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About Our New Chakras

By Wistancia

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e walk about and live upon the surface of our planet, the frequency of the soil is rising and affecting everything on our planet. When the soil frequency rises sharply, many changes occur in people, animals and planets.

One of the changes has a relation to the changes in our chakras, or energy centers. As the Earth goes up in vibration, our chakras are also going up in vibration and they move toward the rising Earth energy, so our chakras are moving down. To meet the Earth. Things alike in energy are drawn together. Our chakras are drawn down through our body to reach the new frequency of the Earth, which is rising so much at this time.

A good way to think about this is that all the higher chakras that are above, came down. What they stood for as chakras also goes with them, as they move. The Frequency of the Old Crown Chakra is Drawn Downward, because the Energy of the Earth is HIGHER now. The Earth radiates out also, of course, and is being drawn out to the Universe.

Remember how the Solar Plexus stood for Power + Will + Strength? So now with the Old Crown is moving to the Solar Plexus position, so that what we radiate out will be a STRONG SPIRITUALITY. So what is coming is: Power in spirituality.

Remember how the Old 3rd Eye chakra stood for Seeing? It is moving to the Solar Plexus so that Power is within our Spiritual Seeing. So what is coming is: Power in seeing.

Remember how the old Throat Chakra stood for Expression? So now there will be more Power in Expression.

They are changing more than their positions. They are also changing in size and correspondence to the Universe. For instance, the Heart Chakra is becoming a lot bigger. The third eye chakra is becoming a lot bigger and so it the crown chakra. These higher chakras that are moving down, as explained, are replaced from even higher energy centers. What has really changed is the FEELING of Spirituality. That means we are going to be strong and we are going to be a part of the Universe and a part of Mother Earth.

The ones that were below the base chakra are coming up:

There will be a New knee chakra and a New under feet chakra

Here is a description of the New Chakras:

Bear in mind that this is not complete in everyone yet.

New Ones:

Crown Chakra: brings in a totally different Frequency, when it is totally open; unexplainable color

3rd Eye Chakra: Stronger, so we Shine Out and Receive in a different way. Connects with Central Sun. Pulsating color.

2 Throat Chakras: Give an opportunity to speak in Two Levels:

(Spiritual level and usual level)

(blue, violet, whites + gold apricot)

2 Thymus Chakras: now 2 of them. Giving Out and Clearing People. (pink white + mother of pearl)

The New Heart Chakra : higher love purity. It takes Heaven and Earth meeting inside of us. It bridges Heaven and Earth. New Heart chakra: now is what was higher than the heart chakra. This chakra is connecting us with Heaven, with the Universe and with Mother Earth. This chakra will stand forward a little.

(white gold and green gold)

New 3 Solar Plexus Chakras: has the above energies. Intuition, strength of love, power of expression, power of Spirituality)

(violet, indigo, light blue)

2 New Stomach Chakras: feelings for environment, and New Earth; compassion. The Heart Chakra and the Old Solar Plexus become the New Stomach Chakra. Feeling things, storing things, Love is Stored. Power to change and will to change.

(white gold or green gold, then shifts to White)

2 New Base Chakra: a new spiritual sexuality and warmth, new passion

(red and orange)

Knee Chakras: Connection with Mother Earth; grounding; Manifest in our body

(coffee brown)

Ankle Chakras: foundation in life


Sole Chakras: the True anchor to Mother Earth; creatures of Earth in contact with God); manifest Mother Earth

(metal black)

Hand Chakras:

(blue, violet, white)

Please note: The Process is Not Finished Yet!

Please note: There are sensations, pains, tingles in the chakras also.

The ailments and pain: The body will balance itself out, the knees, wrists, feet. Then the Pain will disappear immediately

Please note: This all started 2 years ago

Please note: This has not happened before

My understanding is that the human body is very very important at this time. The human form is like an antennae for making Heaven on Earth. We are standing between the downpour of the Universal frequencies that are pushing the whole thing and the uprising of the Earth frequencies, as our planet is moving into the New Earth. So our roles are very important. We are creating Heavenly Earth and we are doing it through our bodies.

The new chakras are making us the new portals. I laugh and say “Portals R us.” We are a portal.

This information on the New Chakras and the chart are from Channie Centara and we given out during one of the intensives.

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Allan Nichols

Site Design 2003

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By Channie Centara


Please bear in mind that the “dimensions” referred to in the New Chakra System are not the dimensions that many lightworkers refer to. These have to do with the Rooms of Existence or levels of existence in the Universe, going from 1-7. This system was given by Channie Centara.

New Chakra System

New Crown Chakra in contact with the 7th Dimension. The highest understandings. Beyond the energy of All there is and the Unity of Oneness. Unexplainable color.

New Third Eye Chakra in contact with 6th Dimension. Universal energy and the light of stars and Galaxy Hearts. Connects with the Great Central Sun. Energy of Light Beings. Pulsating color spectrum.

New Highest Throat Chakra in contact with the 5th Dimension. Light above soil connecting with the Sun, Air and Heaven. The color is blue, violet and lights of white.

New Lower Throat Chakra in contact with the 5th Dimension. Divine Truth and our link to God. Connecting gold cord to our Spirit. Universal Knowledge energy. Our inner God feeling. The color is shimmering in gold apricot.

New Highest Thymus Chakra in contact in contact with the 5th Dimension. Etheric structure. Angelic level within our body. Purified etheric light in the color of white pink.

New Lower Thymus Chakra in contact in contact with the 5th Dimension. Diamond crystalline in structure and energy. Connecting silver cord to our Soul. Shimmering mother of pearl color.

New Heart Chakra in contact with the 4th Dimension. Represents the purity of White. The color is white-gold or spring green-gold before shifting to pure White.

New Highest, Middle and Lower Solar Plexus Chakra in contact with the 3rd Dimension. This chakra now stands for a spiritual link to higher spiritual strengths and for Higher Self connection within us. Stands also for our intuition. The colors are violet, indigo and light blue.

New Highest and Lower Stomach Chakra in contact with the 2nd Dimension. The chakra now stands for strength, compassion, and our new feelings for the new environment (the new dimension we are moving into). The colors are green and yellow.

New Highest and Lower Base Chakra in contact with the 1st Dimension. The chakra now stands for the new emotions, passions, spiritual sexuality. The colors are orange and red.

Knee Chakras represent our grounding and connection with Mother Earth. The color is coffee/brown.

Ankle Chakras represent the foundation in life. The color is brown/black.

Sole Chakras (under the feet) represent the true anchor to Mother Earth. Manifesting us in time and space as creatures of Earth in contact with God. The color is metal black.

In the hands, the Hand Chakras have the same colors as the Highest of the Throat Chakras.

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©Copyright 2003 Channie Centara All Rights Reserved

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