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Full Moon Addendum To Celestial Timing

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p>Happy first Full Moon of 2003! I am feeling inspired to send an additional Celestial Timing Cancer Full Moon message as the Moon is rising fullest tonight. For those in MST and PST time zones this Full Moon is exact in the very early morning hours tomorrow. By Saturday night the 18th the Moon will already be waning slightly. It is also interesting to note this This Full Moon is taking place just about three degrees outside of the Sacred Hoop (for details on the Sacred Hoop see the website section called Daniel's Diary or use this link near the fixed stars Castor, Pollux and Procyon...all three of these stars mark the outer ring of the Hoop.

This Full Moon is illuminating our awareness around the importance of nurturing our relationship within the Sacred Hoop of life, the inner and outer hoop. Here some questions worth pondering. Is the fullest expression of our own inner Sacred Hoop being honored and celebrated? Are we accepting and embracing each aspect of the Sacred Hoop of life and the teaching or wisdom that each point of the circle contributes even when it doesn't look like what we expect? In what ways can we be conscious participants in the ongoing ever evolving mending of the Sacred Hoop inner and outer?

Also occuring in this Full Moon window is the conjunction of Venus (10 Sagittarius today and 11 Sagittarius tomorrow) with the Fixed Star Antares, heart of the Scorpion and one of the four royal stars, watcher of the West. According to Bernatdette Brady’s book on The Fixed Stars, all four of the royal stars (including Regulus, Aldebaran, and Fomalhaut) are linked with their own unique teachings, special powers and successes when we are able to meet their challenges as part of the heroic journey of life. Antares is also associated with archangel Uriel guardian of the mysteries of peace and inspiration. Uriel means “Flame of God” or “Fire of God” in Hebrew and personifies the divine flame that originates from universal mind. This is the fire of creation as spirit descends into density and form. Uriel as Patron of Ecology is also described thus: "S/he is the keeper of the mysteries which are deep within the planet, underground and in the hidden depths of the living world." [Archangel Uriel, Patron of Ecology] Connecting with the spirit of the land and the living expression of the great mystery is another feature worth considering in this Full Moon window. Also in these tense times on the seeming verge of another war attuning to the energies of Peace and Inspiration with the help of the Star Being Antares we have an opportunity to consciously direct and amplify the energies of peace in our own consciousness and thus affect the collective consciousness especially when there are enough people united in this vision.

In honor of this Full Moon, the Sacred Hoop of life, the mysteries of Earth and Sky and a profound initiation I experienced at the last Full Moon, Dec 19, 2002 on the Isle of the Moon on Lake Titicaca near Bolivia and Peru I offer this writing as an expression of one possibility of how Sacred Union can occur.

Sacred Union With The Land In The Andes

Awakening In The Dream

By Carolyn Brent

How do I describe the experience of a journey that occurred inside the dream of a reality so profound and so far reaching it is beyond the limits of any language I know? What I can say is the land dreamed me. This Andean land of the ancient civilizations that existed long before any recorded history we have is alive and waiting for us to remember our place within the dream. There are so many levels and layers of ongoing symbols and points of power built into these ancient sacred sites that we can only begin to guess at how these people actually lived and what they experienced in their conscious relationship to the land and to all life. They were attuned to the essence of the mountains and valleys, to the plants and animals, and all the natural forces including astronomical and cosmological alignments. They designed and built these structures in harmony with the land and the sky to enhance their relationship with the power, potency and magic of the natural world. Many of the details are still actively present in these sites, many are yet to be remembered. I felt the land remembering me and I felt myself remembering the land in a place beyond mental concepts and words.

I felt the intention, I felt the connection, I felt the mystery of these places still breathing in the land waiting to be remembered. I felt the land claim me and activate within my body, within my cells, within my blood, within my bones, and within my very breath. I began to realize I was not just a respectful and fascinated visitor. The process accelerated when I engaged the plant spirit San Pedro through ceremony first at Wyna Wina near Machu Picchu and then again on the Isle of the Moon on lake Titicaca. My only intent for this journey was simply to be present to the energy, ready to experience what was mine. I felt excitement in my body as the life force of the land was activating me and recognizing me; and because I was open, receptive and willing it then infused itself more fully and completely into the depths of my being. I can still feel it inside my body and if I shift my attention just a little I can feel the blurring of the lines of our space/time reality. It is a softening, a blending, an infusion of spirit into matter, a place of acceptance, where the spirit of the land claims me as witness to its magic and mystery. I felt loved by the land and by the people in ways that I have never experienced before. I was welcomed and embraced, taken care of and kept safe even in the wildness of the thunder, lightning, wind and rain that surrounded us as we climbed to the other side of the Isle of the Moon. I knew I was safe, and I knew I was being initiated into something I couldn’t explain or understand with my rational mind.

Even now, back at home in the Northern Hemisphere, I feel I know this land, I know these mysteries and yet I have no words to describe them. I can feel them, witness them, value them, and love them as a part of myself. That is all that is necessary.

My first morning home I woke up with visions of the megalithic stone structures of Machu Picchu, Ollantaytambo, Sacsayhuaman, Aramu Muru, Tiwanaku, Cutimbo, Sillustani, and many other places. I felt them breathing inside of me and I heard a voice that said “the land wants me, the land is inside me, the land is me”. The land, the stones, the mysteries want to live inside of me, breathe me and express through me. I feel the movement of light, of life, of knowing beyond ordinary knowing, of being beyond ordinary being, of shifting beyond what is accepted as reality. I have awakened inside the dream of the land and the land is dreaming me.

It is an amazing feeling – “the land wants me, the land is dreaming me, the land has claimed me”. Is this how the ancient people felt? Did they feel the passion of the land move in their blood, in their bones, in their very life expression in ways that inspired them to build these sites, these places as expression of that passion, of that intensity of love and knowing that it is all so interconnected? The stones, the animals, the plants, the cycles, and seasons, the astronomical calendars, are all so alive in these places they built as living expressions of a full knowledge of their interrelatedness to all life, above and below, within and without. Where they lived, how they lived, what they lived was a conscious relationship, a passionate, alive conscious relationship in a co-creative dream with the All of life, with the fullness and joy of life. It is vibrating in every cell of my being, spinning and swirling through my mind, pulsing and pounding in my heart and in my blood, breathing itself alive through me.

How do I continue to stay present and attentive to these mysteries in ways that are most beneficial and supportive? How can I live a healthier, more conscious and fully present relationship with the Earth, with the land, with the spirits and with life? How can I be a conscious dreamer in equal partnership with the dream? How can I deepen my connection with the Earth, meet her as an equal partner, building new mystery schools in concert with the land and the fulfillment of the dream? How can I do this while also expressing new ways, creating new forms and new shapes that exist in harmony and balance with one another? How can I draw upon the wisdom of our ancestors, of their lives, and what they have left behind as witness to the mysteries they lived? How can I experience the wisdom of their life journeys in ways that support the current unfolding expressions of the Great Mystery? How can I be a conscious expression of the dream as it is manifesting now? These are the questions that I am living and that are living through me. What I do know right now is the miracle of how I love the land and the land loves me, and I know that is all that is necessary.

Here is some info about a piece of property for sale in Peru. This property is definitely worth checking out if you have a desire to own and consciously steward sacred land in South America . I have seen the pictures and the land is truly inspiring.

"Dear Carolyn, I am so pleased you had such a profound experience in Peru. It is a wonderful country with lots of mystery. As I wrote to you earlier, I have 2.5 acres of land about an hour from Cuzco, on the way to Machu Picchu. Unfortunately I need to sell this since family commitments need to keep me close to my native Australia. If you know of anyone who may be interested to purchase this land, please ask them to drop me a line and I'll send them some photos and other info. Hope you get back there soon. Thanks again, Norm.

Carolyn Brent


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