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Birthing A New Reality

By Mark Stearn

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to cleanse its form we are being prepared all the time for our transition to the new planet.

With each day that passes we are moving more into a state of deep flux in our beings. Old energies are continually coming to the surface for release all the time and this is a time of deep emotional processing for one and all. Everyone is experiencing it at some level. It is the final clean out to prepare our light bodies, to clear out our light channels for us to recognise once more through pure experience all that we are as pure energy. We are the energy of consciousness becoming as children once more, regaining our innocence and learning to move with the wisdom of our divine plans.

There is deep movement within the earth all the time. Old, old energies coming to the surface for the final cleanse, the planet really is doing the final spring clean now. Time to me feels short. The changes that are coming that we have been anticipating for years are almost here, in fact we have allready seen the beginnings of them. The mass consciousness really is waking up. World events will continue to happen at the speed of light, it is all about waking people up no matter what the event is.

The energy has stabilised at the centre of the earth. We have been working very hard at creating grids at the earth's centre to balance out the incredibly negative vibrations i have been sensing lately being processed through Motherearth's core. The very centre of the earth is in a deep state of flux. I can sense the shifting all the time and i can feel the effect of the new grids that have been placed there. The energy has calmed down some.

The Unviverse and the galaxy we inhabit is shifting all the time. We are in a constant process now of creating new portals and vortexes to the higher dimensions that are introducing new energies into our experience. This is the direct energy of source coming to these levels of vibration and creating the intensest shifting. It really is the time for letting everything go and moving unconditionally with the flow of our divine plans. Take the time to get more in touch with your own mighty IAM presence.

This is where all the wisdom lies that you seek. This is where all that you desire rests. The seat of your IAM presence is your conscious connection directly with the heart of the prime creator, the great central sun, the greatest source of love and wisdom one can envision and this can be accessed anytime in an instant. It doesnt even have to be in meditation, it can be at any time of the day. Learn to bridge your consciousness with this mighty flow. Allow this incredible consciousness to become apart of your awareness. Feel the two unite and become as one marvellous awareness and then you act rather than react.

This time is all about empowering yourself, moving into your own power and beginning to radiate and be the incredible spark of creation that you allready are. Move beyond the I and become creation and move mountains with your magnificence. It is a simple shift of the awareness and you can create the most wondrous and needed energies for this planet. The planet is in a great deal of pain at the moment and could really use your assistance. I have allready called in all the higher dimensions to create new energy structures all throughout the earth to assist Mother in her painful shifting.

This has allready assisted. All is appreciated and all it takes is a simple shift of your awareness to stimulate divine energy into action. Spirit can only act with your invitation so begin now and really make the intent that you are willing to change the earth and all on it through the mighty IAM presence that you are one with whatever your unique talent or field of expertise is.

You may be a healer, you may be an empath, you may be one that is innately interconnected with the earth and experiences the planet's shifting on a deep level. It matters not. Unlock your potential now, access the higher dimensions, the ascended masters and angels and move heaven and earth now. We are all more than capable of this. I have found through earthwork in the past five years just how effective i can be and the earth shifts that have begun from my moving my awareness and petitioning the higher dimensions for assistance in our ongoing shifting.

Heaven really does listen. On such a practical and down to earth level we can really make the changes, the major ones that sometimes we only read about. It was when i begun the earthwork that i realised just how effective i could be. So begin today!!!

In love and sincere blessings, IAM Mark.

The Earthwork shift reports come directly from the heart of my IAM presence which is the combined presence and energy of all the Ascended Masters and Angels and all aspects of Spirit and the Great Central Sun that are assisting me in the work that I do.
