craziness end. My preference would be that life would have more meaning to the greedy controllers. But they are in the consciousness that they are in. They, too, shall rise in consciousness at some point. I choose not to participate with the war reality as far as holding energy patterns of retaliation, opposition, negativity, harmfulness and fear. That doesn’t mean that I do not know what is going on. I choose a perspective that understands more about energy. I know that thoughts are powerful. I know that what you focus on you can enlarge. I know that fear begets more fear. Love begets more love. Why not give out more light and more love? I know that opposing someone can make them stronger as they retaliate and oppose you. Why not be neutral, be in love, hold a strong vision of unity and harmony? Hold the vision steady for the Emergence into New Earth with total love and total awareness? You can participate with the war energy in many ways. What do you choose? What is your reality? Is it fear or love? It doesn’t mean you hide your head in the sand or you put on a uniform. There are a million ways to participate in a particular reality. I say that our reality is in deep deep transition mode. And probably the way that we have participated in the past, in our reality, in what we viewed as real, is totally changing. Could it be that before we immediately say that something should not have happened, that we stop, look, and listen and discern whether it might be a possibility that the most number of people have awakened by virtue of that very thing? Could it be that we since we have not seen the WHOLE picture of Reality, we might not be in a position to actually know how things have to go? Could it be that instead of hating war, we might understand how it happens and why, so that it never happens again?

What my reality of Peace is

The peace that passeth understanding IS Harmony.

Could it be that instead of being afraid of what might happen, we might simply put our love on peace. What is your reality of peace? My reality of peace is that peace is not the cessation of war. It never was. Peace is a state of existence. It comes after the faith in a higher power that moves you into a state of compassionate understanding. It is the understanding that takes root so deeply that it passes and passes and passes into what? Into Harmony. Harmony is the only peace. The peace that passeth understanding IS Harmony. This wasn’t always my reality. Our realities are all changing.

Someone’s reality might be that life is about struggling to make it up the big mountain that is always trying to give you a spill. Pulling yourself up the tall, spiritual mountain. Having lessons and pitfalls and obstacles at every step of the way. Earning your way into a higher consciousness. Learning your way into ability. Passing tests at every crossroads. Pleasing masters and waiting for the applause of angels. Making God proud of you. Could it be that another Reality is that Mother God and Father God are already proud of you? It has been difficult living in a spiritual amnesia. You have done well, with these odds. You carry the Divine Spark and Mother and Father God have never taken their eyes and heart off of you. The Spark was your tracking device, you could say! Could it be that there is a big mountain if you require one. And there will always be another test and lesson to complete if you think that there has to be. There will always be another past life to heal, if you think there has to be.

Someone else’s reality might be that you make all the effort you can, until Grace sets in. Or you do your best and let God do the rest. What if each person’s reality was in transition? What if where you are going is totally different from each of these ways of being? What if you get to choose what your reality more or less looks like? What if the degree that your thoughts are refined and conscious, you will create your reality and manifest it by the power of the compassion level of emotion that you exude?

The Thing is: It changes your reality just thinking about it

When you enter a Reality Transition zone, reality changes. No-thing is the same. I know I am repeating myself but it takes a lot to get used to this. The things is: It changes your reality just thinking about it. Could it be valuable to ask ourselves What Is Our Current Reality? And what do we think that it will change into? When you think about such things and take in the frequency of knowledge about the transition, who you are, what is the New Earth, where consciousness is going – your reality will change even more sharply. Thoughts are energy and feelings are energy and so are words and actions? What are you thinking? What are you feeling? What are you saying and doing? It is all going to color your New Transitioning Reality. You can change how much fun ascension is. It can be hard, not so hard or even easy and blissful, depending upon our thoughts and feelings.

How we transition has the possibility of creating a transition that is really really enjoyable

Knowledge is a vibration and the more you know, the higher your vibration will be. How we transition has the possibility of creating a transition that is really really enjoyable.

Consider this scenario. If Current/Old Earth is on the first floor of a mansion that has many floors, then New Earth is on the second floor or one floor up. It doesn’t mean that it is on the roof or in the penthouse. One floor up. Would that change the reality of life? Wouldn’t what is out the window change? Wouldn’t it be farther from the "ground"? Let’s look at what changes when a reality changes.

Your reality changes your identity and identification.

You go from limitation to expansion.

Maybe a person has a purpose and a way of defining who they are in one reality. If they go to a different reality, they will have a different identity in it than they had before. Just like I am from Kansas. I am from Texas. I am living in the world of humanity in the third dimension. I am living in the fourth dimension in a higher state of mind than before. What if at one level someone’s identity was, "I am a human who is always struggling through life. I have heard that I am multi-dimensional but all I am really aware of is this me, right here, right now." With an upsurge in awareness, with a higher frequency and a new level of consciousness, what if that multi-dimensional awareness would be there? Wouldn’t it change the identity? As soon as the windows and doors opened up on the spectrum of Who you really are and what you really are a little more, wouldn’t that change the way you defined yourself? Some people identify with being just the body. Or just what they do for an occupation. Or what their age and gender is. What happens when a whole population on a planet becomes aware that they are a soul embodied in a body with a Spirit within inside of them? Wouldn’t that change everything? What if they had a way to know that, once and for all, and to experience connection with all living things? Wouldn’t that change their reality?

Many ask the question Who am I. They want to know sincerely exactly who they actually are. What they are. When you go up to a higher level of everything, what if the floor for you was one step beyond the ceiling that was on the first floor? What if just by living on the second floor, you began to be able to fill in the blanks about who and what you were and your bigger purpose within it all? As your reality changes, you totally change self-identification. You go from limitation to expansion.

When your purpose changes, you change

What about the reality of purpose? The third dimension has been very occupied with "dealing and coping." With earning and learning how to get ahead and stay there. Maybe some begin to experience more of trying to save and heal everyone, including the planet. Maybe they even take credit for doing so. Well, what happens when the planet is "saved" and everyone goes up to the new level? Won’t the reality shift a lot? The reality will shift to the actual work of co-creating the New Earth in all of its new Light structures. This focus will change everything. What you focus on you bring into focus. What you focus on you bring closer to you. When your purpose changes, you change.

Even the way people measure reality is changing and will dramatically change. The status quo has been that something is only real if you have experienced it. ETs are not real: I have not seen one face to face. This perception has put up many veils on the Earth to new experiences or to ET contact. The traditional and common denominator experience on Earth has been, even in spiritual circles, that everything is a lesson and if you work hard you will get there. You will know if if you experience it. As people became more subtle and more adept at feeling energy, this perception morphed after a while into "reality is what I can feel or sense about what is there." Maybe the person says, "I have not seen an ET in person, but I have sensed them in meditation and I have had dreams that were more than dreams. I know some things, even if I cannot prove them. I sense there are fairies in the grass. I sense there are angels over my bed. I feel that God’s presence is there.

Finally, with more and more opening, it goes from sensing fairies in the grass to seeing their colors and beginning to interact with them face to face. Angels maybe are seen standing over the bed, handing you light balls. You begin to talk to God and God speaks back to you. It all goes to a different level. And then that becomes the "norm."

Reality does not have a capital R

As the reality transition takes root, one begins to realize that there is no one reality. Reality does not have a capital R. Someone lives in one reality and someone else lives in another reality. Someone sees portals on the ceiling in their bedroom and someone else sees paint. One begins to see that their beliefs color their reality. They begin to interact with things as if they are real in order to perceive them. People have gone from total focus on what is wrong with themselves to what’s wrong with the world, everyone else, and the 3D. Some people have even hated the third dimension, even though it is part of the Creation. Then others have stepped up their vibration, but maybe they still focus on what is not right in their human body on the earth at this time. Then maybe they finally arrive at knowledge that they are a composite of many bodies in many levels of Creation. They may realize that what is real is that here I am in a matter-based body and I am not in the understanding and the higher frequencies that the other parts of me are in. This is only one part of my wholeness and another part of my wholeness knows more.

You are a Wholeness. So what is Reality anyway?

They may discover, as I have, that many things go on at the same time in Reality. That you may be living as an angel in an angelic world and have a very high sense of things and also be living as a human in a human world and have a different sense of things. You are a wholeness. So what is reality anyway? Whose reality? Who is the one talking? Who is the one being real? What is real when there are many levels and qualities that make up the wholeness? And many levels to you that make up your wholeness?

When Earth goes up to the higher level, all of this will change

Reality is huge. And we are in a reality transition. That is huge.

When Earth goes up to the higher level, all of this will change. It is good to consider all of this and open up the mind now to the possibilities. It is like throwing up a handful of sand and it all comes down in a different pattern. The reality is totally changing. I have no idea how it is going to totally be. But the part of me that lives on the second floor has a better idea. Still, there is a uniqueness to the creation of this New Earth, so I will still be surprised. But then again perhaps there is a part of me that I cannot access now that actually is drawing up the blueprint for it now. See what I mean? Everything is so huge. Reality is huge. And we are in a reality transition. That is huge.

Could it be really beneficial if we began to say, "I Love you" to the things of our present world during this, our transition?

Have you held hands with a blade of grass lately?

When a person consciously enters transition from living in a physical body, they often begin to say goodbye to people. I feel like we, as a planetary population, are in that interim period NOW, when it might be a really good idea to begin to say goodbye. I do not mean it in a sad way. When someone loves someone and they say goodbye, what they are really saying is "I love you. I will love you eternally. I will always be with you. I appreciate you. I am not really going away. Love is forever." That’s what they mean, when they are very conscious. Victoria meant that. Could it be really beneficial if we began to say, "I Love you" to the things of our present world during this, our transition? What do you love? Have you interacted with a cloud lately? Have you smelled a rose or a gardenia lately? Have you held hands with a blade of grass lately? Have you heard the outrageous sound of the bird in the tree outside your window who has been singing at the top of his lungs for you to hear for how long now? Have you felt the green of the grass? The blue of the sky? The light yellow of the quality of our Sun? Have you let a tree support you and give you light? What have you wanted to taste lately? Have you let yourself have blueberry ice cream? Have you taken some of the restrictions off, the way that humans limit themselves? Have you allowed yourself to stay longer at the fair? To linger at the beach? To be late or to be early? To dance all night? To try something you have never tried before?

What if you knew the transition to New Earth was in one year? Or maybe three? What would you do?

What if your world, as you know it, were really passing like a dream? It Is!

What if you were told that you had four days or four weeks to live? What if you knew the transition to New Earth was in one year? Or maybe three years? What would you do? What if you did not know how long you had but you knew you were in transition? You are! What if you could really help lighten up your world by stepping into the moment and going deep within inside of yourself, pulling out your Light, putting on your love and remaining there, in the moment, loving everyone and everything. Saying farewell through love, since you are in transition? What if your world, as you know it, were really passing like a dream? It is! It really is.

9/11 did not change your world. That was only a tiny part of changing the awareness of the population. Your world was changing because it was already in Transition Mode. That’s why it was never going to be the same. What could you yet give to it? What could you yet receive from it? What could you yet perceive from it? What could you yet carry from it to the New World? How will you best remember it? How can we thank Mother Earth for the chance that we have had, living here? The opportunities for so much expansion that we took. The privilege of being able to bring awareness to a galaxy and a universe? What if there is something about the humans on Earth that will really surprise us once we find out what it is? That we are very special in that we have been able to incarnate on such a diverse planet. Could it be that it will be written someday in the real books, that

"yes, the people living on Planet Earth at that time were so steeped in separation and duality and control and illusion – and Still they went up a world. The heart still opened. Their awareness still opened. They were lifted by the higher frequencies. They began to understand. They seized the moment and went for harmony. They chose love after all they had been through. They allowed their reality to change and they helped change the reality everywhere, because it is all connected….and they soon came closer and closer to knowing who they were and why they ever came in the first place. And they lived happily ever after…for in the harmony of understanding and Oneness and the peace that comes with the higher frequencies, there is true happiness; a New Day….?

Maybe logic enters and you think, oh, we have until 2012. All the studies prove that. All the books say that. The prophecies tell us so. It is not written in stone. Everything is very much speeded up. I can watch energy pass over the walls now. The walls are being washed in colors now. Nothing looks solid to me now. Energy is always moving. Many kingdoms are standing in the garden now, where once I did not see them. My feet feel electrical now. My thinking has changed. My chakras are not in the same place. We are going through massive metamorphosis. What if we started to live in moments? Really live in moments? What if living in a moment became the only moment that really felt real? Wouldn’t it be two years really soon? Wouldn’t it be three years really soon? What if it is going to be nine years? So what? I don’t think it is, but what if it is? We would have loved clouds even more deeply. We would have understood even more before we shifted totally. We would have loved more, healed more, and learned more about the Truth? Either way it will happen. The transition of reality could be very enjoyable and fulfilling, even as the reality transitioning will most certainly be. What if things are moving way faster than we have been told? What do you really know? How sure are you? How long do you have? How long does the Earth have? What is time anyway?

When people are in Transition, certain things lose their meanings.

When people are in transition, certain things lose their meanings. What is losing its meaning to you? Do you feel a bit dis-engaged from things? That is part of it. What could we let go of? Maybe limited thinking. Maybe doubting. Maybe judgments. Maybe assumptions. Maybe we are thinking about living out this reality by telling the Truth, the Whole Truth, and nothing but the Truth, as best we can? Maybe that way we will really find the Truth and the truth of Wholeness. Maybe while dropping certain beliefs there will be more time to become enlightened. Without beliefs like dust in the wind, we will be able to perceive more light. More light will come out from us?

Sometimes people ask me how these things will come to change? I say, "it is already doing it! Change changes the changes." The changes are coming from inside the Earth, outside of the Earth, inside of you, outside of you – from all angles. Basically it is part of a Divine Plan and will not be stopped. Since everything is energy and the chakras, the energy centers, are changing, the chakras in their new formulations will change you. When they open up your awareness and recircuit your connections to life, the you that you are now, will change. That is just one way. The frequency of the Earth under your feet, your carpet will change you. Energy changes energy. And Mother Earth is triggering a chain reaction. The New Children are doing their parts. The ones with different DNA are triggering your DNA. Changes in DNA change consciousness and vice versa. Your universe is downloading. Some people are beginning to feel so different they think that they are walk-ins. Some are. But most are not. Many are experiencing dimensional descensions – parts of their other selves, living in other frequencies, qualities and places in the Universe - coming in to join with the part on Earth. Some people are even having the experience of a part of them here in the physical Earth splitting off to work with the New Earth. They are split, not only living in different dimensions and qualities out there in the Universe, simultaneously, but also the part of them in a human Earth body is in both Old Earth and New Earth simultaneously. Living in both experiences can make a person feel a little strange. A little detached. I am talking from experience. The wisdom gates are thrown wide open now inside of us you even as your cells are adapting to the new frequencies. Your wisdom will change also. What you thought was so wise and so all-knowing will soon be seen as a small part of what you know. It will humble you and move you forward. Your spiritual amnesia which you have hated for so long was one of the things that is your greatest glory. Because you have found your way to here, even without your memories being intact.

What else will change? Our perception of love will totally change. We are moving toward the possibility of experiencing true love, a love that is more compassion-based and much much more harmonious. Whereas opposites have attracted for a long time (or so it is said) on Old/Current Earth, we are moving toward fulfilling the law that Like Attracts Like. Our current relationships are learning tools for understanding relationships in limited consciousness. Soon we will be able to transcend difficulty in relationships and begin to experience so much more harmony. We will be living in a world that understands that feelings and emotions are sacred. It will be a world that is in harmony with itself, so that the relationships will be in more harmony. I have often felt that relationships on Current/Old Earth have been about practicing for the sacred. About practicing how to be in relationship with God and the Higher Self. Relationships have always mirrored back ourselves to us and I was certain that we were meant to be first be in a relationship with our True Self and Our Creator. The loves in our life provided us with grand mirrors in which to see ourselves interacting with others and refine ourselves and come closer and closer to the Truth of Love. It was hard for relationships because the compassion indicator was not at the highest level here. When people are complete within themselves, then they bring a balance and a harmony to all relationships. Loving someone will not be an excuse not to love self. Relationships will no longer be an attempt to fulfill oneself or to make what is empty, full. Love without agenda, without expectation, and without duality is beginning to come into view. When there is the possibility of knowing the true self, there is the possibility of loving oneself, which opens the door to be able to love any other. We all have the Divine spark within.

When everything that you thought you were and every way you thought things would be turns out to not be true or real or the way it is, it can feel strangely sad.

Yes there is a certain sadness that can be felt during the transition. Like a part of you is dying. Like something familiar is moving rapidly away from you. Every time I have ever moved out of a city, before I moved, even though I wanted to move, there was always a strange feeling of emptiness at the idea of leaving. It comes with the territory of living on a planet such as Earth has been. When everything that you thought you were and every way you thought things would be turns out to not be true or real or the way it is, it can feel strangely sad. It is like who you thought you were and what you thought everything meant is disappearing. Forgive yourself and do not worry about this. Change is not always easy. Humans have learned to resist it. People do get set in their ways on this planet. Be gentle with yourself. If you feel the strange sadness, just be with it. Feel it and understand it. Then you can counsel others who go through it. It will pass. Relationships come into focus in a different way. So do jobs. Even your body and its well-being might seem dubious for a while. It is all right. Everyone who has ever transitioned from a third dimensional existence may have felt something vaguely like this. Planet Earth is also very unique. Understand that some people take the changes in stride and others might fight to maintain their identities. Maybe your government leaders are fighting to maintain their positions, and their identities and their belief systems. But it will change anyway. The darkness on Planet Earth is trying to hold on to itself, perhaps. The control is. Maybe you call it duality holding on. Whatever you call it, it is still going to shift and change and go up in frequency. Everything is. So try to understand everything as the screens of life show us the many reactions. We are learning so much about life.

The New Thinking is about thinking with feelings

Time continues to feel like it is on fast forward. Clocks continue to look like Salvadore Dali paintings, just dripping off the table onto the floor, making little sense. The frequency of the Earth is rising measurably. More light is coming into the body. The frequencies continue to hit us and create times when we have digestive problems, under-construction headaches, pains in the muscles and joints, dry skin, itchy skin, flu-like symptoms and other symptoms of the physical changes of transition. Sometimes it feels like my cells are screaming. Sometimes I have to eat some crackers in the middle of the night, just to give my body something else to do. It always passes. Our brains are functioning differently. People are awakening, sometimes without a clue as to what has happened. We are starting to sense that feelings are a lot more important than we have been taught. The New Thinking is about thinking with feelings. We have heard about seeing with the eyes of the Heart. There is also thinking with the wisdom of the Heart. There is a place for the logic, and there is a place for the analysis. But, the wisdom doesn't come from the brain. It comes from a deeper well.

Everyone is mutating; even your next door neighbor.

Some of the memories of our true Self are coming in, through dreams or just clairsentience, whether it makes sense or not. Everyone is mutating; even your next door neighbor. Earth changes create physical changes in our bodies. Our guides have stepped closer and will continue to do so. They speak softly to us now, so do not expect them to yell. They want us to trust them so that we will listen to what they have to say. They understand what we are going through. Could it be that we need the new chakra system that is coming together for us; it makes us function differently and prepares us for the connections that we need to the totality of everything. Could it be that we need new immune systems, that our current bodies don’t really absorb and balance and work totally good any longer as we traverse between the old energy system and the new one. Maybe that is why some of us do not absorb enough through our foods. Can’t assimilate like we once did. Sometimes our body systems become overloaded. Could it be that that is the reason you seem to need more rest? There are intense changes in the bodies. So hold on and trust in the process. It won’t be for very much longer. Your bodies are like transmitters. Sometimes the intensity of electromagnetic energy around me affects me to such a degree that certain systems that have always worked, have trouble smoothly working in me. Maybe you have experienced this also. It is not about age. Or illness.

It is time to stop asking, "What’s wrong with me?" You’re in transition.

Changes in your surroundings, in the fields of energy around us are affecting our physical bodies. Energy realignments are also affecting our emotional bodies and our mental bodies. You might forget your own name for a minute! Every man, woman and child is being affected. Every dog, cat, horse, bear, plant, rock, mineral and tree is being affected. Sometimes they will offer you understanding; sometimes you can offer them understanding. What I do when my emotional body is hit with one of the snowballs, as I call it, is I ride it out. I just feel it. If we don’t fight it and just feel it, and sit with it, perhaps sitting on the Earth at that time, it will pass swiftly. In seconds or minutes. Mother Earth will absorb it. The angels will comfort you. It is time to stop asking, "What’s wrong with me?" You’re in transition. Watch how your own life changes, and greet it with joy. Witness your own attitudes changing and your altitude at the same time. You are being elevated just by being here with all the frequencies that are raising the Earth. The more you contribute, the better you will feel. The more we give the more we will receive. Sit it out. Find a flower to enhance.

Could it be that you have a family in an extraterrestrial world or an angelic communtiy and a different job that you go to that you really like?

I know that as we straddle the old with the new, many people are caught up in having to go to jobs that they are not resonating with. It is all temporary. See if you can find solace in that. I understand that the old ways and the old systems can feel very "unreal." Learn from them for as long as they are there. They are also your teachers. And it won’t be that long before that, too, changes. Even though we stand on the precipice of New Earth, we are still teetering between the worlds. Balancing the Old energy and the New Energy. We can be still holding on to Old Earth and reaching in to New Earth simultaneously. But you know what? It is also a good teaching. For everything IS simultaneous. Time is not a straight line. Even within the challenge of it all, there is a lot to learn about linearity and how things really work. The truth is we have other existences in Creation and they all go on simultaneously. Could it be that you have a family in an extraterrestrial world and a different job that you go to that you really like? Or in an angelic community? I think that when you think that this is your only existence, it can put a lot of pressure on you. Your job here might be only one of your jobs if you think about it. Do your best. You’re in transition anyway. Even if you do land that super job you have always waited for, how long do you think you will work there? Everything is changing.

Models of Reality have taken us to this point; many of them are best let go of

Give yourselves a break. You deserve it. Living in one reality was hard enough – since it was a lower density reality. But straddling realities can also be strange. It would assist if you could stop worrying about the past and just release it once and for all. Release some of your book knowledge also, because some things are changing a whole lot. Your DNA holds more pertinent information in a lot of cases! Many pictures of reality and models of reality have been used. But in a strong reality change, maybe you don’t need the models like you once did. What would you rather fly with, a model airplane or a real one? Well I guess it depends upon the destination. Models of reality have taken us to this point and many of them can be released at this time. They can hold you back. They are like seatbelts and can hold in your consciousness. Things are not as linear as they make it all out to be. Remember if you want to fly free you have to let go of many beliefs, opinions, models and pictures of reality being a certain way. It is changing. So let go of the rules that you strictly followed or you might not see your own big changes. Our perceptions continue to require major adjustments at this time. I call it New Thinking. Sometimes the extra-terrestrials say they needed to adjust our calendars. Some things changed. I feel that some deeply held convictions and perceptions have made "real’ certain "pictures of reality" and it is not really the way it really is. It’s like a sand caste; you can’t really live in there.

I believe we are approaching the Perfect Season

We cannot look to our governments for safety. We grow when we stop engaging on one level and stop feeling rage on one level. We can still be aware. We can’t look to our banks for safety. We need to always look to Spirit. We need to put Spirit first. To trust in a Higher Power and follow it with each breath we take. With every breath we take there is a Huge Huge Multitude who are watching us, ready to fill in our frequencies, and play with us. It’s good to remember that there are dimensions to everything and to every question. They are happy to reveal the mysteries at the right time. I know there is frustration and we want to remember everything. Sometimes it can feel terrible, not knowing. But knowledge is responsibility and it has a frequency. As they tell me constantly, "One step at a time, Wistancia." There is a timing to opening up a flower and it is different for each flower in the garden. All of them bloom however at the perfect season. I believe we are approaching the Perfect Season.

Could it be that

Once upon a time you, in your human form,

or a family member who may have influenced you wondered if there was intelligence beyond Earth. Wondered if you/they were alone. They stepped outside to the starry sky and wondered if you/they were the only ones?

Take that question to the next level.

Could it be that your body is not the only body with life in it that you have? Could it be that you really are multidimensional and that you have more intelligence beyond Earth? That you will soon find out the extent of your selves? Humanity is not the only level with life on it. There’s a big house with many floors; it is a mansion world. Could it be that Humanity only lives on the first floor?

I hope that you feel the hope that is really in the air now, as we stand on the Precipice of The New Earth, of a Reality Transition, and watch the embers of the Old Energies dying out, flickering yes and shooting out, yes, but dying nonetheless, as our planet resolves itself and revolves itself Very Fast Forward. All will be fine. These things, all of them, are like dreams passing, clouds passing in the sky. Their placement is changing and shifting very fast now. First a cloud looks like a rabbit, then a swan. If you wait, it will change. Just relax in the grass and look up! The way children do! We are standing on the Precipice of the New Earth, documenting change during a dramatic transition. What could be better? The State of Our Union is such that we are coming more into Union with The Divine, within us and all around us. More into union with who we are and what we are. In fact, it could be that the whole Universe is coming more into Unity, Harmony and Oneness, even as we are. Just addressing it raises our frequency
