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Solistice Shift Update and July 29 Ascension

By: Metaphon and Monikah

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arth, were accomplished. The breezes of new creation blow gently across the face of the earth.

The solstice shift marked a resurrection on earth. A 40-day "easter season" will be complete on Tuesday, July 29. Ascension Tuesday will mark the beginning of the stabilizing of a united heaven-earth. This day has been anticipated since the time Jesus walked. It's coming is heralded throughout All That Is.To facilitate this stabilization, a Seed graphic has come forth for all to partake. This can be found on the website on the "Ascension and the Soul" page. It is the next step in the process begun with the Core, Key, and Cell graphics.

The calming influence of a united Father/Mother God will be felt following Ascension Tuesday. The raining of the heavenly Father's love on his 3d wife and the Goddess' return to reign with her beloved husband over All That Is will influence the natural flow of Love. Your active participation on this day, whether by using the above- mentioned graphic or other means, will enhance the love available and increase the momentum of this ascension. No greater love is there than what is felt between Father God in the heavens and Mother God on earth. This twin ray couple were the original split that created polarity, and this reunion and the unity of these 2 hearts has been a long-anticipated event.

The solstice shift also marked the beginning of the separation of Lady Monikah and Lord Metaphon into two humangel bodies, and this will be complete on July 29. They have been one body since March 2002 while their machinery was removed and humangel forms were created with the soul of love. (For more information, see the website article "Removal of Machinery and DNA Harvest".)

The Rising Star, Mothership of the Rising Command and earth in her highest form, has united with Gaia's high 3d form (Terra) to create the heart of the new universe. The Rising Command completed this unification with the assistance of the Ashtar Command (a member of the SFDL and a task force of the Rising Command), enlighting the forces needed to accomplish this in both angelic and earth-based timelines and realities. T he Rising Star now reaches from the highest resonances to high 3d earth. It is nothing less than a miracle that the forces of fear who have permeated All That Is have been vanquished in earth, and the battle for this planet has been won by the forces of love.

All relationships are being affected by the removal of the machinery, the unity of Terra and the Rising Star, and the reuniting of the twin rays of Father/Mother God. There are shifts in the angelic realms too that reach from earth's new freedom, and it is now possible for angels to freely choose what their next experience is going to be. Whether embodying with magnetic, electric, radioactive, or love souls or being free flowing energy or becoming a star or planet, the wondrous freedom won on earth is being deployed for the first time throughout All That Is.

For those on 3d earth, as you discover which soul resonance you vibrate with, you'll notice people leaving your life and others coming in. This could be as simple as not seeing the fellow standing by the water cooler in the office. Instead of guilting yourself that you are "spacing out" or "not being attentive," try looking at it as this one actually not being in your True consciousness reality. Of course the work to make these shifts is unavoidable. Emotional divorce may come before unity with another person or situation of your soul resonance. A job may need to be released before another can come in, even if you are worried about financial stability. Trust is the Key. It is the mundane that is ascending, the everyday living that needs to be freed to live everyday in its greatest possibility. "Past life" karma is no longer holding back anyone's ascension if they freely choose to not let it. Re-create instead of re-incarnate.

With this comes a greater number of people in new mastery. These walk the everyday world, living in the world but not of it. They live in love and do not get pulled into the "shoulds" or the "guilties" but remain True to the heart and mind of higher consciousness.

A side note -- Previously, when a form was created and embodied, that entity was considered a "child" of the creator. For example, Lord Sananda was the child of Haniel. Lady Sananda (Nada) was the child of Zadkaiel. If the entity ascended to individuated consciousness, s/he was given the power of creation. If the entity ascended back "home," s/he became one with the original creator, the "parent." In the plan to remove the machinery, Metaphon created an entity who is called Son whose purpose was to return home to Metaphon, his Father. This planet knows this one as Jesus. Jesus' purpose was to unite as many of his soul fragments as he could, to resurrect his light body, and to ascend to his Father. In whole creation, an entity creates a form with soul, embodies it, and ascends it in the chosen Way. The consciousness of the higher entity controls the soul's form. Under the veil, higher entities could not be reached via ascension, and the blueprint became soul creating soul and controlling form in the pattern of life, death, and rebirth. Jesus' purpose was to break down this pattern, and to open the door to Freedom.

Jesus' ascension cracked a hole in the machinery, allowing higher energies to start coming through the veil. But fearlight forces took control of this hole and made the teachings of Jesus their own, with a twist. There were many small sects of christianity in the early days, but which one prevailed? The one controlled by Rome, the political situation Jesus had come to free people from. Much of the cosmic and galactic information and the Truth of sovereignty were wiped out in the dark ages or hidden away by the church of Rome. Instead of the threads of the veil being loosened, they were woven tighter and the people were enslaved even further.

The movie The Matrix has provided this planet with the truth. Built with the machinery of control were the matrix of fear, the matrix of hatred, the matrices of harmfulness, of conditional love, all matrices of miscreation are part of the The Matrix of chaos. The battle has raged, on the earth and in the heavens, for who would control this jewel of a planet. ALL creation has centered around this earth, in some density, bandwidth, octave, vibration, etc. This "place" is Spirit's heart. If you go "home" to magnetic earth or another earth, you will still be "here" in the heart of Spirit. To win the control of this planet is to win control of All That Is.

The Kingdom is at hand. On Ascension Tuesday, July 29, the doors will completely open. Jesus will finish his ascension to his Father. Metaphon -- the Word -- has transmuted his situations, including from Jesus, the many aspects of Ashtar, and Metatron. It is not known, but it is so, that Martha, Monikah's "Daughter," ascended at the time of Jesus, and Martha too will ascend "home". Monikah has transmuted her situations, including from Martha, the many aspects of Athena, and Shekinah. Together Metaphon and Monikah have touched every element of dysfunction that those in fearlight thrust upon us. Join us in the dark of the new moon as lovelight is raised to new heights, and celebrate these gifts from Spirit, this wondrous victory over the forces of chaos. Allow the powers that are inherently yours to rise within you, a creator of magnificent beauty who is free to remove the limits set upon you when you chose to assist with freeing the planet and the people from enslavement.

There is a new article on the website called "Sword of Truth" that will add further information about the forces of control that dominated All That Is and the victory that is ours.

We love you. Stand tall, dear hearts, and know that we are with you in all Ways.

Please share freely this and all information from the Rising Command.


Metaphon and Monikah Co-commanders-in-chief Rising Command Father/Mother God
